Please don't let it end like the anime

Please don't let it end like the anime.

What is this fuckery?

why not?

Akame ga Kill is shit in a way carefully manufactured to sell to dribbling morons incapable of distinguishing cliche from archetype. I read the first volume and it was pathetically bad, but people who genuinely ought to know better have sworn up and down that the anime was actually genuinely good, so I made the mistake of giving it a shot.
They think it's some kind of extraordinary masterpiece made of shining gold when it's really just a poorly executed, schizophrenic mess of genres with horrible characterization. And it tries to go down the done-to-death HUMANS ARE EVIL road, but it forgets all about the word "subtle" and simply smacks you in the face with it.
The actual reason they like Akame ga Kill is because they haven't seen more than 5-10 shows and therefore have nothing to compare it to.
The author has clearly never met a shit fantasy comedy cliche he didn't love, and the anime carefully crammed every single one of them into the episode and a half I managed to survive. Fuck dumb protagonist? Check. Obnoxious airhead materialistic girl? Check. Exposition awkwardly passed off as conversation, half-assed world building, fuck awful comedy jokes, grating presentation.

tl;dr: It attracts the worst kind of pretentious, underaged, rebellious, pubescent faggots there are. I dare anyone to survive past the first few episodes, and if you actually fucking like it you

All I care about is Leone not dying again.

I'll admit I didn't like the Megazord when it first showed up in the anime, but it's grown on me now

Does Tashiro have a vore fetish or something he keeps begging Takahiro to let him indulge in? Takahiro never has any of his girls get swallowed in other series, even Yuuki Yuuna which features plenty of mouthy enemies, and yet here Mine met a frog and Honest looks like he'll be taking a big bite out of Leone.

Tatsumi is a fucking badass, talk about character development.

>Disgusting fat, old(-ish) man confronting young, big-titted blonde.
This had better end in rape. It wouldn't be terribly traditional if it didn't.

It's been a while since I enjoyed a chapter of AgK.

yeah,I have to admit I actually quite liked seeing him taking on the emperor's mech

Cheesy as fuck

Agree. Seemed like a bullshit fairy tail chapter.

Agreed with both.

It was okay, at least it drives in how strong Tatsumi has become since fusing with the suit.

This series has been going downhill so fast, at this point I'd rather see it end like the anime than whatever bullshit Takahiro is going to give us next.

The minister will eat everybody.

Regardless of anything that ends differently, Tatsumi will die. That was never going to be changed.


I'm just stopping by your thread to tell you that you have horrendous taste and that you should kill yourself for reading that bottom of the barrel hroseshit. The writer should have been arrested for crimes against plot and characterization when it started and in a just world get his work axed.

No, this time PM eats Leone, she then punches her way out before dying half digested.

Dude has a big beard. He's old. Maybe not 'approaching senility' elderly, but he's definitely up there in years.

Anyone got a ss of some of the hueg as fuck threads we used to have? ;_;

as a vorefag, I hope he gets to eat some boobies and legs before going down.

who am I kidding. Leone will be eaten.

What was the ending of the anime?

I think it is amazing how this went from being fairly popular on Sup Forums to almost never being discussed over the course of a few months.

The fate of everything once shippers leave.

he also had an adult son.
Poor Shura, he's a rapist in a series fullof cute girls and he only ever got to rape nobodies.

The anime and wild hunt were a mistake

I just want this to end already.
The threads are dead, that alone cuts the enjoyment of this series in about 75%.

>It really was a giant robot
I expected the entire city to be a teigu itself, or at least have the capital built over a battleship.

Naito Raido desu ga?

Fuck everything, I loved seeing the little Dragon-man punch out the megazord. That shit's exactly my kind of hype.

Also hope Leone lives. Probably won't, but one can hope.

Najenda has that kind of effect on people, I guess.

oh shit, i totally forgot about that theory

In the absence of any confirmation one way or the other, I like to think that it's canon.

What do you expect from the guy who created Cookie?


From Majikoi.

>strong Tatsumi has become since fusing with the suit
ok I need pick this back up to understand this bull.

I like the change to the PM's teigu. Pretty good chapter overall.

Leaving this

The following is from a Questions & Answers after the anime ended.

Q: After 19th episode the plot is really surprising. I think “Tatsumi” and “emperor” battle in Episode 23 (Kill the Emperor) had a strong fan reaction. A lot of people remarked “Can’t believe Tatsumi died!”

A: It is as I expected. Takahiro-san had intended that from the beginning, and it is a fun plot, and shocked people, but that’s before. I said also, I read the original manga, and I can’t really tell which way the plot’s going. Perhaps because anime went one way, the manga had to follow.

“Esdeath’s” ultimate weapon “Mahapadma” has appeared in the original. I felt that the plot was moving toward the revelation, then take down Esdeath. However, in the manga, Tatsumi already defeated “Mahapadma”, and Esdeath even said “I have another move left”.

The anime is based on the original material, but with fresh ideas added, which is how we ended up as such.

Q: You’ve gotten into fresh material after merely 19 episodes. Is this coordinated with Takahiro-san?

A: We planned this since two years ago. While the manga’s story continues, the anime have to have a start and finish. So we took Takahiro-san’s plot and ending, and rejuggled the plot to fit our needs.

We did determined that “Tatsumi will die in the battle with the emperor” and “final battle between Akame and Esdeath”. However, we did realize that manga didn’t quite go that way. (Laughs)

Leo-nee best girl

based dubs, can't disagree
actually i agree with the force of 8 suns

But it does exactly the same shits!

is this the new naruto copypasta

Mangaka's pretty ballsy, running things so similarly. Or lazy. At least it keeps me wondering if he'll do it exactly the same, or when and how the changes will turn out.

You know when this series finally finish and Sup Forums looks back on it they will probably wax nostalgia. Like people on Sup Forums says that the series takes itself too seriously but in fact it doesn't take itself seriously at all. MC is a fucking Toku, the setting is a jRPG, the villains are quirky as fuck, and their evil actions are all over the top. Like one of the villains was a fat, black, pedophiliac clown that raped and murdered the wife and daughter of the Pyro from TF2 at his funeral. I don't think this series want you to take this shit seriously at the slightest. Like Code Geass there's background noise of politics and revolution but it's done by a larger than life MC and a antagonist that's basically British Hitler, not to mention the magic in an otherwise sci-fi setting. Akame ga Kill has that in droves with one of their antagonist literally dressing like a nazi.

tl;dr: take it about as seriously as Hellsing, Code Geass, and 40k

though the MC and the titular character are nowhere near as interesting as Lelouch and Alucard

It's already different after Kurome survived her battle with her sister. From now on every battle will happen with the same paring as in the anime, but the result will be different. Just like this time Honest will reveal he is actually the empire's strongest combatant, not Esdeath, and literally devour Leone with ease. Or maybe he will leave the head to show it to the NR.


The rapey absurd violence got old. It had it's moments but every went too far to be believable anymore. I can't comprehend how there's any populace left in the area, even if they forcibly stop people from leaving there would have been a larger backlash before reaching this point.

Anime pretty much covered where things are going to go, just not much to care about.

Is it still selling okay? Been like a year treading a very close path to the anime, so I'd assume nips lost interest like us.

Akame ga Kill is just Takahiro's excuse to indulge in his previously latent ryona fetish.

>Hellsing, Code Geass, and 40k
Its those things minus the things that makes them good.

>similar to anime
Please no, I will cry if Leone dies.

Don't worry, she won't die like in the anime.

Akame will come up from the basement after killing her old boss to find the Prime Minister chewing on the remaining half of her corpse.


Wow, really no one cares about it anymore.

The question is - why does murricans still buy tankobons of this shitfest

It still amazes me how the annoying justice girl dying got a thousand post thread and multiple butthurt follow-up threads. How the shit were that many people actively following this?

Reminder that AgK would've been far better as an eroge.


Legendary danger beasts arc when?

Explain the theory.

As a SoL you mean, it would just be the perfect SoL.
>Night Raid is the support club
>the Jaggers are the student council

Well, at least it's not the teigu cancel ring bullshit.

I dunno, it seemed fairly sensible to me that when the emperor was creating all these superweapons he'd make something to use as a precaution in case any of them were used against him.

>bringing a dead thread back
Fuck yourself.

There wasn't much to it.
When that dark-skinned, light haired dude showed up in the flashback with Najenda people thought he might be Syura before he got the scars, and that her rejection of him was the cause of his becoming a total piece of shit.

it was only dormant an hour, don't be a twit

It was a glorious moment when this disgusting shit of a character finally died.

Shame that his based murderer died in the following chapter.

RIP Stringbro.

That was back when it was good, and she was a popular character. It's also pretty much the exact moment the series went completely downhill.

>less than a minute reply
Someone have a crush on this series.

The only difference is pink's still in coma. So there mabe be two NR members who will survive, not just one as in the anime.

It can make sense to make one it's just a cheap way to die, what made it worse was how Leone was walking around all that time while doing absolutely nothing about the gunshot wounds.

Exactly this, she was fun, when she died so did my appreciation for the series.

Right now I'm just barely paying attention to the manga hoping for a confirmed WavexKurome happy ending so I can rest easy with the thought of Wave filling her up with babies.

>yfw the PM survives in the end

>The PM beats Leone and Akame walks into the PM raping and eating her

The edge has gotten a bit dull lately, it's been overdue for some horribly fucked up shit.

>Raping and eating her
Eh, that seems a bit much.

Not because I don't think AkG wouldn't go to such just seems impractical to do both.

Manga is complete dogshit it's amazing how quickly it began to crumble.


Fucker fix your mistakes

>I think “Tatsumi” and “emperor” battle in Episode 23 (Kill the Emperor) had a strong fan reaction
Well, duh, this was by far the most budget episode of the show.

Well, fuck, no asspull ring made me actually jump off my chair a bit. So Leone is not going to die this time right? Right? ;_;

The minister eats and rapes her. Or rapes and eats her? Or both at the same time?

See As has already been stated, doing both would be impractical for several reasons.
He'll just eat her.

The question is if he'll kill her then eat her, or disable her then eat her alive.

>yfw the PM survives in the end
He's an amusing prick, and it'd seem a bit of a troll, so I wouldn't mind

nah, no waifus get raped. They all die as virgins!

Still mad

Not really instead of kissing or licking around with the tongue the PM can just take chunks out of her.

After wild hunt there hasn't really been any over the top edge lately.

So whos still alive in this manga?

After wild hunt was finished off there hasn't been any deaths, in other words Wave and Kurome survived and is now a couple.

>15 ips

>in other words Wave and Kurome survived and is now a couple.
That was the best part of the whole manga. Even the threads were pretty lively again when that arc was happening.

>there are people who actually read this abomination of a manga

Kill yourselves out of Sup Forums.

If the threads never died off it would of been huge, I think everyone was surprised it didn't go off into a bad end.

Given how we saw some glinting eyes in the woods watching the cabin they were hiding in, I'm pretty sure they're not out of the woods yet...they'll probably still die.

You don't really think anyone will be allowed a happy ending, do you?

So much forced drama for worthless characters that add nothing to a nonexistent story. The characters poorly written and one-dimensional that look out of a shitty generic harem LN. Most of the "evil" characters do terrible things for absolutely no reason at all. Terrible writing everywhere.

When everyone say AGK is a complete and utter piece of shit they mean it. Unless you are a 13 year old reading a comic for the first time who think it's any good because it has blood, there is no reason you should follow it.

The manga was always incredibly bad so it's rather surprising they kept up for so long.


Who rooting for Minister here? Best part of the chapter.

>samefagging this hard
>epic copypasta
Why don't you just make your classic thread and leave.

fuck off agktards
