Have you ever met a black person you thought was decent/nice/intelligent?

Have you ever met a black person you thought was decent/nice/intelligent?
>inb4 "muh le based black man!!1!1!"
Nope, just wondering if any of you have had a positive experience with a black person.

yeah. long story short - she wasn't.

remember, they have a family

nope. and half of my family is black by marriage.
there all pretty dumb and cant into critical thinking.

I grew up with more black friends than white friends, oddly enough. But my general experience around black people hasn't been pleasant for the majority of my life compared to any other race, so even though I have black friends I still keep the "around blacks, never relax" mindset.

>Have you ever met a black person

I know a lot of based black people actually. I've also met a lot of turboniggers. The trick is to find the ones raised in middle-class suburbia and weren't idiot self-segregationists culturally stupefied into mental indolence by the trash ones.

When niggers were not yet a thing, i met a black guy in a bar.

His name was William and he was from Sudan and was studying car engineering in Finland.

We drank couple beers and talked in english about stuff and he seemed very calm and good natured, but not very intelligent.

When we talked about gypsies he told me that Somalians are the Gypsies of Africa, that where any other african country tries to educate people and teach the working ethics with bad success, somalians are by culture teached to lie, steal, rape and murder.

And also it is a very high valued thing to spend somalian life just by doing nothing and still hoarding money and wealth, usually making family women do all the work.

He was decent enough person and he said he will go back to his country with the car mechanical knowledge and become a rich man. Good attitude!

> decent black person

Yes, some of them, but never black gringos.
They were blacks from the Caribbean, one was a lawyer, the other one an oceanographer.

I know a few around the 105 IQ range. Many are very kind people. Never met any that were geniuses or showed the genuine compassion and kindness you often find with a subset of whites.

Had an African girl in school who went on the becone an engineer. She was smart as well and very friendly to everyone, worked elderly care part time. I chalk it up to her Christian parents and the fact that she only liked black American culture for it's music but thought the rest was shit. The dindus you see on our streets are cancerous though.

No. Met one Black girl that was nice, but dumb. The only people I've met that were both nice and intelligent were Asians.

Wow, redpilled on somalians hard. He's right you know.

Well, most of one anyway

Yea. A friend of mine (was a medicine student back at uni, junior doctor now). Probably the nicest guy I've ever met. One of the smartest too. You could tell that he was genuinely one of those people that didn't have an ounce of badness in them.

Yes. For some reason niggers love me also, especially the women. Country blacks are actually decent and keep to themselves. City blacks are an entirely different creature. Calling them subhuman isn't enough. Need a label without human in the name.

it would be fun to role play masta fucking his dirty nigger slave :)

God damn, talk about facing your fears. Good on ya, Jaquan Cousteau.

Yeah but only like one time. Rest was literal niggas

It really is defined to relative economy. Not having the IQ in a majority nation of higher IQ creates cosmic levels of tension between races.

The lower producing races becomes extremely jealous and the establishment can easily slosh them into hegelian social programming through these obvious insecurities, ie cancer of ghetto culture and the obliteration of black work ethic, which is also part biological.

Our immigration system in Canada used to at one time screen for higher IQs, so the people here back 20-30 years ago were more or less normal. Now not so much, so much degenerate trash flooding in now, violent, drug abusive, and poor economic producers who trash any neighborhood they go to.

>God tier: start the roleplaying with the inspection of teeth

Yeah, most of them.
Black people just aren't white people is all.
I personally don't see the problem with them having a separate identity from white people and don't think it's a sign of a lack of intelligence.

I once had a black manager.
He was ok.
I often waited for him to turn up to work one day dressed in a leopard skin and going "HA HA HA HA"
stereotype didn't work.

Yes, I have but that is because we have an unspoken, mutual agreement not to talk about touchy suspects and we rarely interact with each other. When I bump into them we talk, maybe have a drink together and from the conversations I can tell they are generally fairly intelligent and decent. However, they do associate with the type of black people I would rather avoid, but that doesn't come as a surprise (there simply are few blacks that are like them). I believe those I know are mostly of the "Uncle Tom" kind, if that's even a thing outside the US. I have also met some blacks at Uni, typically from the regions formerly colonized by the French. They are mostly from wealthy African families that send their children to Europe to study or they have scholarships, dress well and seem humble and polite.

Knew a Nigerian fellow in the CS department who would always carry group projects cause Chinks are worthless.

Dude hated American black people though.

t. Piddino

Yep, a black American soldier. He will probably never forget me.

>kid in a small polish city
>perfect English
>neurotic as fuck
>super cringe


Several, but they all completely abandoned "urban" culture.

Yes. Have a close nigger friend of many years. He's autistic, probably about 95 IQ and a very nice guy. The whitest darkie I've ever met.

I think the main difference between the more pleasent ones and the others is that the former show gratitude and appreciation for the opportunities they are given, whereas the latter only show entitlement and resentment.

Myself. White families love me. I've met my friends mother, father, grandparents and I guess I left such a good impression that they ask about me. Met another white elderly couple that said I was so sweet I should eat dinner with them sometime. Idk what it is but I've never had a problem with white people of any age.

>inb4 murica 52%

All of my friends are negro Sup Forums browsing neets

>I guess I left such a good impression that they ask about me.
"You aren't still friends with that nigger, are you?"

Lots of them. Scientists, engineers, teachers, business owners - more than I can probably count, desu.

Didn't change the fact that 90% of them are lazy, ungrateful niggers, unfortunately.

Twice ever. They're both good guys, ones my best friend (but he's only half black). But really other than that they're all degenerates...

Yes, two of my child hood friends were black. One was from Eritrea, the other was adopted from Africa and beaten by his white upper class family. Today I like the cook from India in a restaurant I frequent who is basically black. In fact, since I live in Frankfurt, I am pretty sure I had and have many more "minority" friends than all these radical advocates of diversity who live in 99% white neighbourhoods.

You don't have to hate anyone, if you don't want to be the minority in your own country and oppose race mixing, because it is a tool by (((someone))) to destroy your identity AND your people. Plus my experience is that integration and development and happiness for everyone is better, if the "minorities" truly stay the small minority and you have a dominant culture. The balkanization and loss of identity and social cohesion is absolutely terrible. It's a loss of home for everyone and only a destructive nihilistic could (pretend to) love that.

friend from college, one day he just started dropping posts like these, thought it was a phase but the posts have been going strong for a year.

One of my closest friends is black, and he's the funniest person I know.

And the halfway decent ones stuck "in da hood" get any ambition beaten out of them by their peers. Trying to learn and do well for yourself is seen as being white. The ones that show some level of interest and intelligence really should be pulled from those inner city schools and be given a chance literally anywhere else. Could get some smart blacks that way that would have drive to fix their own group. Blacks will only listen to other blacks. If only the nuclear family wasn't replaced with big government as the parent the black community could turn around. Having dads would drastically improve their communities overnight.

That's one woke-ass nigga.

I worked doing security in a hostel which accepted them straight off the banana boat. One was a doctor, young, mebbe around late 20's, but was unable to practice because he had poor English skills, nice guy, quiet. He went to English classes every evening. The rest were animals who used the toilet brushes to clean their arses and the toilet brush holders to clean their nutsacks, leaving pools of water and bits of shit all over the floor, every day, and this nearly caused a stabbing when one white resident couldn't take it anymore.

I have a based black friend who I'm pretty sure posts here judging by the fact that we communicate with each other in Sup Forums memes.

and more than that
the strongest, light-aligned, brave, self sacrificing person i ever met
we were only 10 or so though, so puberty hadnt hit yet
he saved me from an evil one who was attacking me
he was a Light warrior in all his gory

and he was of the niggest black

I've never had a conversation with a black person.

My best friend in high school was a halfie, he was ok, him and his little brother were raised by their white dad so they turned out ok.

Had a guy at my previous job, was from Tanzania, great dude we'd make racist jokes and everyone would laugh. If HR had caught wind I'd be dead.

In highschool one of my friends was a black guy who was basically whiter than me in spirit. He had a white first name, white last name, he was in the top 10 of our class, didn't talk in ebonics, even his taste in girls was white (he liked asians). The only thing that denoted him as black was his obvious looks, everything else was whiter than a black weatherman

The ones here are Nigerians fresh off the boat, I know that in England and America the ones are somewhat more assimilated

I agree with all of this.
Especially in Western countries - the nigger culture is a cancer in the black communities.

That reminds me of another rather decent black guy I met in school. Before Islam and IS became big issues the Koran was actually on the curriculum for our Ethics class. As a Christian he insisted that he should not be forced to study the Qran, expose himself to its teachings or take a test on that subject. He ultimately failed that class, but I respect him for standing firmly by his believes.

Have you ever even met a germnigger you thought was decent, nice, or intelligent? Nope, just wondering if you faggots, who have never been to Germany, have had different experiences.

I fell in love with a highly emotionally manipulating black bitch with an eq intelligence of 178. I'm probably legally eq retarded and autistic at like 80 or something though, so yeah. I've met extraordinary black people, just slept with a few of my friends and supposedly let her dog clean her up once.

Niggers seem to behave better when they aren't surrounded by other niggers. If you meet one who has very few black friends they can be pretty normal.

The more niggers hang out with eachother, it just becomes a race to the bottom to see who can be the biggest nigger

I've got a nigger friend but he acts really white

Yeah I've known a few, but cherrypicking a few examples out of the sea of shit that is the African-American community, is extremely dishonest and counter productive to seeing any real positive change. Older blacks are usually pretty good guys, the younger ones are absolute fucking apes. Never met a nigger in their teens or 20's that wasn't an obnoxious piece of shit.

all the ills you're describing come from the lefties' handling of of the nigger community
good luck hooking them off of that though
we can encourage the minority who wants to "act white" though

Ugandan fella at my uni seems nice enough. Pretty smart too. I'd still glady deport him.

From Angola:

I remember one bloke he was alright, just did not return my book that I lend him. He was quite aware of his culture and his peoples' ways.

Fuck if I know:

One random African bloke on facebook wrote that his country's leader fuck up his country and say to the masses that the whites did when it was actually them.

>eq intelligence
> of 178
not measurable

Not many blacks here, the few you see are mostly vendors of counterfeit watches and CDs.

A few months ago a black guy asked me for instructions, he was pretty well spoken and kind but we didn't talk much.

Overall blacks here behave pretty well, they barely commit any crime. The biggest problem with niggers in America is nigger culture, which isn't as present in niggers from Africa.

Not understanding simple hyperbole, how very autistic of (you)

Rarely, but it has happened.

Bell curve in full effect. Also, he claims to be a libertarian but supports the democrats whenever possible; a good, smart black person is still functionally retarded.

That culture is a cancer. The numbers of African-Americans (worth saying because people from Africa are very different, which is the tell-tale) who break out of that mindset is very small.
Literally everyone telling you you are a victim of Whitey.
>Women attracted to Thugs, bullies, criminals, shame you for acting like an adult with emotional maturity.
The chances of beating that as a young man wanting to get laid are almost nil.

Yes but typically they're actually african or a mixed one with a white or Hispanic dad

There's a lot of them on /r9k/.

Yes but awkwardness still bubbles to the top, every single time without fail.

those girls are hot as fuck

Yepp. One. But he was imported and raised among ONLY whites since he was a baby.

You can have one nigger per 5000 white people i would sa.

Yes. I work in a STEM field and all the blacks are whiter than me.

>by marriage

In 6th grade my best friend was black. Then he moved and I never saw or heard from him again.

In 7th grade I got bullied by the niggers bussed in from the ghetto a town over. The rest is history.

I use to play World of Warcraft when i was young.
This gypo was my healer and a friend
Best healer and bantz bro i have ever played a game with.
We are still friends to this day

My boyfriend but he's quarter Caribbean Anglo and a chemist. Other blacks I've interacted with were mainly other Caribbean students in my uni and his family

I've only met one black man from Nigeria when I was in university and he was a stellar human being. The most gifted athlete I've ever met, an intelligent student, humble, soft spoken and very kind. When I think back of him it reminds me how far gone many of the posters here are with their limp, ignorant and racist attitudes.

I know a few of them but for some strange reason they don't live in areas where there's other blacks around

Lots of positive experiences actually.

Holy shit!


good to see we arent alone in this



>is supposedly so knowledgeable about history to know better than believe in holohoax
>thinks Europe is one country

The other party was the Tsar, which purged the Jews.

Most I've met are good people but some are absolute niggers.


Most intelligent people I met here in the UK were black. The whites are lifeless, wanked-out, and can't rip their eyes from their phone screen. I'm talking about the darker-skinned blacks though—mixed race blacks seem too eager to show everyone how black they are, they just keep going "nigga" this, "nigga" that without a break.

Yeah i knew this one kid, graduated top of his class, calm well mannered, like the kid was quite literally one of the best raised people i know

serves in the military now

Yeah plenty, met more shit white people to be quite honest. And the whole of Sup Forums reminds me exactly of those shit white people.

In short, blacks are pretty cool decent human beings in most cases, Sup Forums is the worst of the white race- which are already the worst race in the world.

Pic related; DNA test results


Honestly I don't have that big of an issue with basketball Americans. They are what they are and for better or worse they're part of this country. What I consider to be the main problem for the Unites States are the invading hordes of spics and mohammedans.

Black with a white mother. Guy was a giant weaboo nerd. Liked playing Magic, D&D and shit.

Pure black? Never.

Next thread.


Color palette indicates she wants some cream in her dark, rich, silky, velvety coffee.

knew a nice enough Black girl back in College (late 2000's), but she went full Nationalist and Nigger-mode after Obongo's second term. She's friends with no one from college anymore because of that.

Never met an intelligent Black guy in my life, but I did befriend one in high school, who was kinda like Turk from Scrubs. Fun to hang out with, no hang ups about race, dumb as hell though. Eventually he married a chick from Taiwan and now lives in Lexington, Ky. Works for a local advertising agency, while her wife works for Lockheed Martin, making 5x the amount he does. He's still pretty chill though and might even be a Trump supporter, though I don't talk to him that much to ask.

I'm a programmer, one of the better programmers at my work is black. He's yanked himself out of the squalor that he was raised in. He was raised by a single mother.

We play video games in the evenings.

Yes, I've met quite a few in church.

Yea, gf is black-mix and the only coworker I ever really get along with is a black guy. As fpbp says though, behind every good black person is a fucked up family. Coworker has a deadbeat brother he houses, and gf's own siblings steal from her if they get the chance.
Side note, funny enough, carribeans are far worse than american blacks

The only nigger I was friends with commited a armed house robbery at 14 years old and got jail till 18

His parents were good parents so it shows how much the "street" affects niggers

Yeah, we had a black student from Zimbabwe join our class when I was about 8. At the time there was a rumour that some guy had a bath with his sister and she took a shit in the bath. So I passed a note to the guy saying "stop bathing in shit" as a joke. Unfortunately this note ended up in the hands of the black kid, then the teacher. Try explaining that one. I got beaten up by a different black kid in my class who thought I was a racist that day. The Zimbabwe kid though? Being from Africa he wasn't so soft skinned and didn't give a fuck. Later we became best friends and I'd hang out with him every weekend. Now, nearly two decades later, he's completely integrated, has more of an Australian accent than I do. Is an enviromental scientist and we still see each other occasionally.

Yes but that doesn't mean I want this country to turn into little Africa

>probably the upper echelon of attractiveness for nigs

Still nope.jpg