
Wouldn't it be better if we invaded africa killing all their bad leaders giving them new technology improving the continent itself
Yeah they still live in mudhuts but imagine a better africa where they are technologicaly advanced and have better living conditions not being starved to death and disease
We will kill a lot of africans while invading it but its for the greater good of the continent we will decrease world starvation in a few years improve our world supplies of metals and food
It will be hard to achieve but we can do it #FreeAfrica

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The reason they're starving to death is that dumb white people came in and started curing their diseases.

Fixing africa= More niggers

After the invasion of africa we can begin the same to the middle east and other underdeveloped countries we can make the world a better place poll

>Wouldn't it be better if we invaded africa killing all their bad leaders giving them new technology improving the continent itself
So colonialism. Works fine until we leave.

Nah judging by it's stall in population growth. Let them implode until there is less to tame.

Unless you plan on sterilization, that won't work. Giving first world technology and medicine to SSA primitives is just going to create a bigger version of the problems we have. Unles you are okay with sterilization. Then go mad.

I cant imagine being such a dumb nigger, that thinking the smartest decision would be to have 7 more humans and put them in the same situation youre in.

Stupid fucking niggers.

Why did we help that forsaken continent ever?

If whites colonized africa we could change race projections forever.

It because they have no education no food no electricity we can make this we have the technology in 50 years africa will no longer be uneducated +due to their low pay they will receive we can spread out our plants there resulting in cheaper cars metal etc this is also a business they will be employed cheap work labor like china making stuff cheaper for us and future generations

It's literally impossible to help them. We fight AIDs and they overpopulate and starve. We give them food and they stop growing any. We educate them and they leave that shithole.

Its not about race guys imagine a new world producer in cheap products like china we will colonize it and improving it so they have good enough so they have living conditions so they wont leave

what if we just killed all the niggers and took it for ourselves instead?

That's an interesting idea

Nigger can't go ahead without us we should colonize africa

We will have mandatory aids tests every year to all of africans residents if you have aids death Fear is what motivates men we will have a better world by FEAR and invasion they will learn that we are there to help them being uneducated idiots and that they can become somewhat smart

Skip to 8:41

Until we remove all the corrupt warlords of africa it will stay a shithole
A war taking over the oil and minerals in africa killing their leaders and maintenance of the population they have more kids so they could earn more money because they are agriculturally based 10+ kids means 10+ workers for them that will work for free

They fight for foreign aid like in rust where there is an airdrop everyone wants a piece of it but only some get it
Until we educate them and colonize their continent they will remain illiterate niggers that only have sex and blood in their minds they are lazy now but with education we can help those mfs and gain a new world power

Unironically, this Is the only solution to fixing the migrant crisis and having an excuse to deport all the mahmuts back to africa without turning europe into a collection of faschist dictatorships and starting a third world war over petty nigger tier bullshit

Are you a socialist?
Why the fuck do you care about other people?

There will be a war but in africa after that all of the poor countries will migrate to africa and building a better continent and better life conditions in that shithole

what if we just exterminate all the niggers and keep the fertile land for the white man? you could easily genocide the africans with a modern military

It's more of a help another to help oneself thing. If there are no cannibalistic warlords roaming the african wastes and if there's food and education the niggers won't have an excuse to migrate to europe as refugees and therefore it will be much easier to pass anti-migration laws without giving the left an opportunity to use the "muh poor starving afticans they just running from the war" card. Also, the right will gain a "they must go back in order to rebuild their countries with our help" card which will also cater to the left's socialist need to "help" people, making It more passable. Learn to look beyond your own nose, Jose. Sure, we can just genocide them but that's nigger-tier, and we're not niggers.

White people working why kill them when we can have cheap labor modern (slavery) would a white man work for enough money for food bills and low middleclass life no leave the jobs to them

Thanks Italy you get my point

>bad leaders.
The most miserable thing about africa, is that their leaders are the best among them. All you are doing is killing even those that have the minimal ability to herd niggers.


Yeah but they are corrupted using them for personal gains and killing fellow africans they just give 12 year olds some Ak's and go kill loot rob survive come back

Yes, and thats the best their race can produce. Think about what will be left of them after you kill even those few that are smart enough to give weapons to goons and point them at enemies.

You take out the niggers that at least pretend to be presidents, all you are left with is a bunch of hunter-gatherer tribes, waging war on eachother with cheap AK`s as chinese colonize them.

The corrupt leaders of their ilk are preferable to full on anarchy.

Education = lower birthrates

they will do that anyway
If we fix Africa they will realise that having more children lowers their quality of life like the rest of the world has.

So how has giving education to american blacks been working out for you, burger?

If you cant make niggers with 20% admixture in the wealthiest, most generous society the world has so far created educated, how can you do that in sub-saharan africa?

My country had really high population rate because they were uneducated they had 6+ kids so they could work
After education and everything and better living conditions now we have maximum 4 kids in a family and the population is stagnating education leads to fewer kids and better living conditions if we educate those warmongers their number would fall they will learn how to make money instead of robbing

We already did this

You would literally have to purge the continent of niggers.

Otherwise, there's dozens of equally stupid Africans ready to "lead" after you kill whoever's currently in charge of sucking up your foreign aid, all the way down to the village dandy who will take your cash, buy fancy clothes, and stroll around like a pig in lipstick next to his shantytown hut.

They were brought to america as slaves free labor but after many years they got civil rights and get benefits for being black so thats where they fucked up
If they werent NEETs they would have jobs and somewhat good life like morgan freeman and stevei wonder

Unfortunately, there is this "paradox" that improved living conditions in third world hell holes lead to big scale emigration. We can not and should not help Africans, because until we are actually successful with that, millions and millions will have flooded the rest of the world.

Slavery is what gave the US their very own nigger problem. We should have shipped them back to Africa post Civil War, but no, now we have ghetto tribes, chimpouts, and all the social decay a large population of Africans gives any nation.

Kill them or let them starve, but stop the gibs.

To be fair, their population has been fairly constant - mostly due to abortion and them killing each other.

Its for the greater good guys
No more neets murrican niggers might go back there so they are kungs and shieet
Either way we should make a poll if it reaches 100 k it goes to Trump as an idea and we might actually do this

Niggers will alwats chimp out, they will always be stupid and have average 70 IQ so we should get rid of all niggers

Literally this. South Africa is a prime example.

Give blacks education, uplifting them from "hunter/gatherer" into 20th century and what do they do? Kick out whitey and slowly regress back to hunter/gatherer.

Because no one taught them anything except to whine about slavery
My grandad was a slave and i feel obliged you to pay me because he was a slave
They are smart and lazy we can educate them to be good providing members of society with Education and no benefits

American blacks had the benefit of being forced into an environment that selected for intelligence and monogamy for the 180 or so years pre-civil rights. And in that quick lapse, the african american has plummeted noticeably in capabilities recently.

In mainland africa, the environment has actually been selecting against high-IQ individuals for forever. They have never even had the selective pressure of higher capability. You would have to change their environment to start selecting for higher-iq individuals and keep it such for at least half a millenia before you can have even a base to start educating.

Majority lack mental facilities for this high-maintenence control that is education. And you want to curb even the few that are capable of it.

IF anything, what should be killed is the common, and lesser blacks among african continent, rather than their few and precious elites.

No what we do for africa is terraform their deserts into vegetation and teach them how to farm and simple things tbat are needed for infrastructure, if they are able to succeed with what we give them then tbey can continue without our gibs and if not and they throw away their skills for free gibs like tbey are doing now then we leave them and let them kill eachother until they learn it themselves.

African population, despite all the shit is growing another 30 million this year. That'll be up to 50 million or so by 2050.

There's already packs of feral Africans flooding Europe. Now imagine the entry rate when you kick the breeding up even further.

Same shit happened to serbia and macedonia
War happened they lost
200 k albanian imigrants now want benefits and money for damages for a war they started
And they got em and they think they are better than us
We have to treat them equally as white people no benefits
If you want money earn it
You want a job because you are albanian prove yourself
Same thing with niggers

There was a time when Africa was more technologically advanced than all of Asia due to white people bringing in infrastructure. But since the whites left nogs just destroyed everything as soon as they were gone

>comparing a video game to Africa
You have to be 18 mate

They don't have many children in America though

But why kill them when we could have a growing economy a new china
Where they will work for little money and everything will be cheaper
Strengthen their economy the world gets richer because of africas cheap prices
With they fake ass toys and stuff

>Wouldn't it be better if we invaded africa killing all

That's where that needed to end

Apefrica is a shithole because there are way too much niglets over there.

No society can prosper when there are so many dumb niglets around.


We already have machines that can pick cotton. And as further automation progresses, we are finding shortage for even our own, less capable people.

Literally the only work we could give to africa was pointless busywork in modern times. Human labour, especially unintelligent one is not even worth the food and water needed to sustain it.

I was refering to African Americans, otherwise I agree with your post.

I like the way you think

Thats more to do with abortion and their murder-rates, than education.

We tried that you retard, it didn't take.
The only way you can hope to fix Africa is if you can artificially increase their intelligence.

And we failed due to not having better technology and invested in foreign aid
Human rights fucked us up but now we can do it again

>terraform their deserts
Oops, tried and failed that already in Kufra. They used all the water they had, now the town's main economy is prostitution.

Anyway i have classes hope this thread doesnt die in 1 hour or so

No you cant. Not until the foreign aid is dried up and a less bleeding heart approach is initiated.

Western liberal idiocy is what has prevented any effective and long-lasting effects to appear on african ethnicities. It exaggerates the already dysgenic effects african environment puts on its natives to ridiculous proportions.

>giving them new technology improving the continent itself
Sweet innocent child, let me tell you the story of my younger self. I wanted to make the world a better place and thought we were all equal. I thought the only reason why a random african kid was dumber than me was context.
I went to Africa when I was 20 as a volunteer. I taught some kids and tried to improve a village there in anyway I could. Other european volunteers were there, and a specific group was teaching them the basics of agriculture so they could grow their farms and sustain themselves without oppressive whitey.
By the time i returned i realized the truth: they're inferior. They're subhuman, in my conception of what a human is, as much as a chimpanzee. I kept contact with some of my fellow volunteers: a dutch dude returned to the very same village 2 years later... everything we built was gone. They were starving again as there was nothing left of the crops we helped them plant. The only thing they retained in their nigger skulls was the game of football. The goalposts were fishing rods we gave them.
The only solution is to kill the whole african continent. Not a single one should remain standing. That is the only way we can advance forward into the future without this african weight carrying us down. If they're all dead there is nothing white guilt can do anyway so the next generation will just move forward into utopia (of course we still have to deal with mudslimes and others until the jews have no power over us anymore).
If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man how to fish, you'll feed him for a lifetime. Except for niggers because they're not able to learn. Kill them all and then we can start making use of Africa's amazing natural resources.

The best solution is to stop all aid to Africa.
Let them all starve and kill eachother and then we re-colonize and sterilize the survivors.

Kill all the niggers and Africa would be ok.

How about we leave them alone? let the niggers kill and rape each other while we explore the stars.

Not like it effects us, and will prevent allot of problems down the line.

>Wouldn't it be better if we
>invaded killing all

>giving them new technology

>improving the continent itself
yes, through white population

>We will kill a lot of africans while invading it but its for the greater good we will improve our world supplies of metals and food


I think a good plan would be to encourage the Negroids that are in Western countries to move back home to Africa and teach their own people the magical tricks of 'whitey' and how he makes great civilisations. Because at the moment having them around me just isn't working for anybody.



that's the plan, user.

Why not just invade and make it ours? Would help with overpopulation here.

I say we just embargo it. Is that the right word? Nobody in or out. Constant, round-the-clock enforcement.

For 60 years.

Then we open it back up and see what happened in there

and of course destroy islamic faith in africa for convert them to catholicism


Kill everyone on the continent and repopulate it with actual humans, the only good nigger is a dead one

its not their leaders that is the issue, some races are simply not capable of higher civilization, we have given them all the tools and technology they need to get setup and they are not lacking in natural resources, the only thing an african man aims for in life is food, sex and entertainments, he will never try and achieve anything more.

Lets just kill all niggers and muslims and jews and make the world a better place

If you remove the opportunity to struggle and overcome adversity you remove the crucible which forms a nation. The same is true for individuals. Look at what the lack of competitive upbringing (in school and sport) has done to western men.

We did that already they didn't use any of the tech we gave them and allowed most of it to crumble into ruins. cut off all aide and let them sort there own shit out.