Y'all crackers need to apologize!
Racism doesn't exi
Well these girls are about to get redpilled by the BLM lynch mob
maybe they're going as spa goers. Looks like a mud mask to me
Hi, can post name in internet so we can make them more famous so people call them racist? Kbye
careful OP, women are involved so there's a high probability you'll be the one who ends up having to apologize.
>it's not racism if you're Jewish though
>only whites are racist
You niggers need to apologize for being niggers.
don't worry BLM. you will soon feel the wrath of AntiFa, your former Communist allies.
>BLM BTFO by AntiFa Globalist Commie's
Why are racist white women so based?
>blue face
there was a kid in my elementary school who did an american hero presentation on rosa parks and painted their face black. nobody cared but i got a kick out of it
it's that dumb shit girls put on their face so they don't age like garbage
>gets mad at a clay mask used to clear skin along with a tasteless joke
>demands apology while blacks walk with signs saying "kill whitey"
>0 results found
Where did you get this OP?
Can't even get a facial without niggers getting pissed.
Race war when?
These goddesses were redpilled long before Sup Forums's faggot ass ever started hating niggers.
Cracks my shit up everytime. I remember the first time I saw this; laughed for an entire day.
Sup Forums is the current day incarnation of /n/, which existed well before 2013, shit even /new/ was 2010 if I remember correctly.
Some of the most racist things ever made on American TV were made by Jew-boy Howard Stern and nobody called him out for it, 2 of the most racist were Howard playing a very stereotypical dumb nigger in a blackface and a show made during the first Gulf War were the word "sandnigger" was used freely not to mention the complete insensitivity towards Iraqis being killed.
For what? Having a better sense of humor and intelligence?
That's a facial mask for pimples my daughter's use it
And they say redpilled women dont exist.
our girls?
Racism is a good thing user