Why didn't they just hire a therapist?

Why didn't they just hire a therapist?

Silly user
They were therapists

>Recognizing depression as something treatable

Because this fag wrote it

They wanted the pilots as mentally unstable as possible to get the maximum stando power

>tfw AT Fields are Stand ripoffs

Is there a bigger hack in the anime industry than Anno?

>"so I felt my hand close around the entry plug and kill one of my best friends"
>"hmmm yeah, lets try some breathing exercises"
i doubt it would've helped

Admit it, Sup Forums. You would have at least taken a picture.

I always thought Asuka looked like an ugly man, so I would have probably vomited in that scene.



Vomited right into your Rei toilet?

>into your Rei asuka
What did he mean by this?

it isn't. chemically lobotomizing people is not a treatment.


Asuka best girl forever

REAL QUESTION HERE: There is therapy in Japan?

I mean, there is manga about almost everything, but I never saw one about psychologists or where the character goes to a psychologist.

First post best post. While we're here, any wagers on whats going to happen in the 4th movie? Is Misato gonna die a hardened old bitch? Is Shinji gonna give Asuka the brutal pounding she's been dying for since day one? Is Rei going to have actual dialogue?

Kuuchuu Buranko

Japan always had this cultural thing of never admitting you got a problem since, you know, SHAMEFUR DISPRAY. That's why there are no fucking therapists in Evangelion.

Not that it would have helped much.

>Kuuchuu Buranko
Oh, thanks.

It is not surprising that hikikomori, karoshi and suicide have become phenomenon there. Stress will kill Japan.

Of course there is,I don't remember them in animu but both S;G 0 and G Senjou no Maou MC's go to therapists

I've never lied about it. I would.



Hail Misato

If they were mentally stable none of them would actually pilot the robots. Most of the reasons they do so come from their insecurities.

I was an extremely horny boy at his age, fapping 4 times a day without good porn or lube. I might' a a raped her in that situation.

Asuka is bae


I like my happy pills just fine user.

They don't really work, but it still helps

i prefer the himalayan rock salt treatment myself

It's a good question

I also always wanted to know whether shinji actually got paid

It's already being filmed, it's fine.

Reifags are getting desperate with this maymay.

I hate you and I hate this meme.


>Last thread was a bunch of people bitching about rebuilds
>This one is wafiufagging
Can't we all just laugh at Anno's money grubbing and get along?

Blame Reifags.

Not so long as he continues crying about Reifags and using Rebuild as his bombing platform to try and wipe them out.

They needed a plumber for Rei, not a therapist

I guess you could say Rei was full of herself.

Toiletfags will get mad

I just recently became a evafag, why do we fight about waifus? rei and asuka were both pretty cool to me.

>can't even capitalize Asuka

Back to kindergarten, Junior. You wanna make your toilet smile, don't you?

Not big on the toilet seat, but Asuka is beyond cool.

Got to admit, that a nice looking toilet.

Because Waifufags gonna Waifu. Sometimes these threads are made and don't really start getting posted in until 2 or 3 in the morning. By then all the waifufags are asleep and the threads are actually pretty fun.