How do I know if I am mentally ill?

> Loner: avoid contact with people as much as possible
> Avoidant: Avoid social gatherings and responsibility whenever possible
>Anxious-preoccupied: Overthink things to the point of inaction.


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my diagnosis: lazy faggot who wants to avoid work and growing up

You got problems. It's never going to get better, it's never going to go away.

Do you remember that time in your life when you left your house and knew people? Try to emulate that. It sounds like you need Jesus though.

lay off the weed or start smoking weed


you realize how shitty the world is so you avoid making contact. youve swallowed the blackpill. I prescribe the following:

>daily exercise
>nightly book reading
>learn a new skill (programming or something)

do this for a few months and come back for a check up.

You are suffering from retardation.

>diagnosing yourself via anons
are you retarded or some spook trying to make Sup Forumslacks doubt themselves? Report this thread, it has nothing to do with politics.

You go to a shit bar by yourself.
