Explain to me why is it wrong racemixing with a +70% white latina

Explain to me why is it wrong racemixing with a +70% white latina
>Kids would end up being +90% white
>They would be raised in a white environment and probably find a white partner
>One non-white lineage less in the world
>Spics would slowly get bleached
>White men could also have white kids with another white partner while also having kids with the spic girl

It's the perfect solution, in some centuries the whole continent would get bleached enough to become decent

For starters, you can't do math and you don't understand genetics.

Tell me why i'm wrong then

well, what's (70%+100%)/2. It isn't 90%

Leave it to Goyim to completely miss the point/

Goy, marry whoever you like,
don't cuck yourself for some autistic ideology

I'm only 75% white and in a way, I'm kinda glad. I don't feel burdened to reproduce with a white woman to preserve the white race since I'm a Japanese quapa anyway. If I were a 100 percent white man, I'd feel compelled to only breed with white women in light of how increasingly rare full whites are going to be in as little as 30 years.

TL;DR: I can inseminate all sorts of qt latinas, muslim hotties and human looking mulatto girls. Feels good man.

Because you're setting a bad example


Would you eat a steak if 10% of it was poo? No? Same with genetics

what sort of flaming nip are you?

You could instead not have a non white offspring, because breeding programs are under the genocide list.