Hillsdale college

So im 18 and looking to go to colleges. I found hillsdale and i was wondering what you guys think. It appears to me to be some kind of secured bastion of hope. I know i sound really sutpid but i was very much dreading a leftist college. Hillsdale has no Afirmative aciton, is mostly white, no LGBTQAAIP2+ club, and hardly any open degeneracy. Am i getting too hopeful or is this place for real? also what are your thoughts on college?


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sorry newfag, why do we do this?

They have to advertise on talk radio, so that should tell you all you need to know. The same marketing demographic as people buying Sherrie's Berries, They have to advertise on talk radio, so that should tell you all you need to know. The same people buying Sherrie's Berries, MyPillows, and sending their old VHS/8mm to be copied onto harddrive.

that's not at all how that was formatted. something fucky is going on around here.

regardless of formatting, this user is right.

so nytimes doesn't get ad revenue from Sup Forums

yeah lol thats actually how i heard about them, honestly i just really want to go to a college without degeneracy, i mean there will always be some but if i can just a short time get to experience america as it was meant to be...

It's a liberal arts college, so you will learn about how to wait in bread lines

Go to hillsdale. You will learn/get a real education if you really want to. Unlike 99% of college stoodents today, you will leave college smarter than when you entered, and you will be able to coherently defend your beliefs.

Try going to a trades school, sometimes the best ways are the old ways ie farming/carpentry

inb4 poverty due to technology

at every school you go to, there will be degeneracy. you're getting a bunch of 18 year olds together, in one place, with almost total independence for the first time in their lives. there will be degeneracy.

I've got a friend who went to a Christian college and he said it was pretty normal there, in contrast to the state university that I went to which was the bastard child of a gulag and a nuthouse

thats certainly true, but what im hoping for is that there will be minimal leftist influence in the culture. I mean finding a decent wife at a public or leftist college would be next to impossible

>I know i sound really sutpid but i was very much dreading a leftist college.

It sounds stupid and it is stupid
Get into the most prestigous college you can get in / afford to. You are a magnificent retard if you chose this shitty noname college over ivy league due to "muh leftist"

College is not a place to be political, and it is not a place to be edgy, you being a non leftie should know this first and foremost. Keep your head down, keep your mouth shut and graduate

you're the retard, retard. an education is an education regardless what you spend on it and ivy league doesn't mean shit unless you want to be a big name lawyer. there's nothing wrong with Hillsdale, especially if OP wants an environment that welcomes conservatives instead of shouting them down.

My friend went to Hillsdale. He's awesome and he said Hillsdale's awesome.

knew a QT girl that went there and works for tucker casrlson now

>Hillsdale College's ranking in the 2017 edition of Best Colleges is National Liberal Arts Colleges, 83.
>University of Michigan--Ann Arbor's ranking in the 2017 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 27.

Mind you that 83 is not even global but only within liberal colleges, If you are accepted to U of Michigan and decide to not go because "muh leftist" you are an idiot. Know if you got rejected then you can play mental games of "hurr they had lefties anyways fuck them" all you like, but do not decide your future based on whether or not you will see this many leftist for few fucking years.

You are an idiot if you trade your future for 4 years of "muh conservative enviroment" actually this is typical idiotic leftist idealism that doesn't plan ahead and think of now and near future but anyways.

and by the way No matter what they tell you, college ranking is important and it will give you a tremendous advantage in job opportunities and networking. Goldman and Sachs do not even bother to recruit from shity ivies, even within ivies there is a difference in opportunity. and no these opportunities do not only apply to finance or big law.
No one says non ivy grads live in utmost poverty but the chance of improving your life quality greatly increases if you go to a bigger named college. I'm sure there are community college billionaries and ivy graduate homeless folk, they are the exceptions that prove the generalization

>Keep your head down, keep your mouth shut and graduate

This is the kind of mentality that has allowed control of educational institutions to slip out of our control. Also just come cool stuff about it : The entire male student body of Hillsdale College enlisted to fight for the Union. They had the largest percentage of their student body enlist of any school in the US. Also, oldest college newspaper in the country! They had the only integrated ROTC unit in WWI and the US government told them to segregate or it would pull the funding for it. Hillsdale declined and it began a long, protracted series of disagreements with governmental forces.

see Drop your idealism and get into the biggest (in prestige and funding) you can get in.

I think I'm going to email them about the lack of LGBT clubs and ask why they are such a racist white privileged university. Fucking nazi college won't like the media getting hold of this info.

I went to Hillsdale, graduated 2013

Pros: fantastic education in western culture, mostly Christian, interested in liberal arts (history, philosophy, classics), sleepy midwest town without sjw nonsense--actually, sjw stuff is frowned upon and actively shunned, gender segregated dorms, patriotic and america-loving, good financial aid that's funded through the school. People there are virtuous, honest, and smart.

Cons: a bit isolated, maybe a bit of an echo chamber when it comes to neocon stuff.

Honestly, it was a great place to spend my college years. I made great friends, learned a ton, and really fell in love with literature, philosophy, poetry and aesthetics. I'd highly recommend!

how were the girls?

>ohhh nooo goyim, if you don't go to the indoctrination camp you'll never get into the Goldman Sachs! oy vey!
what are you, a butthurt alumni? mad that nobody gives a shit about your "prestige" anymore? news flash, there are other careers besides hedge-fund manager and big-name defense attorney. what a fucking kike.

They were really good people user. Mostly conservative, kind, and virtuous.

Honestly, I got somewhat spoiled and thought that more women were like that.

Great college! Mostly Constitutionalist and staunch conservative professors. They actually still have a Christian base as well.

Im not looking to pay 120k to be turned against my race

Not him obviously but ten bucks says there aren't any

wow, honestly its pretty sad when thats the case. Really looking forward to it thanks friend!

My good friend went there and I visited several times, this user's description seems dead-on to me.

Even with the conservative preference, a lot of the problems that infect the current church can still be present - girls will easily fall into "God wants me to be happy, so that's why I shouldn't do this moderately difficult thing that decent people can do", or "welcoming refugees is what a loving neighbor would do", but because the men in their social sphere are a lot less likely to support faggy causes the girls will sometimes think twice because they want to fit in.

The small, sleepy town vibe attracts people who come from small, sleepy towns who perhaps aren't the most worldly-wise and may not have the best social skills, but honestly I prefer this brand of clumsy, naive wholesome goodness over the soul-crushing cancer and seething hatred of leftists.

Go to University of Dallas.
>Better Core curriculum than Hillsdale,
>fewer neocons,
>literally the most conservative student body in the US.
>Catholic, not stupid degenerate protestant.
>you spend an entire semester in Rome seeing the things you read about in the ancient epics the year before (bonus points, got a lecture on greek history on top of the Parthenon)

ugly Campus
stupid, closet liberal administration (the students and profs generally blow them off anyways, the profs have a lot of power, and the donors generally listen to the students)
Women only OK, looks wise but its been getting better, and generally not thots

pic related

>not going to Christendom College


>thinking Christendom is better than UD.






>Sherrie's Berries

I actually tried those before, worst strawberries I ever had...

If it isn't absolutely then it ain't worth it.

Here's a list of the best schools.

A few of my friends went to Dallas. I haven't been there, but I hear good things.

I think the cores are differently focused: Hillsdale cares more about the Constitution, limited government, enlightenment philosophy, and economics. Dallas is more of a Catholic literary and philosophical world; it has a decent sized graduate program too.

There are quite a few Catholics and Trad Catholics at Hillsdale, but yeah, it's not a Catholic school.

There are thots everywhere. Compared to state school, this place is paradise for non-thotty women, but as I said most of them are good girls, who want a husband.

As a Catholic who just went to church with a protestant chick, I tell you you are full of shit. The Church is the bride of Christ, and when feminism and women's liberation came along the Church went right along with the rest of them. Never, EVER, have I met a good Catholic girl who wants a husband. Vatican II was a mistake.

my best friend's dad teaches there. Next to BYU it's as legit as it can get.


Got any links?

Absolutely. Good luck.

MFW, I know multiple couples in my class who go to church together regularly and are engaged (I am a senior in college). Also, my sister got married out of this school. There are good Catholic girls out there, you just have to look for them. (V II may or may not have been a total mistake, but it was a total disaster).

the guy who said that you have to go to a school based on ranking, or only specific schools, is certainly full of shit if you are talking about software engineering, or indeed, most engineering programs

he's on the money for some jobs with some companies [e.g. some law firms only hire Harvard law], but out here in the real world, nobody cares where you went to school as long as it wasn't a diploma mill or something.

I have been hiring for one of the top tech companies for a long time. I have done campus recruiting in various parts of the US. School "ranking" just doesn't matter at all in our industry. If you have a degree from MIT, there is some prestige associated with that, but it makes no functional difference.

Hillsdale is a great choice if you don't want to put up with SJW and leftist bullshit. In fact, it's one of the only choices. It is not a joke school, it is very well regarded and has a pipeline directly to conservative circles in DC, if that's your aspiration.

It's basically the only school of its kind - it fought in the US supreme court to not have to put up with ANY federal diversity bullshit, and to win that fight it had to completely disallow ALL federal funding, including federally backed scholarships.

The problems with Hillsdale are
- no engineering. you have to be damn sure you can get a job with a degree that basically amounts to "a traditional, western civilization focused liberal arts degree"

- private and expensive. I think it's damn expensive to go there. Going six figures into debt for college is a pretty good indicator that you are stupid, and many financial aid avenues will be unavailable to you.

There are two reasons to go to college
- job training for a job you know you want to do and know you can get hired for because it is in demand
- general self improvement

The first item is purely a financial investment. Go to the cheapest place that gives you the biggest ROI.

The 2nd one is a luxury. Nice, if you can afford it.

Sure go ahead. Don't expect to get a job or start a business, but good luck.

thanks for this. i really appreciate it

What are you thinking about for a career?

The university is now and has always been the primary citadel of the civic religion of the nation.

In America circa current year, the civic religion is (((Judeo)))-Christianity.

You might find universities whose students are more or less degenerate, and some might even have professors who aren't hip on the whole trannies-cutting-off their dick issue. But every single university or college in the country will try to teach you that America needs more refugees and immigrants.

Let me repeat that: every single university or college in the country will try to teach you that America needs more refugees and immigrants.

You can just quit the search for "conservative universities" right now because it will lead you no where. Just choose your school based it's ranking in the major you want to study, and brace yourself for the degeneracy you will encounter.

What major are you planning to take, OP?

Economics would be really cool. either that or i would do business if only for a job. And if all else fails i would do navy intel post college

it's actually a good private college. lots of pre-med and law school types.

hillsdale where?

Economic is a waste of time. You don't learn anything practical in an econ program. If you're interested in eventually earning a PhD and becoming an economist, study math for your undergraduate degree.

is your middle name daemion?

College today is a re-education camp more than anything. I learned more of religion, civics, government, and philosophy from my own study than I ever did from 4 years of college. I actually consider college the biggest waist of time and money so far in my entire life. I learned nothing, actually learned many bad habits I'm trying to unlearn, and in general came out more degenerate and confused than before. It's been 3 years so now I'm back on the straight and narrow but yeah, just don't go to college and do yourself a favor

Dude, this post is appreciated. :)

>Prestige prestige prestige prestige prestige
Prestige does not matter.
A 3.5+ in a good degree path (STEM, business, etc) from any accredited school can land you a good career. You guys are nothing more than sheep if you really think an Ivy League degree will make you rich.
It seems to be a very traditional school. If you like it, go. Be sure to study, study, study and pick a good major.

I went to Hillsdale college for 2 years and then transferred back into california when I realized DC and politics wasnt something I wanted till I was in my 50s

ask me anything. I am officially part of their allumni network as well, I can give you the culture on campus, problems with administration, problems with specific majors, academic rigor

Met my current gf through Hillsdale college, she came in the year after I left, same friend group, she came back to california, right wing couple

namefagging fpr the rest of the thread

>tell me what I want to hear so I can ignore all the posts that tell me otherwise
the thread

Just like everybody asking if it's a good idea to join the military

dont listen to this guy

If you plan on further education like MBA/finance then econ is the golden combo that should be your undergrad basis

>t. econ grad at Hillsdale and Chapman University with a $79k consultancy placement at one of the biggest firms

Let me tell you of two friends who graduated 4 years with econ
1. had decent grades, got 60k starting doing budget analysis in a premier westcoast city
2. Had a 2.5, got a job at Lear doing operations starting 65k IN MICHIGAN (read, equivalent of 100k in California)

also, majority of all Fortune 500 companies had economics as their field of study/secondary field of study.

Its also a good major if you have an entrepreneurial spirit

Dallas has a decent Econ department (pretty easy classes light on the math, though, which isnt great if you want to do post grad stuff-i'm an Econ/History double major btw)

The Business school is very highly accredited, but getting a business degree is a dumb idea in general, it doesn't really help you get a job or get into MBA school, so why do it?

History Dept is very good, Politics, not quite as Neo-con as Hillsdale from what I can tell. From My buddy that transferred to Hillsdale from UD thinks that the people here are way more interesting/fun than the ones there

>waist of time
Wew. Someone went to a college with "State University" in the name.
Although, to be fair, to some extent, you proved your own point about it being a waste of your time.
Still, if you have the math chops, it's hard to argue that degrees in engineering, computer science, physics, applied math, or even economics are wastes of time, even at state schools. The returns to education vary substantially by major. And, fortunately, it turns out that these majors are also precisely the ones without "re-education camp" tendencies. If you're trying to maximize ROI, stay away from most social sciences, all humanities, and all arts. Basically, anything with the word "Studies" in the name of the major.

Or be vary careful about where you go to school. Pretty much any school that has been named in this thread won't make you either cringe you way thorough college, drop out or turn into a cultural Marxist via the humanities.


*your. Shit, I cant spell tonight.

>the school’s “race blind” admissions policy results in an overwhelmingly white student body.
oy vey if we dont pay attention to race, only selecting the best, it ends up white