I posted a thread in /jp/ its not been deleted yet let's regroup there for now comrades!
Overlorrrrrd Religion
Evacuate here comrades!
Somebody tell nigel!
I like overlord but the community is cancerous, leave /jp/ alone.
You look like a huge shitposting faglord with your namefagging.
You'd better stick to sites like reddit.
The community has been largely harmless and keeps to its one thread, the mod is just asking for major trouble.
So since has both anime and manga who should I send a message to fire ret/a/rd mod?
We don't want to cause trouble to anyone.
is it a mod? perhaps an uppity giggly new janitor?
Whatever he is he surely has don't know a jackshit about the rules.
If the mods keeps this up then its bound to happen that multiply thread for overlrod will pop up...
At this point overlord fans are ready to nazerek when their most cherished peace is being disturbed!
Or you could ctrl F other words than "over" in the catalog. We already have a running thread here.
the thread I created in /jp/ is just a backup just incase the mods deletes this thread again
he is deleting again
Don't give up, fellow over - fag
just make more threads here
try and make everyone mad lol
Thanks for consirming how cancerous the Overlord fanbase is. Retards.
Nice try reddit.
What the balls is going on?
Looks like that one mod is targeting overlord threads, even a waifu thread. WHAT SAVAGERY.
Mods pls
Faggot mod went full retard and is now deleting every overlord related thread.
>teaching mods not to use their power tyrannically
Only Ainz-sama is the one righteous and just Tyrant of Tyrants, fucking quisling go lick your lesser masters heels and beg for a biscuit.
>exclamation marks
Are you fucking serious?
some mod is deleting overlord threads for no reason, he has already deleting 10 threads
Somebody in the /jp/ overlord thread is saying that overlord is Sup Forums's favorite light novel and is starting to delete threads related to overlord here on Sup Forums
I bet the Jew Press finally infiltrate this place.
A mod deleting anything LN related, both the Kawakami thread and the deathgod thread went 404.
I'm an Overlord fag myself but this is disturbing. We didn't have this kind of retardation last week.
Yeah, but why does the OP sound like a complete and utter faggot who found out about Sup Forums last week?
Even the Kawakami thread? I've never seen those deleted here.
I was about to side with you guys on this but you're starting to look pretty cancerous now with the namefagging and the reddit tier replies. If this thread was about something that I actually follow I'd be reporting it and the faggots in it instantly.
Hope Nigel finds this place
I don't follow overlord, but why don't you guys just start ghost posting in an archive like other LN series that have realized how stupid it is to keep a rolling general?
>every shitposter is a mod
fucking hell
Yep, it got 404'd.
Only recently started with this drama, once again proving the when Mods fuck around with shit they don't understand the break a perfectly functioning community.
This mod should read the precedent set hereThere is nowhere else on the sight that accepts LN threads, if this becomes the new rule it won't just outrage overlordfags, but every single fag on the board.
>volume 10 released
>jew press licensed this series
>mods keep deleting this threads.
I really hope Overlord threads don't fall to the level of Jojo, SnK or Tokyo Ghoul.
Prior the mod drama the discussion was flourishing, shit even the waifu wars which are bread and butter for every franchise at this point took a break.
Now we are worse off than ever before.
It's over. Reddit is here for the translation now.
Heck, even if no LN thread allowed Overlord has both anime and manga.
Even when LN threads wer still in questionable state the ones which had adaptations were been alowed here.
Don't worry user.
Volume 10 just got released so we have constant threads. After the translation and and some time, it will die soon.
Someone understands the problem. Nigel should post the updates on a blog, might make it more bearable.
Looks like the Thread will be alive, maybe he realise his mistake. Let's talk properly about Overlord so he has no reason at all to delete this Thread
Let's see if we can inject some discussion if the mod has finished doing it for free.
Has Ainz going to lose his humanity? He went from a guy who hesitated before killing some terrorizing mook to killing a 70'000 peasant army in one second then asking for applause.
Will he have gone full fucking lichking at the end? If he wanted to keep a low profile he could have done that so is his new motivation good old-fashioned power?
>Has Ainz going to lose his humanity?
>splat ad nauseum
dunno, you tell me.
>He went from a guy who hesitated before killing some terrorizing mook
He never hesitated when he killed him, he even mused to himself that he didn't feel anything when he killed the soldier.
Okay. Let's discuss why Clementine is best girl.
don't know tell me, i hate her and was happy that ainz squash her
>Deleting Death God thread that was merely celebrating the great ending
Shit now I remember, he instead thought he SHOULD be feeling something. But being undead acts as some massive full time depressant on all sorts of bullshit.
A dark young vs BS
Will BS win?
I care to digress.
I encourage people to head over to Sup Forums.org/feedback and complain about the stuff that has been happening.
I disagree with the guy you are quoting, but it doesn't help your case when you are a tripfag using a reaction image to voice your opinion.
What will be the name of item class in NW?
We know that there's world class, divine class and legendary class, so what's next? epic? ultra rare?
Dark young would.
New item class? If you mean the ones below legendary I think you'd be about right
Black scripture
Vol. 10 ch. 1 pt 7 in case anyone missed it.
stop posting that! wait for nigel
The Downfall of Castle and Country would probably hijack it.
These posts are all awful, please do not post again for at least 6 months. Work on learning English so you are able to communicate on this board properly. Thank you and remember leave the name field blank unless it is absolutely necessary.
So do you thinks that NWers, especially Slane Theocracy, knew this? Also in what category will the equipment of Zeshi will fall? They said it's strong that she can defeat shalltear.
I'll update with stuff as it gets done.
She always asks for a hug!
It sucks when the most vocal person on your side is a complete idiot.
We don't even have 8 & 9.
Its pretty obvious they are underestimating Shalltear because her real powerlevel is completly beyond the NWs frame of reference.
Did we told you how much we love you today?
Fuck off!
What the fuck is up with all the ESL and reddit-tier posts?
You gave me too many (You)'s, have some change.
Yes I know but they are confident with the items Zeshi have.
Shalltear in true ancestor bloodsucker mode is not even comparable to Shalltear in bloody valkyrie spuit lance mode.
It's like Albedo base to Albedo armored mounted on bicorn, or Demiurge base to Demiurge secret 3rd form.
I know, just wanted to post it on the off chance that someone might have missed it. So that we can be up to date.
Mod fucked conversation for the foreseeable short term, now slowly trying to re-rail the traintracks.
should be legendary class but she may have a few divine weapons and pieces of armor on her seeing as she has access to everything that Six gods left behind.
New spoilers:
The elf slaves from vol.7 are confirmed to be alive, a nip user theorised that Aura and Mare's heterochromia caused the elves to have unnatural loyalty towards them, don't ask me why he thinks that.
Players could not choose Dragons as a race in YGGDRASIL.
Dark Young dissapeared after a few days so no more goats.
All soldiers in the Sorcerer Kingdom were summoned by Ainz and PA, no mercenary NPC's from Nazarick. PA's summons are weaker than Ainz's.
Supreme being search squad is summoned by the Ainz and PA, don't know what happens with that nip user didn't say.
Slane diplomat went to the arena for the meeting disguised has a healer, just has he arrives Ainz teleports to the Arena for his recruitment drive.
Some dialog between Ainz and PA:
Ainz: "All the other NPC's are like my children as well, if your life and their life hang on the balance I will choose their lives first"
PA: "Yes father, if it comes to that please sacrifice me first"
Which guardian is most loyal, so far best son Demiurge offers most results for the least bullshit or private backstabbing.
For all their sycophancy, every other floor guardian with the exception of the elves have fucked up at some point or another.
Do spics and underage roleplayers flock to threads that mods delete or something? I'm not seeing the connection here. Look at this shit.
Literally Gaia tier posts, worse than reddit.
>don't ask me why he thinks that.
Nips believe that heterochromia is some kind of sign of magic.
Royal/divine blood maybe?
Calm your autism lad, whenever mod bullshit starts every board goes to shit. Fuck look at Sup Forums if you ever want to see how mod trickery can derail conversation.
It's not like a link to Gaia or reddit is posted it's just anons lose their shit and begin railing against authority and all the rules. Which then snowballs if not nipped in the bud to the board being unusable for a day.
What a model father
Nope. The Overlord threads just had been deleted along with other LN threads.
For contrast see what happens in untuched Habanero and JoJo threads. We even have about how user want to fuck his tomboy mother.
It's not?
Oh sweet, Ainz cares about PA.
Can someone explain the thing with the shortsword in the epilogue of v 6 to me? The way it is written makes it hard to understand.
Do other guardians even like PA? He lives probably the most miserable existence in the Tomb, an actor without an audience.
If it is, I am a wizzard. Actually I am. ;_;
It's a mark of royal favor that could lead to a lordship.
PA is truly best son.
Yeah when I found that spoiler I couldn't help but think Ainz is a really shitty father to PA, I kinda get what he means but at the same time it was a really shit thing to say to your son.
Medieval Key to the City
Everybody finds him annoying. Which led to some theory about how much the guildmembers saw Ainz behind his back.