Well? Choose one and only one
Well? Choose one and only one
Id go pokemon, because living forever sounds amazing.
[x] Sage the thread
Do I get to pick my mecha?
The KyoAni one is the only choice.
Seems like you get the staple blue/white MC mecha.
inb4 everyone picks 2 for no expenses
anyone who doesn't pick #4 should be banned
KyoAni's loli.
Kill yourselves.
One Piece or Harem
Probably harem
#2, bitches + no responsibility
I will become Kyoani, the destroyer of nutbladders
>doesn't want to be a little girl
What are you, gay?
I pick 3. I will be an immortal, eternally fighting guy in a robot.
no option to be in dbz universe flying around shooting ki beams and training forever at king kai's
fuck this game
Ash and little girl are both tempting.
I am an adult girl, why would I want to go backwards?
You're 3D, it's not the same thing.
That sucks. I'm still gonna stick with it though, but I really wanted either Big O or Megas XLR.
Why wouldn't you?
Cute girl 4 lyfe. Let's do cute SoL stuff together, fellow lolianons.
Option 5, because there isn't a law against Pokephilia explained in the show; which means it doesn't exist.
Also, I could probably teach my pokemon some creative ways to use their attacks since I'm not restricted to just picking four moves.
Jesus, because being young reminds me of my shitty childhood. Being a kid sucks ass.
Isn't number 4 kind of redundant for everyone on Sup Forums?
Harem with second choice being little girl.
Harem only because I don't have to pay any expenses and don't have to try to get my harem to like me.
Harem. Ditch the tsundere and find a yandere.
I choose none. All of these options are shitty and have 0 point other than "Hehe what if I lived in an anime world hehehe"
Kill yourself.
Pokemon of course.
Change KyoAni to pre-Mongatari SHAFT and I'll press that button
>not picking the pokemon one
You guys are fucking insane.
But we're not talking about your shitty childhood. We're talking about an idyllic childhood/adolescence where you follow your dreams and foster strong, meaningful bonds with your classmates (and possibly make out with them).
Because this time you'll be a cute girl.
that (you) you were looking for user
Change shit to even worse shit? God damn that's some shit tier shit. Shit.
#4 because I want to live a fun life for once
In that case, I believe it is still impossible for me. Erasing my upbringing will only make me a monster. I am a sociopath. I learned morality through anime, and if I had a supporting group of children to tell me to follow me dreams. I would become the next Hitler.
If that's how you live your life, I suggest you end it now and hope you are reborn as 2D trash.
Harem, simply because living alone with no concern for expenditures. If any of the girls prove undesirable, I can file restraining orders as necessary. Also, it doesn't specify that you have to be a male harem MC.
>replying to 3D bait
This isn't the Sup Forums that I want
Better 2d trash than 3d trash
Then leave.
Leave it to a woman to shit up a thread with attention whoring blogshit. What did you expect? They can barely take care of themselves.
I see myself ending up like that edgy manga where the guy goes back to his childhood body and starts raping/killing everyone.
Great. There should be some chemical cleaner under the sink. Go drink some.
Just become a mecha pilot then.
I do not blame you,if you can somehow retain your memories. There is so much shit I would do with that knowledge.
The Sup Forums you want is dead and gone.
That was my second choice actually, till it got personal and technical after my original statement.
gotta go with pokemon. start me with a Mankey to become a Primeape bro
How about you fuck off instead, newfag.
If I got a starter of choice, I would choose Trapinch. Because having an antlion for a friend would be sweet.
It can open bottles, it can destroy fences, it can be used to catch food. Super useful. Not to mention its evolution can fly.
You first.
>do cute things everyday
Do those cute things involve seducing the other little girls and corrupting them?
I take the mech
I also chose cute girl route, so... y-you can seduce and corrupt me, user...
A real Pokemon setting would be like living in cold war america. There's also things like every other person fucking their pokemon, the general communism, people enslaving literal gods, and the general irresponsibility that is seemingly acceptable by all parents.
One Piece seems the best since you can just break things to fuck but I really, really hate the setting.
>A real Pokemon setting would be like living in cold war america
button #5, please. gonna be the kiritsugu of the pokemon world
Ignorance, and stupidity.
Pokemon is socialism that works, with no side effects. Take it while it lasts.
Pirate crew for sure.
My three companions would be
Girl that is super qt and loves me, her power would be like fire fist ace's i forgot its name. She also loves wearing red and has orange hair.
A swordsman thats is super loyal and can cut anything :^)
A cook that also is fairly trained in the medical field and has the chop chop devil fruit power.
As for me i would have rumble-rumble fruit that Enel has and be pretty well trained in a few fighting styles.
That would be the life.
You see this little fucker? This thing can us Earthquake. They're numerous and live all over the place. There are so many examples of civilization ending threats in pokemon that the fact that anything is still standing is nothing short of a miracle.
I don't know whether to be like Jesus piloting a mecha or an immortal 10 year old.
Guess I'll be a pirate with the power to give himself powers and the first thing I do is give myself the power to go to a better anime
Kyoani of course
>Implying I want to join the feddies
>not defecting with military secrets
3 no hesitation I will finally be able to pilot my mechafu.
It was love at first sight, it has been my mechafu for almost half of my life.
>2016 Sup Forums
>Fucking Pokemon
wew, what a good time to be a manga reader
Mecha is absolute patrician tier.
Pick the button on the far left.
Name the grant my own wishes exactly the way I want them to occur whenever I do a long complex ritual.
Shenanigans ensue.
Companions can be anything but their powers would be as follows:
Companion A: Power to revive the dead.
Companion B: Power to create force fields
Companion C: Power to teleport people.
Companion B will protect me, Companion A will revive me if anything goes wrong, and Companion C will teleport any potential threats to oblivion.
Just teleport to Raftel and enjoy the treasure also. Really no reason to but I'd be curious what's there and the setting compels me to.
Harem > Mecha > One Piece > KyoAni > Pokemon
Here's the breakdown:
Magically live on your own with no expenses. Harem includes a sister so it's genetically impossible for her to be less than a certain level of attractiveness and you can play your friends off against her to make them envious and try harder. Did I mention magically live on your own with no expenses?
Best bro dies, but everything else is peachy. Lots of time in high-pressure situations, but an international popstar love interest would be pretty sweet until she's killed off.
>One Piece
Entirely reliant on your knowledge of the powers available in that world.
The rest of your life, because you're going to die within a year or two. Enjoy the cuteness while it lasts faggot.
You're immortal and never make it into puberty, stuck with a permanent case of autism and constantly have your life made inconvenient by team rocket/plasme/fuckingwhatevernewoneshowsup. You might think you want this, but you really don't.
>you get to choose ANY Super power
>you get to pick your crew in any way as well
>people are passing up this option
you guys are silly
Option 1 all the way
My power reality warping
My crew
3 females
One master of haki sword fighter with the ability to get stronger and faster the longer she is in battle healing wounds and gaining the ability to decipher patterns. This isn't a devil fruit power but something she was born with.
Another Female with the power universal teleportation. She can teleport anything and everything to any place she knows of even without prior knowledge of being there.
Last is a female logia that can utilize any other logia power.
My nigga
Harem. Hang out with girls, and don't have to work.
Purple button easily. I don't have a favorite anime girl or a waifu.
Also if Freddie comes back to life the entire world would change.
>Teleport to Raftel
But that's not how it works user
Look for a waifu with some interesting/useful magical powers then pick green. Work with her to save the real world from humanity.
>you bring Freddie Back
>he has another gay orgy
>he gets AIDS again
>he dies again within a couple of years
lol sick choice faggots.
One Piece by far, traveling around the sea with my bros, drinking, fucking and beating bad guys, what else do you need?
Harem shit means fucking the same old bitches forever, mecha is too much responsibility and so its training pokemon, the other shit is a slice of life bullshit.
One piece means freedom. So I chose One Piece even if the manga sucks my dick.
You don't "pick" a waifu user. That's not how it works. You simply fall in love.
Thanks doc.
We are little girls here but we are not part of the main cast.
Hell yeah Pokemon motherfuckers
Gotta go with green.
Yeah it can. You are literally picking all of the powers. Which includes omnipotence if you wanted.
Hell you could pick the power to change one piece into any universe you wanted. Option one is so completely broken it's absurd. Even if you had to stay in the one piece verse.
This isn't the time for petty romance bullshit user. The green button is a potential chance to irreversibly change the world for the better.
>>he gets AIDS again
He'd have money to live just like the MagicMan
>bring back a faggot who made like three good albums
Kyoani lifestyle all the way, there is no greater life to live
You would press the button and nothing would happen because you don't have a waifu.
>bring back Freddie
>he's killed by a north african invader caused by the population boom in north africa caused by Freddie's feed the world campaign
top kek
Kyoani sounds like heaven count me in.
>No living expenses
Fucking sold. The girls are just a bonus at this point.
Press orange button.
Name Avrora Florestina.
By some deus ex machina absorb her powers and gain power only surpassed by Cain himself.
Blue, it's the only one that guarantees me happiness