Hans, are you considering a vote for the Pirate Party?
Pic Related is the Party's Frontrunner Anja Hirschel.
Don't you wanna help a cute Lady Pirate, and save free speech on the internet?
Hans, are you considering a vote for the Pirate Party?
Pic Related is the Party's Frontrunner Anja Hirschel.
Don't you wanna help a cute Lady Pirate, and save free speech on the internet?
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3 Days Left Hans.
Tick Tock
Embarrassing. Don't you have a gay lover to murder and then commit suicide right now?
I'm not gay sorry to disappoint you Hans
>not voting AfD
you deserve rape
yes, kuffar. vote pirate
That Language,
german women belong to refugee dick
>Ich ködere auf Sup Forums mit linkem Geraffel und tu so als wäre es ernst
Hast du die (du)s wirklich so nötig?
Any German user want to explain the reason why the old Pirate guy got assasinated? Political assasination? What was his view on other things?