Hey guys. I have in my possession a 1 hour and 40 minute tape of two Sup Forums guys undercover at a local anti-fa meeting where they planned to shutdown a white supremacist rally. The audio is very clear and loud and would only need some editing to be useful for propaganda purposes. Highlights of the tape include them admitting affiliation with the JDL,admitting being a violent organization and going beyond a "peaceful vigil" with confrontation. They discuss logistics and shutting down the event with intimidation and by drowning them out with noise and chanting. Even though the nationalist group has the venue booked they plan on assembling without permits and they said that was ok. General SJW faggotry abounds on the tape. Everyone was forced to introduce themselves by pronouns and talk of racism and hatred of the police was prominent. Punching nazis was discussed and hatred for nazi's. Also the video features classic cult leader tactics from the JDL representative as he breaks down resistance to using violence with groupthink and fear of the other side. My question is what is the best way to distribute the tape? What should I do with it?
Ethan Taylor
Aiden Green
Wow it's fucking nothing that isnt already available
Juan Price
kys you fucking shill.
Jayden Harris
Michael Adams
8ch net/pol/res/10404804.html#10407198
add a dot between 8ch and net
Hunter Cooper
Cooper Sullivan
listening to this right now it better be in english
Christopher Martin
what the fuck is JDL?
Bentley Lewis
>5 minutes of static and SWISH SWISH SWISH at the beginning
>Rest is barely audible dialogue
Can someone please make a transcript.
Adam Bailey
u srs goyim?