Why are millennials unable to work at one job for more than 3 years?

Why are millennials unable to work at one job for more than 3 years?

Because when you apply for other jobs they're usually upgrades from where you currently work.

No point unless you want to become the manager of the taco bell you're working at.

She's so pretty ;_;

Are you the same faggot who posts this fucking thread four times a week with the pictures of the same dyke girl over and over again?

Didn't she get murdered?

Because the options for us are shitty, and i need more money to fund my habit

Born in 85 and this is me. I can take only so much wage cuckery. My last day is friday and I am going to start a power washing company.

why are millennial women unable to look like major rugmuncher gassables?

i'm genX and I have the same "problem"
every 3 years I get a new job, squeak by on recommendations, and get a huge fucking raise.
I'm at $170k now, and only because I change jobs every 3 years