Let's post great girls stuck in shitty shows.
Let's post great girls stuck in shitty shows
It wasn't that bad was it?
I though the show was great.
Nio a shit.
One of those shows best watched with Sup Forums.
>those nios
yeah I liked the part where nobody died thus retroactively rendering 99% of the story completely meaningless
>a series filled with clingy, bossy bitches and tsunderes
>one of them is actually -- wait for it -- nice to the MC
pic unrelated
The series was indeed shit but fun, there were several nice girls in it.
Nio and the split personality girl kept me watching. I guess Hanabusa too but she came out of nowhere.
Adaptation of her spin-off when?
This show has plenty of great girls. My favorite is Haruki.
>cat girl is in heat
>keeps getting cockblocked by worst girl
Is there any anime where the girl gets with the MC without being the last episode or a hentai
>no yuri doujins
She didn't deserve so much suffering.
Some of you will prefer Kotteji.
KnK wasn't that bad. Could have been better if the plot kicked in earlier than 5 episodes in, but still.
And the ending was shit
Post mayoiga girls
Unfortunately Mayoiga doesn't have any great girls.
>titanium rib cage
But that show was good.
It was all a test, yada yada.
More like the writer was a pussy. The only ones that really got a "death" anyway were the two that poisoned each other, the main girl, and Nio.
The anime didn't present any kind of conclusive "death" for each other the others. They each met an open end of sorts, anyone could have interpreted anything that they wanted about how they ended up out of the game. One could even predict a strong possibility that the author would pussy out and not kill anyone by the end going by how no one got a conclusive "death" other than the gay poison couple.
Letting the two that poisoned each other live was way over the top, in my opinion. That was maximum bs, even more than Nio's impenetrable rib cage. Pansy writer effectively gave them Phoenix Downs.
>those armpits
My dick
>not loving the pon
Pon is love. Pon is life.
Technically the story was about what's-her-name surviving until the end. Letting the suicide duo survive was bullshit but the lack of deaths wasn't really meaningless especially to my dick
>posting trash
If only the whole show was like the OVA.
Honestly, I didn't want any of them to die. Especially this semen demon. By the way, this show pandered really hard to people that enjoy shark teeth and I loved it.
Dropped it on the first episode after realizing she wouldn't be the main girl and never looked back.
marika is a Overrated Shitty Bitch
Tsugumi deserve other opportunity in the love
I curse you saki hasemi
Lets go kentaro,saki hasemi is not nothing without you
Yui deserves more attention by rito
Honestly, AnR had a lot of great girls. The only one I can think of who weren't all that great were the main pair and the glasses girl.
>Mayoiga has no great girls
>2 swimsuit episodes
Absolute madmen.