

Other urls found in this thread:





Fuck off you goat fucking magic carpet riding sub human sand nigger dune coon. Your prophet sucks a million pig dicks a day in a tub of boiling shit.




go away arab

post yfw realizing ISIS is the proxy army of Israel


Come get some you sandniggers.





DEATH to ISIS ideology in JESUS name



Hmh, so what does it say, kiddo?


"Fuck me in the ass"

I'll take your word for it, Sweden.

you wont do shit sandnigger faggot. GO fuck your cousin and make more mongoloid progeny


Does anyone speak homo? If you're going to post something on a underwater basket weaving message board. Why not follow up with a translation? Jesus Christ OP put the dick down for 5 mins.

Someone find a Syria general thread or something and link to this one for a translation. I can't be bothered myself.

All shitskins should be killed, desu

The FBI fucks on here should get on this fast

Get whatever the fuck the Netherlands has for a CIA in here to stop this fucking dune coon from truck of peacing


You can report it right here. I'm not reporting shit till I'm sure it's not bullshit larping. A translation would help.

page count camel spider of translatylvania

nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew nigger nigger jew

We don't speak dunecoon rune

Its your country desu I could give a fuck maybe this sand rat will wake you fucking cucks up and you'll start fighting back over there

habeeb it

be nice to know a possible habbening in advance breh



then do somehting aus

Here is the translation.

Report it

Remember the London bridge attacker posted a thread here before it happened

The second image is about crusaders or something...

I reported it to Dutch police. Hope I'm not wasting anyone's time. Ah, well. Safe, sorry, etc.
That's hardly surprising.

Crusaders .. I have always tired to live my fear as a fear of God faith
What is it - in my pursuits, theft of land and topics

To obey obedience of the gods are loathsome, if the chase is restored

God will guide me as a tool, my right I will be able to return to my kingdom


The crusaders .. Now that the promises of the gods have been fulfilled, he has to pay my reward
My soul the king dwells on this

And this torments S, that I may die in this glory

Damn the gift of the gift, as a pro

It's better to report EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that looks slightly Jihadi or a threat

If it's nothing, great. Someone's time just got wasted (and they're paid to look at reports regardless).

If it's something, GREAT -- potentially it's the information the authorities need to stop an attack before it happens, saving lives.

You did a good thing. Please do not doubt if you should report material like this in the future

Salsen also fled as David the cook took it

I was dying to suffer the same age, as my friends did years
But Ahahharkh, Sun took it all the trouble

He gave him his kingdom

Do you recognize it as a poem or typical text or something or does it seem OC to you?

thats google translate lads, cldnt be bothered doing more but definitely looks like a last rites style proclamation.
be alert today dutch bros

lol OP got destroyed
i hope he gets a visit from police
posting arabic nonsense pictures with swords on Sup Forums is far too edgy atm haaa

Thanks for your effort. I reported it locally via the internet. Hopefully the cops forward it to the appropriate division.

May peace, blessing and mercy be upon you!


no worries

so no one can translate arabic? what a shit show

its no joking matter anyway
if its a kid prank he'll learn a lesson when the police breaks down his mothers door

Barely any Arabs on Sup Forums

They show up now and then but it's a rarity

Never around when you need them though.

Read that to the Happy Happy Joy Joy tune.

lool mannnn its pretty suspect how OP has gone silent

they're here alright, there's a thread in the catalogue: "Daily Arab Thread"

they just won't translate

>1) post by that ID