British tourist murdered in Brazil was shotgunned and macheted

...before being thrown into a river. Jesus Christ, Brazil. What kind of savages are you raising down there? Also, Jesus Christ, white women - why the fuck are you going alone to thug parts of Brazil?

>Leader of gang suspected of murdering British kayaker in Brazil is killed

>One of the leaders of the gang of river pirates who robbed and murdered a British kayaker in the Amazon has been killed, Brazilian police have said. Evanilson Gomes da Costa, known as Baia, 24, was shot in the early hours and later died of his wounds in hospital...

>Kelty, 43, was canoeing alone from the source of the Amazon to the Atlantic when she went missing in the Solimões area, as the upper stretches of the river are known. The area is notorious for its pirates and drug trade...

>According to the testimony, Gomes da Costa and da Silva approached Kelty’s tent and shot her with a shotgun, wounding her... Wounded, yet conscious Kelty was shot again dragged to the river and attacked with a machete, then “they threw her in the middle of the river, which is the deepest part”.

She didn't even resist the robbery - they decided to kill her as soon as they saw her, but took their time, shooting and stabbing her multiple times before she was finally drowned. Pure savagery.

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all white women eventually have to pay the toll.

>go to area full of pirates
>get pirated
Cunt had it coming.

The Amazon is infested with nigger pirates, I don't know why any Brit would go there for a kayaking holiday. Talk about playing with fire

>The Amazon is infested with nigger pirates,
That's kind of a thing that isn't common knowledge. Most people probably think the amazon river is just wilderness area with maybe the occasional natives hunting or getting water from it.

Sad but not surprising.
She will be remembered as a cautionary.. well, most people probably wouldn't have done what she did regardless.
She will be a reminder, not to go to Brazil's rain forest alone.

Why would any sane person think this was a good idea? Certainly she would be much safer in the cities nearby and would have learned there from locals that the fucking jungle is not the place to go alone.

>inb4 white bongs aren't sane

B-b-but user, she took a self defense course before she left, how could they do this to a strong independent women?

The ultimate red pill. I like to think she realised the error of her ways before she died.


>>Kelty, 43, was canoeing alone

I wouldn't do that, doing stuff alone is weak.

a proper way to deal with british tourists

now russia


oh well we dont exactly have the best track record of killing Brazilians when they visit London kek

>tfw too ugly for soup

Uma delicia

>Also, Jesus Christ, white women - why the fuck are you going alone to [...] [country X outside Europe]?
Because (((Wanderlust))).

> I want to travel and see the world

Keep to the fucking parts of the world, where you won't get shot/raped/macheted.

If you lie to yourself, in no part of the world can you get shot/raped/macheted.

Niggers nig everywhere in the .

You cant change this fact

I can recall a handful of stories from just his year of stupid white bitches going to some shithole for a vacation and ending up raped, inured or killed. I really don't even care, they do it to themselves. They probably have a brother or father back home that warned them and they called them racist instead of having a second thought about it. Fuck em

Pretty much this.

You can't feel sorry for people who are plain stupid. I bet even the locals were telling her not to go there and she did not head there warning.

There was a thread yesterday whic had quotes from her in which she bragged about having taken self-defense classes and that she could deal with it.

That's plainly retarded.

I guarantee you even if they did warn her, she went to their country without even knowing their language to understand it anyway. These kind of people don't think anything through, they just do dumb shit and wonder why it blows up in their face.

LMAOing @ all these gringos who fell for the 'save the amazon', 'le beautiful jungle' meme.
It's the same kind of american who falls for the Rio de Janeiro meme, they are just plain fucking stupid.
That place is the definition of inhospitable, I'm brazilian and wouldn't go there for a 1000 thousand bucks. Nor would I go to Rio for that matter.

t. southerner

Would it have mattered if she was there with five other people??
The problem is being an unarmed liberal.


>no fiki fiki

amateurs tbqh


Rio is absolute shit

The naive ones are always the those getting killed, mostly those who are "unbiased" and think everyone is out to mean you no harm.

I'm sure this can happen to conservative people as well but the ratio between that and these kind of people is probably something like 1:20.

you can tell it wasn't some mexican cartel because they didn't even rape her

the huehue menace must end!

Fuck people, she was stupid, the amazon is underdeveloped because it's fucking inhospitable because it's part jungle part fucking swamp, and the fucking pirates are fucking there because of the colombian cartels.

If anyone wants to come to the amazon and don't know this shit fuck you, you moron.

By resident of the amazon, as in Belém.

Guy on left killed her. He looks 15

Most criminals here are underage.

She was old, there is plenty of cheap and young half-indian bread here.

Natural selection.

If there were two kayaking in front of her and two in back of her, all with machine guns and military training, it sure as hell would have mattered.

She couldn't legally own a gun here, and as she was an old liberal woman, there is little chance she would've got one ilegally.

Sure most people dont know shit about it but if you're actually planning on fucking solo kayaking it wouldnt you do a bit of research?

I'm from Belém and I wouldn't go there.

Oh shit, she knew it was gonna happen

“So in or near Coari (100 km away) I will have my boat stolen and I will be killed too. Nice,” Kelty wrote Sept. 10 along with three emoji sad faces.
She was killed three days later.

>The problem is being an unarmed liberal.
Wasn't she attacked in her sleep? A gun wouldn't have made the difference.
NOT going in Brazil is a better solution.

>da Silva

Is that a keyword for thug?

The wheels of nature grinding retarded people down.

Yeah, nature laws remains the same just the cultural mindset has changed of some people. Nature can't be fooled.

>1000 thousand bucks
You mean $1million?

>three emoji sad faces
>She was killed three days later
Emojis don't lie

Welcome to the jungle.

Fine fucking tune.

Life Pro Tip: Don't go where black/brown people dwell.

I'd do it. And i'd kick the monkey pirates asses. Ain't no Joao catching me on a kayak.

Glad to see the stupid humans can only fuck their own society to a point. We'll reach that point.

What is it with women and travelling to dangerous places thinking they won't be harmed?

>travelling in the 3rd world

Bring an auto rifle and an engine. Scoped, preferably.


>I bet even the locals were telling her not to go there and she did not head there warning.

Apparently so:

>Barradas Júnior said one of the investigating officers had told him that locals reported seeing Kelty pass by in her kayak hours before she was killed. They had tried to warn her of the danger she could be in and offered their houses for her to sleep in for safety, but she did not understand.

>“Neither she nor they could communicate. They were trying to tell her the risk she was running,” he said.



Brazil is good for 2 things: Cocaine and ass.

Is Porto Alegre a good holiday destination?

We have a lot of naive people doing their part to destroy society here. Only good part is if things really go to shit these people will be the first to die, like you said.

can confirm

they suspended a kid here for complaining about school being let out too early too regularly. A black kid complaining about his education's quality, got suspended.

colored people are shit.

raised in a bubble?

Western marxist upbringing made her believe that if you are good and empathic towards brown criminals they will never harm you, in the end all they need is just a hug :'^)

Anything south of Texas is barely "human."

This is what happens when you go full degeneracy rather than have an empire.

It's hard to feel sorry for people this stupid when they die. She is exactly the same as that stupid cunt who went to travel across The middle East and ended up getting raped and murdered.

The only thing I can feel sorry fr is the fact people in Western Countries live in a rainbow bubble and that is made worse by SJW Leftists telling them that only whites are evil and all others are care-bears out to give you hugs.

Blumenau, and Gramados are better destinations.

Égua, mano.

What kind of person thinks they can kayak the length of the Amazon without getting attacked by animals?

>they decided to kill her as soon as they saw her

I'm not saying they shoulda did it... but I understand

She had crazy liberal face, guys. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened.

brought up their entire lives with everyone being nice to them
they then become completely delusional about the nature of reality

What feminists don't realize is that only cold, hard lead is capable of reasoning with savages like that. It doesn't matter how many spineless cucks you have sitting there, nodding their heads like obedient little boys while some hideous hamplanet proudly presents her first lesson in "Teaching Men Not to Rape 101". You'd have to have a 5 year old's naïveté to expect your worthless shaming bullshit to work on men who simply don't give a fuck. These well-to-do, insufferable cunts show their privilege whenever they demonstrate so clearly that they must have been living in a gigantic echo chamber of political correctness and nonconfrontation their entire lives.

E aí, peixe?

>da Silva, da Silva, da Silva, da Silva, and da Costa

Abu Hajaar what are you doing

>they're majority white
Cheers pal. They look absolutely nothing like how Brazil would be stereotyped as.

>shot her with a shotgun, wounding her... Wounded, yet conscious Kelty was shot again dragged to the river and attacked with a machete,

They like to dismember and torture, they have fun doing it. The are a lot of webms showing this terror movie behaviour.

Still when arrested by the police, the only reaction is crying like babies. They don't need a real motive to rape, torture, kill, is a kind of mob.

Welcome to a mulatto country.

That's our version of the 'One Drop rule', called 'One Portuguese surname rule'.

Anyone with 'da Silva', 'Santos', and other portuguese names like that are assuredly not white. You don't even need to see a photo of them.

>Still when arrested by the police, the only reaction is crying like babies.

It was just a mischief, kids being kids :^)

Brazilians and Portuguese have invaded my town and now we've gone from a nice place to live to an absolute shit stain.

Honestly they should all fuck off back to BR. Most of them send their entire pay check back to BR and throw our economy into chaos here.

Because Brazil is fucking huge.
These white people (germans, italians) went to the only cold part of the country.

The portuguese and spanish fucked up big time when they gave their surnames to their black and native slaves.

Race is only skin deep you stupid racists

Kill that bearded.

They are overstaying their visas or working illegally for other brazillians as maids in cleaning companies.
Also, they send most of the money to Brazil to avoid taxes.

Report them to ICE and find where they work, and file a report to the responsible authorities.

Well, kill them. Or create a business to underpay them, your choice.

The niggers wouldn't rob the Russian, after rifling his goods they'd have a whip round and give him some money and some better clothes all tied up in a handkerchief and send him on his way.

Culture and race are corelated, bong.

It wouldn't make a blind bit of difference because they'd have been easily outnumbered

Liberal crackers deserve this.


>goes to a 3rd world country's shittiest region
>quintessentially 3rd world shit happens to her
Lmao, who could've expected this. I feel 0 sympathy for sheltered western plebs who basically walk into death.

She was a stronk womenyz though! The most shocking part of story is that she wasn't gang-raped, although probably covering that up. These people really buy the jewish propaganda that you can just walk into any shithole in the world as a White womneyz and shitskins won't act like shitskins.

Why would you shoot a man before throwing him into a river?


I remember reading about how cangaceiros would enter peaceful villages in the sertao, make the women dance and pour booze for them, before raping and dismembering them in front of their families, in the sertao... They'd leave a few noseless, eyeless heads on sticks outside the smoking ruins, to warn those who'd dare to cross their bloody path.

I wouldn't enter Brazilian jungle/general wilderness on my own as a mestizo male. As much as I hate blaming the victim (even if she's a librul female), saying she was asking for it would be an understatement.

Except the Portuguese just like Spaniards are white(memes are just memes) and every brazilian portuguese surname or not is a filthy brown subhuman