"Best speech ever" meh
Descent into barbarism: Trump makes virtue out of war and genocide at the UN
>US UK USSR FRA tests nukes and missiles eh whatever
>NK tests nukes and missiles everyone freaks the fuck out
>The economist
Get that shit out of here
>there's no virtue in valor or sacrifice
>people shouldn't be allowed to feel anger, a natural human emotion
cool story, commie
I liked it
Nuclear was isn't for pussies.
If NK nukes someone, then they're exterminated.
We all know this, so there's no need to be a bitch about it.
this. anger is power, that's why they try to meditate it away with faggy new age bullshit. gotta keep the bad white goys in line.
i think if they nuked someone, we'd seriously just try to sanction them more. that was very bad, best korea, very bad indeed.
It's Kim Jong Un who is Rocket Man not Jong Il. The stupid magazine didn't even get it right.
The US hasn't tested nukes since 1992.
B2s would drop dozens of airburst (no fallout) B61s on NKorean military and civil targets.
dunno. i think mattis would cry some more and avoid females while trump shitposts on twitter.
There hasn't been the will to win since WWII. If NK nuked us, then we responded by nuking them, libs would call Trump a genocidal war criminal and declare us a pariah state for murdering innocent oppressed PoC.
What they think of Trump means little.
Obama said the same things about destroying NK.
>US UK USSR FRA tests nukes and missiles eh whatever
I beg you to differ. Look at the outrage spawned by the French tests in 1995-1996. And we didn't gave a fuck about it, like in 1985 when we bombed the fuck out of some hippies on their shitty boat.
>Hillary advocated for a game of Global Thermonuclear War with Russia
>*cricket cherping*
>Trump tells NK to stop launching missles unannounced
It's basic fucking law, in the Cold War both sides told each other about test firings, so stupid shit wouldn't happen.
Seeing this reminds me, can you imagine when the ZOG gets around to building a "War on Terror" memorial? How many niggers, spics, faggots, and stronk wommenyz will be on it?
That assumes Zog isn't bankrupt/in civil war by then.
all liberals should be exterminated.
prove me wrong.
airburst weapons won't be effective on their dug in targets
>when we bombed the fuck out of some hippies on their shitty boat.
You only killed one. And the fucking french intel officers were so bad, they were traveling as a couple "on honeymoon" and asked for separate beds, which led to them being captured in hours. What a fucking embarrassment that was.
>What a fucking embarrassment that was.
True, it was very badly done. If the DGSE and the agents didn't fucked up, greenpeace would have been humiliated. Typical French behavior, I must say: we do something awesome, but we fuck it up rally badly by failing hard two meters from the arrival.