Why aren't we allowed to kill nigger anymore?

Why aren't we allowed to kill nigger anymore?

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Because retards gave women the vote.

Other white people won't let us.

lol ikr

Should never have brought them here in the first place.
One can only imagine how good the US would be without niggers



and more keep coming from Africa, its a scary world.

Unironically this

You can do anything if you dream hard enough OP

funny, all the white people that adamantly defend their "black friends" don't realize those "friends" would gladly see them genocided and their woman raped and used to create horses of mixed bastards.

If we didn't brought them here, the US would be 10 times poorer and less developed. America was built through slavery just like any great country/civilization.

America was built through white colonists coming here and wanting new land where they didn't have to answer to a fucking king

What do you mean? The slavery bullshit was over 150 years ago, since then they werent considered property, even when they were you still got in shit for murdering them.

less than 1% of white americans owned slaves you dumb slut.

is that what they told you in Jewcial studies?

When you have hundreds of people working for you which are only paid with basic necessities such as food, you have huge profits and huge amounts of time. That extra money and time is/was used by intellectual people to spur innovation and scientific and technological development which in the end leads to true economic growth. The only reason those people of virtue and intellect had the money and time to do research, science and entrepreneurship is because hundreds of other people were toiling day and night to make that possible.

Eh? Im all for killing darkies. Im just sayin that you were never truly allowed to without consequence.

There were a bunch of slaves but few slave owners because owning a slave cost money, they needed a roof, and clothes and food. Not many could afford slaves so many just did the work themselves or just hired seasonal work

It’s ok here

over 99% of white americans did their own labor and not everyone who did research and science owned slaves.

We can't even sterilize them!
I honestly don't like monkey

where do you live?

melanin monkey bad

This. Not everyone who worked for someone was a fucking slave, most workers were employees that got paid

what about the picture I posted in OP?


Democrats are the same as they always been, they want cheap labor from stupid people. Republicans know importing cheap labor just leads to more and more problems. Democratic party is party of the rich evil whites (jews) Republican party is part of the logical, rational whites. There is no party for minorities.

The only thing holding you back are consequences and fear of aftermath.

Democrats are psychotic megalomaniacs, democratic voters are just sheeple retards and hated minorities that need protection from police.

So long as they werent someone elses property I fully support it.

how come they didnt get in trouble for it like you said they would? clearly theres a large crowd including the media (who took the picture)

Full of jews and mixed whites who think they are pure.

Aryan nordic is pure. kys burgers.


Probably because these two raped and murdered.

imo mixed is fine as long as its not with negros

human rights apparently

>Jew country is fine.