Mother's joining the military

How does Sup Forums feel about this? Are they abandoning their responsibilities as mothers?

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>Are they abandoning their responsibilities as mothers?


Yes but it's not surprising. These broads do anything possible to get away from their kids now.

I live next to a bunch of military bases, so I see all kinds of troops. Male soldiers are always hooked up with some civilian chick, but female soldiers are always lesbians, or single chicks that get passed around by their unit like a fuck toy. They literally never date civilians, unless their lesbians.

Just an observation.

>passed around by their unit like a fuck toy

She just wants to fuck a bunch of military guys without her husband finding out.


>the woman has kids before joining
Nigger enlisted women are fucking slags they get pregnant while they serve
Serve cocks amirite

Women don't belong in the military PERIOD.

Can confirm.

It's morally wrong.

This also

Women with children should not be allowed in combat roles. Women in general should not be in combat roles, but that's a different thread.

Women have proven to be more emotional under heavy stress and I don't want some slit thinking about her kids while my unit is being shot at and someone has a round in their chest.

>they're all lesbians
It's a little different than that. A sizable number of them end of fucking each other during basic. It's never really reported to their TI/ Drill Sergeants. However, if they get caught with a male, the male will get SARC'd/SHARP'd and he will get put on hold over status for months while they are investigated.

Outside of basic, they tend to be very flagrant about lesbian behavior with it never being discouraged.

Gonna go against the grain as someone who's been in and say no. With all the benefits, it'd probably be better for the kids, especially if she was a poor and/or single mother. Muh benefints are no fucking joke. (Assuming US)

>Friend joins the army
>Meet up with him when he's on leave
>Ask if they have chicks
>Says they do, but they're either dykes or sluts
>Ask him if he fugs them
>Says he doesn't :(

Story checks out at least.

the held military opinion, and policy is unless you ARE getting a 10+ month leave/light duty you will receive a "medical discharge," for being pregnant and you will owe the government for your failure to commit to service, usually the remainder of your service's pay or a transfer to another branch with a more hospitable environment.

so, YES.

>women need to serve in combat roles!
>kid spends formative years with Dad
>major influence in life is male

nice work

dad is forced to become trans?

>he thinks they stay together after she enlists
They don't. The kid usually ends up with her mom.

Umm the same applies to fathers.

I see them married to other male soldiers (always above their rank or in another branch), but I have never seen a female soldier fuck around with civilian guys. I work in the night clubs they go to, so I'd have noticed, maybe.

the problem isn't that they serve, it is that being a mother inclines to a pregnancy during service.

to do this, as far as I'm concerned, you must:
a) have your children before/after/interim of service.
b) expect the failure of your reproductive organs due to stress and plan accordingly.
c) have a super fucking loyal husband who is able to directly nurture the children and you will have the ability to see them for extended periods of time before they are 18.

Was never their place. Time with your kids should be invaluable.


Because what sane guy wants anything to do with a military skank? Or one in any traditionally male field. Always trying to prove something, always trying to fuck everything to get there.

Men are expendable though for obvious reasons.

>War is declared
>After the war there are 30 women and 1 man alive who are the last of their kind
>Between them they can have 30 children per year to keep their kind alive

>War is declared
>After the war there are 30 men and 1 woman alive who are the last of their kind
>Between them they can have 1 child per year to keep their kind alive

I know you're memeing, but for the people that think like you, protip: there's a reason all species protect the females and young first.
In case you still can't get it, in the above two scenarios which is more likely for the race/species/kind to continue and survive?

Its true, can confirm.

Encounter bi chicks and dykes in USAF pretty often.

I know lot's of bartenders that would love to use some of their benefits, lmao. We could get dependents ID's and bomb the wing stop on base. I dunno

no really.

paternal instinct is core to military operations, and much of military doctrine is driven to reflect this.

from my observation and studies:

men best* serve as combat, high-stress, and physically intensive jobs.

women best* serve as supportive, inspirational, and social-able roles.

the key word is best, which is not absolute.

based on this I wouldn't let women into strictly combat roles, but in roles that support combat roles directly (like an attache to a squad). and vise-versa I would focus men into stress heavy jobs as they will respond better.

both allow for vertical development, both allow for "combat roles" (combat promotions), and both allow for the best use of the human physiology of the sexs.

by bomb i mean "descend on to eat the wings" not blow it up, k thnx

Besides Paraguay and Germany after the thirty years war when has that happened? Hell after world war two most men still only had one wife.

Is she? Isn't she a bit old? Surely she should be at home teaching you how to use a fucking apostrophe?


Mistresses also became more common.

Good women are an important part of a good family. Take care of your kids.

Yes, the only work of the women is be mothers, if they fail in this all of us fail in all

>communists are narrow-minded.
Not surprising.

you want to increase birthrates?
draft all women for war, they will all get mysteriously pregnant the next week

