are you fucking kidding me
I was going to post the prime minister transformation scene but then this fucking happened
this show cannot get any stupider
please don't tell me this show gets any stupider
are you fucking kidding me
I was going to post the prime minister transformation scene but then this fucking happened
this show cannot get any stupider
please don't tell me this show gets any stupider
>please don't tell me this show gets any stupider
If by stupider you mean even better
it is very very stupid but I can't really say I'm not enjoying it
I like the commentary on American superhero films where they glorify America while ignoring the war in Iraq
>please don't tell me this show gets any stupider
man are you in for a ride
You are the only baka here, OP.
Samurai Flamenco is tale of pure justice.
It gets gayer
Samurai Flamenco is the greatest anime of all time.
This is legitimately one of the few times anime tries something new. You've gotten this far. Keep going.
just finished episode 20
what the fuck is going on
art is happening, so strap in
it's all over
I thought they were exaggerating when they said "there are no words for this" but they were not
there are literally no words to describe this fucking show
fucking 10/10, sasuga manglobe
Daily reminder that this is canon and that is not
man this thread really makes me want to watch it
I remember watching ep1 and thinking it was homobait
Homobait for a yuri end. It was a wonderful ride.
>It's good because le ironic trainwreck XD
lol Sup Forums
Uh oh. I completely forgot his name, Sup Forums. Could you help me?
Did the threads ever get recovered after moe died?
>sasuga manglobe
Manglobe died because they knew there was absolutely no way they could surpass Samurai Flamenco.
SamFlam was great, fuck off shitter.
Rape Ape?
I see that the wild ride's effects is showing. Yes, yes. Let it course through you.
Obliterate Orangutan
Bludgeoning baboon
Chopping Chimp
Mashing Monkey
Moe is too cute.
This was such a great moment.
As much of a meme as it is to pretend samumenco is good, it actually went to shit with guillotine gorilla. The show actually had potential as an anime kick ass
>The exact moment when preorders and ratings dropped to record-low levels
Truly the Bankruptcy Baboon
>it actually had potential as a rehash of a bad 3DPD movie
Now there's a meme
Samumenco was good, Slicing Simian was the first sieve to separate those of patrician taste from the pleb chaff.
>not liking haiji
>not liking double flamenco kick
>not liking SIT DOWN
I loved it all the way through. The Metal Gear Rising bit was fucking glorious.
I actually went out and bought the game because of SamFlam and Akuma no Riddle back then.
Hope you enjoyed it.
>Samumeno will never fuck his hot manager
I wish Sawada was better executed, he was clearly Masayoshi's delusions of an antagonist but then it ends up being a snotty kid who manages to poison 2 famous idols like nobody's business
Oh my gah
That's not justice.
>Tfw I was watching valvrave and samumenco as it was airing
>Tfw I couldn't watch it with Sup Forums because I was too young.
Just because you're close to the end doesn't mean 5 more twists can't spring up
Objectively wrong
>watch show for comfy feels
>OP was pretty neat
>get to lemon key trouble
>holy fuck this got real
>finish out that arc somewhat disappointed as it never got as serious again with gut it gorrilla
>Next arc start
>powerrangers shit
>yaoi/fujoshit heaven
Yeah I'm glad I dropped this show.
You didn't really drop it if you did get to the "yaoi" part, which is literally the last episode.
Didn't even get to it. I had a feeling it was coming the way the shit was working out.
I literally dropped it after masked fucker died and power rangers were shoehorned in.
I was waiting for any moment for him to wake up as if it was a dream all along, and he didn't.
You missed out on the wildest ride, your loss.
>missing the best part of the show
your loss
>wildest ride
I believe I went through a ride known as the ruse cruise considering I actually thought it was a good show.
I was planning to watch this. Now I'm having second thoughts. Why are there so much gay fanart?
I'm not homophobic, I just don't like gay stuff in my shows or games.
90% of it is fan stuff, there are just 2 main male characters, so its destined to have people want them to be gay
the difference between justice and stupidity is razor-thin
The line between justice and stupidity is paper thin.
I'll have you know, "Mr. Justice," those are extremely safe as long as you obey the signals.
>he thinks it's about american super heroes
The superior WEG.
Furious George
The most gay it gets is Mari and Moe kissing, the rest is just baiting and even then there really wasn't a lot of baiting
You're watching a show called Samurai Flamenco. If you didn't expect things to get wacky, you're the stupid one in the picture.
Yeah this show is probably one of the best in this past decade.
Everything was fun and everything was amazing, something every anime should atleast try to aspire to.
Or sticking to a big crowd whenever they cross
no fuck you have more moe
Stealing this.
Samumenco was a really great ride, the only reason I got into it was because of a reply to Curry Rice I cooked on /ck/ asking me if I was commemorating Masayoshis birthday
Sadly none of my friends like it
>implying there are any brakes on the wildest ride
I miss Samurai flamenco
I feel bad for anyone who hasn't watched SamFlam
And even worse for those who have had any part of the ruse cruise spoiled
Moe is pretty cute
in the Mr Justice part they literally said it was