>says nigger
>public outrage
I thought West valued freedom of speech
Says nigger
No we don't.
freedom of speech doesn't mean immunity from public outrage. the public outrage is part of the free speech
>says nigger
>public outrage
>I thought Left valued freedom of speech
>No we don't.
>value freedom of speech
>publicly render specific things absolutely unforgivable
Pick one.
It means freedom from state restriction of speech.
Not say anything you want anywhere and no one can touch or react to you.
n-word is hate speech
We value the ability to avoid self-improvement by blaming vague and potentially unsolvable problems, which we reinforce by tricking ourselves into being so profoundly offended over trivial things that any real discussion of the issues is drowned out by the sound of profitable bandwagoning.
Great time to be a Jew desu senpai.