Why are American tourists so rude?
Why are American tourists so rude?
He seemed fine to me.
Because they are uneducated lobotomized subhumans.
i would totally fuck her
Because she is a woman. I hope this helps you understand why MGTOW is a thing in America.
>loud american treating natives like shit
it checks out
Were they just sitting there or were they teasing her? Doesn't matter but it would be interesting to know.
A Dane was wearing a MAGA hat, and that offended her very much.
Swollen amygdalas
Because now we go easy on them,if that was 50 years ago she would have been slapped across the face
>a Dane with a MAGA hat in denmark
i dont get these cucks who do these things, ur not even american
Americans are fine when they land here. A bit slow and literal but overall loud but friendly.
I have a vested interest in the greatness of america
Notice the way she folds her hands.
Coincidence?? I think not.
I spot fish mouth.
na senpai checkkit, dis be wey dey poo poo inna brain fullovit ya fee senpai?
>western entitled woman
The most important variable you missed.
>Why do people want the most culturally and economically impactfull country in the world to be great?
Thanks for you support MAGA bros.. when I was in Spain studying earlier this year I must have been asked (berated) at least 50 times because Trump was president and got so fucking sick of giving basic talking points. Funnily enough the only person I met that was extremely pro trump was this Syrian Christian chick that was an 11/10
You must understand that "liberal" Americans suffer from disabling Freudian Projection.
They would be the first ones to bitch about "ugly Americans" and the first ones to act like ugly Americans.
We had a group of 5 bongs on a hunting trip here in my town last fall. They showed up at a local tavern at 2:00pm, got completely blitzed, threw shit around the bar, spilled drinks, harassed the lady bartender, and got in a fight over a false accusation one bong made on a local because "i know ya took me bloody stogies yank twat" Real nice people I tell you, so friendly and charismatic.
Yah lol. What a fucking virgins eh?
HAHAHAHAHA sip on that semen danskcuck boi
> i cried to daddy government because some cunt spilled drinks on me
wow, so there two pussies in the video...
Because they are American
in my experience, they are much less brainwashed in that regards than europeans.
there's a lot of people who home school, states like texas and such don't spout brainwashing propaganda etc.
Americans tourists i´ve met were cool. Same for australians. Indeed, i´d say they´re top tier.
Brits in the other hand are the worst, and it´s something that people will tell you wherever you go.
i've seen that video several times, but i've just realised SHE was the tourist in denmark
that's even worse
Doesn't make them less of inbred idiots.
If anything, it makes them even more inbred.
Has she been doxxed yet? This woman doesn't need a job, it could go to a man, since only men pay taxes and make net contributions to society anyway
>No footage of the scene before she goes apeshit
>No footage of the other retard
>His pathetic hand is on her shoulder, though the camera is trying to hide it.
>"An American woman wanted to sit at my table".
>Secretly filming a girl in a stupid situation for a political agenda.
>Seek legal action for having beer spilled on you
You don't own the table. You are desperately trying to score with her. You fail hard - like you fail @ arguing, presenting yourself and acting like a responsible person.
Full on beta cucks in action.
hold kæft neger
>Were they just sitting there or were they teasing her?
Go fucking figure. I'm sure that the camera man secretly filming and exposing her and the situation was a noble and intelligent gentleman, who only wanted to be respectful to foreigners because he had the intellect to handle any situation.
Or maybe he majorly lacked charm, looks and intelligence to score with a chick, who randomly sat at his table, and the only logical explanation to his and his friends utter failure must be because he is wearing a specific hat.
Du er en taber. Du er ikke værdi til at repræsentere den hvide race.
>Founding fathers talks about how dangerous banks and federal reserve system are.
Muh third amendmen, this is what founding fathers stands for.....
Why don't you just slap her in the face?
Sorry m8, we don't send our best.
If you dont want to be called a nigger, dont act like one and defend others who do so.
Because he is not a man. He is a beta failing at what we men are born to do: to score with the hot chick.
The complete rejection from her can only be tackled by these betas by projecting it to be a politically motivated rejection. This way they don't have to excuse their lack of personal worth, which is the real reason for the rejection.
how about russian tourists?
You would have been thrown out if that were an American bar. Nice to see they atleast tolerate some shitty behavior from the locals and not just the invaders
dont even need to watch the video to confidently say american tourists are hands down the most obnoxious cunts on the planet
I'm not a nigger.
I don't care about being called a nigger. In fact I'm politically aligned to the right.
I know this is difficult, but you can have an opinion outside of the two parts in the conflict. I'm not defending any of the parts, I just want the truth to surface, which is that OP is using political agendas and a poor description to cover up his own misery.
Entitlement and pic related. The combination of these makes Americans very obnoxious and arrogant.
It's chavs and drunks that go to spain lad . thats why they are bad
are you retarded?
Du forsvarer en udlænding der opforer sig som en luder din dumme neger.
>travel to a safe space miles away from ebil drumpfkins
>get greeted by a MAGA hat
Can't handle the banter burger? Your tourists are alright in London, it's only your whining little brats hopped up on corn syrup and their own sense of entitlement that regularly infuriate me and every other polite, quiet British person on public transport.
>"I wanna go to the M&M Store Mom!"
>"Yes Mason, you can have some more candy."
>"But Mo-om, Madison got four bars of candy and I only got three!"
Here children are treated with the gruff indifference they deserve and it gives them a spine. The only spines your kids end up with are curved and distorted from having to drag their blobsome, trans fat-filled bodies around your shooting ranges (sorry, I mean high schools).
I'm here on Sup Forums. because there is a lot of truth to the question about race. That doesn't mean that every situation can be boiled down to
>durr, that's a liberal, everything is invalid
She doesn't even say she is liberal. She is just obviously repulsed by the guys trying to score her.
You have no fucking idea about what happened in the video, and the only person exposed is the girl. Maybe you sympathize with the Danish loser, because you also feel the rejection so deep from personal experience - what do I know.
And that's the point. I don't know. But OP's pathetic tackling of the situation displays a lot about the things that I don't know, so OP helps me a great deal drawing some conclusions from the sparse material.
they are fat ugly subhuman
being rude is the last of their problems
Du er ikke engang en dansker, du er en eller anden der bruger en proxy. Fuck af.
you keep assuming it has something to do with rejection whilst it obviously doesn't. you also keep assuming the guy is a loser but you don't know anything about him. the conclusions you draw are fucking retarded, you'd be the most shit tier sherlock holmes possible.
what i don't get is what kind of a cuck would give a shit about someone wearing a maga hat at all, let alone in another country. i know if i walked down certain suburbs in sydney i'd be openly abused and heckled for just wearing such an item of clothing. fucking insanity
Thanks for your analysis. Let me debunk that for you:
>you keep assuming it has something to do with rejection whilst it obviously doesn't
What is his hand doing on her shoulder?
>you also keep assuming the guy is a loser but you don't know anything about him
Well, I know that he is only able to tackle a situation like this by secretly filming her and exposing the parts, that he feels comfortable with in a forum, where he also feels comfortable.
A true sign of capable persons (non-losers) are their ability to charm and affect a situation. A non-loser would have tackled the situation in a way, where he would either have scored with the chick he aimed for, or come out of the conflict in a state where he is not afraid of representing himself, the whole situation and account for the feelings of others.
This trait is only possessed of mentally strong people. OP is mentally weak, and therefore I assess him as a loser, because he is falsely conveying the situation as him being the innocent victim in the situation.
haha why is it hard for you to say you dont know something?
Hand on shoulder
So a congaline is a line of buttpirates? Can you not see that you are imposing YOUR beliefs into your analysis without getting a objective fundament first?
He is wearing a maga hat, as a dane, chances are he followed the liberals vs the conservatives shitfest that is american politics.
Of course he would want a liberal freaking out on the internet.
Because only the worst Americans would ever want to leave.
Nice. Fuck her and people who act like her.
>you are imposing YOUR beliefs into your analysis without getting a objective fundament first
I agree with you. I cannot know. I'm only assessing and guessing from weak material.
So let's correlate information:
>An American woman wanted to sit at my table. I was wearing a MAGA cap. She became visibly angry with my presence, so my friend started recording her.
So she just wanted to sit next to the guy with a MAGA cap. Then realise that the MAGA cap - and the MAGA cap solely - made her angry?
Yeah, that must be the explanation. I'm sure no words have been exchanged either, which could influence this outcome before he started (secretly) filming (just her).
Also, his hand is just on her shoulder, because why not? I also put my hand on a girls shoulder, when they sit next to me for over 10 seconds. But hey, nothing of relevance happened prior to the cuck's friend's filming, right?
Let's all just conclude that she is solely reacting to this guys hat - like the description says in the video.
Let's not reflect on any other causes.
I want to make sure America doesn't export literal shit to us so of course we would want America to be great again.
I find it a believable scenario just from watching how my friend's liberal wife acts after a couple drinks. She gets quite loud and verbally combative about politics. Why he married her, I'll never understand.
If you want to be retarded like that sure, go for it, but how about this.
The hand is a gesture made not to entice the woman into bed, but rather to calm her down cause clearly she is upset.
Well is it not typically leftist to go fucking crazy on trump/trump supporters?
they should have knocked her fucking teeth out
female tourist confirmed
I'm definitely not trying to say, that she is behaving responsibly. She is clearly emotionally unstable at the point in the video.
What triggers me are that some of us men are so weak. Like OP. And we are deploying degenerate strategies to get to the women. A lot of women have a politically liberal bias, and this is just how it is. We men do not care in the end, we care about having a hot and healthy girlfriend, who adores us.
It's obvious that this girl doesn't adore OP's attempt at scoring with her. It's harsh, but it's natures hierarchical act of mating.
If OP had been a healthy and noble individual, he would not only accept the fact that he is not worthy of scoring with her - he would also not feel a need to expose her in a creepy way in internet forums, where he can get brofists. It's just so pathetic.
Admit your loss and your lack of character. Then I will respect you.
Admit that the girl is clearly emotionally unstable (and not very good at wording her cause) and find the energy to take it like a man and not feel the need for vengeance over a mating call defeat.
This is not about politics. Politics is just a weak superficial layer.
OP is not the one who made the video idiot. He's obviously just a guy who posted a video he saw elsewhere.
The woman in the video also isn't hot, so shut the fuck up.
>live in a relatively obscure but tourist-friendly area
>mfw this means that the only American tourists coming here are friendly, educated and actually interested in the country.
>The hand is a gesture made not to entice the woman into bed, but rather to calm her down cause clearly she is upset.
>Girl get's up and is about to leave. Cuck's friend: "LIBERAL TOLERANCE AT HAND!"
Those two things don't add up.
You could say that the gesture is not a direct act of scoring with her. It might also be to simply show respect, humility, recognition, downscaling of the situation, sympathy.
But I simply see this as submission to a lady, who he is genuinely interested in - that is, until she makes it clear, that she is repulsed. Then he turns it into another story and exposes the girl and her flaws.
Men who do that are compensating for their own lack of ability by pointing at others faults.
OP being the content owner or not, he is a sympathizer without the slightest amount of reflection or ability in life. Just like you.
You get the worst of the Brits because you live in the cheapest, trashiest holiday destination.
Top tier armchair psychology.
I'm offended now.
Why do you INSIST on him scoring with her?
He wears a MAGA hat.
That attracts leftist abuse.
it clearly states the woman came to their table not the other way around. considering that they pressed charges means that there were also witnesses. putting an arm on her doesn't mean shit you stupid virgin. most people would have let this whole thing slide but they didn't. and good for them because people who think they can get outraged and throw their drinks at someone deserve to be punished.
I've always wondered why Spaniards are prematurely horrible to you when you're on holiday there. I got scoffed at for accidentally saying thank you twice to a taxi driver. Your nation's angst for the British is ridiculous.
I guess we cannot become smarter on this topic. You have your conclusions, and I have mine - and they are different. I guess OP got what he wanted, when he posted this to harvest brofists.
who gives a shit about OP?
only reason (you) are getting (You)'s is because your opinion makes no sense and you're making mental gymnastics to try and rationalize it. the fuck is wrong with you, are you drunk?
Because the ones with money to travel are rich assholes whos only alternative to guilt is to convince themselves they are so great they must deserve it.
only get Cancuck Frogs down here at our beaches and they're not that bad. People complain about them but I've never had an issue with them and I worked summers at the beach
Now our Euros working in pharma are by and large megacunts
What I've seen on my travels, it's always the brits and germans who act like literal subhumans, yelling and making a mess and generally behaving like niggers.
Met a few american travellers as well, in Budapest and Greece and Turkey, and in Amsterdam. They were all very friendly and talkative and had actual manners.
I sincerely hope brits get embargoed in their little island.
You must not know American women very well Denmark-Bro. I would bet money that bitch never pretended to be nice when she sat down uninvited to berate a stranger. Hell I bet she had a stank face on while she B-lined across the room at the sight of something she could be offended about.
If that is a hot chick to you we need to talk. you northern eurobros are supposed to be continuing the white race and what not. That is honestly a 6.5/10 office cunt you can only sleep with when you are really drunk because her personality is so caustic.
>It's obvious that this girl doesn't adore OP's attempt at scoring with her.
You projected a lot in this thread; I vote this #2
>OP is mentally weak, and therefore I assess him as a loser
and this #1
I was in that thread... fucking epic.
I'm trying to convey some of the things I feel, and I also find it weird that none of you feel bad about the way OP tackled the situation (I write OP instead of "owner of the YT video").
It's clear the girl is upset. Why exploit it? What spawns the need for you to secretly film and expose it? What do you gain from it? You want more friends in the MAGA club?
It's not about politics to expose a random emotionally unstable girl.
Maybe I like the type of men, who are humble towards the opposite sex, even when they are rejected. They understand that part of the equation of getting rejected is themselves, so it should spawn a motivation for looking inwards instead of outwards. It's easy to harvest likes, if you control the camera and the description (and if you are willing to exploit an emotional moment).
where is rejection relevant at all? This guy didn't 3D print this hat on the spot; he had it already. No one is talking about some drunken slore rejecting people. She could've hammered twenty schlongs indiscriminately
you definitely are a woman
>be guest in another country
>harass the locals
Typical burger. She should try that in eastern Europe, the middle East, Africa, or Asia.
>hurr durr he got rejected
there is literally no proof of that you fucking retard.
she sperged out because of his shitty maga hat and threw a drink at him. fuck her and fuck you for defending that sort of behavior.
I also hear a lot about those "campus safe spaces" you have over there, and sometimes I just think of it of a big joke. Maybe you are right. Maybe I need to understand American women better.
Also, I know she is not a Goddess.
>You projected a lot in this thread; I vote this #2
I know that I am digging into it now a lot more than I should, but:
Consider 0:15-0:23. I find it a bit creepy the way he is holding his hand on her shoulder. Like he is trying to exploit an emotional situation, where the girl is frustrated about the "world". When the frustration then seems to get directed directly towards him, he takes back his hand. As if, he realize that he cannot comfort the girl to his advantage.
I might be overthinking it.
>Brits in the other hand are the worst
everybody>brit tourist
What kind of weirdo goes on holiday to Poland?
>It's chavs and drunks that go to spain lad . thats why they are bad
not only Spain, we had to ban alcohol sale after 23:00 in some cities
they are drinking and god damn it putting your arm on someone doesn't mean anything, are you autistic?
Chinese tourists are by far the rudest.
Americans come pretty close, though.
Logical fallacy of the broad brush.
Op is fake and gay.
>mfw i thought this whole thread was about her elbows up on that table there
Burgers being burgers abroad. Always the same shit. I work in Brussels and I see this a lot. But people just laugh in their faces so that's pretty cool. It really pisses them off too.
cheap vodka, cheap drugs, cheap whores
wew, what a grade A asshole
American tourists are so funny. I've bonked about 10 that were either married or had lovers on the trip with them. Just an accent is enough to make an American drop their knickers or lift their skirt.
>influencing American election by fiscally supporting a candidate
sage yourself tardbrains you rural retard
Awesome, rek that bitch
there are problem bongs too
does their behaviour negate the actions of this burger retard? or by bringing them up, are you admitting her behavior was terrible?