

>Oneesan is mine


It was a good show. What's there to discuss?

That was a surprisingly good show.

The cover art doesn't do it justice at all

Fuck that bitch. This made me so fucking mad.

New chapters never

is it one of the few shoujo manga that accepted by male audience?

Everybody can enjoy shoujo manga.

You're thinking of Akagami no Shirayuki-hime.

>female wish fulfillment manga
>accepted by males

Nee-san is good gurl

This wasn't in the anime right?
I really hope those two become a couple!

she better off with her emo brother

>female wish fulfillment manga

basically describe the shoujo genre, but sometimes it is not done overtly (i.e no reverse harem). The characters are good though with those long limbs and NECK

>Hapi Burthday to Yuk~~

>She can't get Takeo
>He can't get Takeo

It runs in the family it seems.

A harem series in disguise as shoujo?

I feel bad for her because she could not get Takeo.

I don't really like them as a couple.
I much prefer AixHayato



that name triggered me

They will end up together!
Just look at them!
