My little sister and I are gonna try and do joke subs for next season...

My little sister and I are gonna try and do joke subs for next season. Neither of us have any subbing experience or understand more Japanese than the casual weeaboo. What show should we do?

Are you blood related?

Berserk, and make sure to upload your false subs to as many stream sites as you can.

Have sex with her.

Have sex with her.



This sounds great. I might have to convince her though because it's not her usual thing. She's into watching really shitty shojo ironically.

We're not sure honestly. Parents died when we she was really young and they were pretty fucked up so who knows. I'm her primary caretaker now.



I told her people are just posting porn and she said she wants to punch you.

I don't give a fuck.

Fuck off.

Mr angry porn poster would probably enjoy that

Saiki Kusuou, trust me on this.
There is no neo-Sup Forums, keep your meme on Sup Forums.

I hope you enjoy tour ban, you fucking spic subhuman.

Did you make sure you had sex with her?


Puzzle and Dragons seems like it would work. It's a kids adaption of a mobage, so it's not a comedy to begin with and you don't really need prior knowledge of anything, since the game has no lore.

I was actually thinking of that one. She was leaning towards the Zestria adaptation because she knows how shitty the game is, but she just remembered that she read Hatsukoi Monster and it was awful so maybe that might happen.

Yeah, but zestria is more of a "generic fantasy" show that you wouldn't be able to make really entertaining trollsubs out of.

91 Days and Relife are the only good things I see on the list.

Good I guess.

I thought about that, but we want something that's terrible in a really spectacular way and not just bad because it's a straightforward shonen Saturday morning kind of deal.

I think it depends on how much they focus on character interaction. Skits in Tales of, especially in Zestria, can get more cringey and anime trope-y than most airing shows and if they give any of that screen time than it could be a real shit show.

I actually might be into 91 Days since it's an original so I'm not sure if I want to do that. ReLife looks like trash though so maybe. We might just have to wait for raws and PVs to make a decision.

BERSERK with something IDOLMASTER remated subs. you need to do it and if you do it, you will be my hero.

>We're not sure honestly. Parents died when we she was really young and they were pretty fucked up so who knows. I'm her primary caretaker now.
Sound like a setting from an eroge

Onara Gorou obviously

Definitely taken into consideration.

Feels to obvious and looks like it's going to be surreal enough on it's own.

This might be important to mention, but these subs are going to be ugly. Uglier than hardcoded yellow subs potentially.