The writer dies before the manga is finished

>The writer dies before the manga is finished

>the writer is diagnosed with terminal illness before he can finish and rushed the ending

>The writer is sick
>Forever on Haitus

>The writer spends all his time playing idol games


You'd do the same if the only notable thing you'd done in your life was an edgy comic book for otakushits you started in the 80s.

>You are now manually aware it's been close to 30 years now since Berserk started.

It won't finish. Just fucking accept it.

>the artist fell ill, recovered and then the author and him took desk jobs

>the manga's writer/artist duo get a divorce

>Authors direction firestorm is heavily influenced by the death of his only child.

It'd be neat if you posted examples of what you're babbling about instead of talking out of your asses.

So Hajime no Ippo, Bastard, Priest, Akagi and Berserk thread right?

The author of 'With the Light' died while she was still writing.

>We'll never know if the autistic kid made something of himself

I wish manga could just be released without the magazine bullshit. Or that the writers would actually plan their story out instead of focusing on remaining in their magazine. So many decent series get the axe or go uncompleted - or degenerate into boring shit to drag them out and make more money. Do Japs not even care about writing a good story?

In the end he died before he actually finished too

>the fanbase gets so annoying that the artist puts out a rushed ending to get away from them

Who is George rr martin

>during the process of divorce the writer make the artist draw a scene explicity of their favourite character getting killed

>I really want to live


>detective manga
>rushed ending and tells the readers to figure out the mystery themselves

>write a good and interesting story
>you're canceled before Chapter 20 or before the story itself begins to move forward
>write a mediocre story with a cliche start
>roll in money and have gainful employment

I don't want to cry. I don't want to cry. I don't... want to... cry...

I think the magazine pressures them too. So if the manga takes off they get requested to make more.

Or the writer wasnt sure about his idea and if it gets really popular scales up the story.

One Piece


I still can't believe it.

RIP Denpa Onna author


Regular nips ain't that smart. They're disciplined and overall boring.

Which is why it's so believable that Nisekoi is just a pessimistic experiment that went further than intended.

>Plan out good, meaningful story
>Editor tells you to butcher everything or you're off the magazine
>Do what they say while drawing passive aggressive doodles about how much you hate them in the volumes

>31 years old

Please state the cause of death too. Kaoru Tada upsets me a lot because she died of hiting her head on he marble table while moving into her new home.

kek that's one of the dumbest deaths I've heard in a while

>the writer is a lazy bastard


FUUUuuuuccckkkkk Oda pls don't go

still hurts


So how about those Haruhi novels

> MM! will never be finished.

It hurts.

>writer plays dragon quest for 2 years

>he wanted a 2 month paternity leave

Fucking Togashi.

>writer marries author of sailor moon

Moment of silence

>VA dies from the common cold before the remake of the VN is finished

>Do Japs not even care about writing a good story?
Why don't they have integrity like western comic writers?
Hail Hydra

I can only imagine the Sup Forums shit storm. Probably comparable to Sup Forums when Code Geass ended.


creator of nana will probably die and the series will never finish

How do so many writers die of common cold and pneumonia

>his second volume comes out, finally
>he fucking dies a month later

Japanese cold is ruthless and has a flair for the dramatic.

> why bother living then?

I don't even need an ending, I just want more. It feels terrible knowing we'll never get anymore.

Why is Togashi so moe?

Simply because they are extremely overworked with 4 hours of sleep a day, no weekends or holiday and eating instant crap causing malnutrition. The cold is just pushing them over the edge eventually.

Pic related.