Brit/pol/ - Kwasi Kwarteng edition

>Theresa May to warn tech firms over terror content

>Parsons Green bombing: Two more arrested over Tube attack

>Owen Goes Full Brent

>Theresa May visits Canada for post-Brexit trade talks

>Theresa May to offer EU £30billion in 'divorce payment'

>Govt to 'put pressure' on technology giants over terror

>Year of terror: Timeline of ISIS attacks in Great Britain

>Brexit fuels smuggling fears on the Irish border

>Parsons Green Tube bomb: Police still questioning suspects

Other urls found in this thread:

>nigger in OP
Brit/shit/ everyone


why are OP images so often "ethnic" now?


wern't you the guy who said you was reading Sowell in the last thread

>The virtual reality that turns you into a black woman



Nothing to with Brit/pol/ demographics
British Flag - FOREIGNERS
>another paki
>Indian-"Scottish" Mongrel
>Iberian kike
>Racemixer (Chink Wife)
>Racemixer (Korean Pig Wife)
>Racemixer (Pregnant quadroon Wife) - Identified
>Japanese-"English" Mongrel
>1/8 kike "Brit"
>Pro-Anglosphere gook/chink/jap
>kike randposter
>Russian Gopnik
>Demented Tranny
>"Macedonian" degenerate gypsy
>south asian-"Persian" Inbred Mongrel (Tonybeen bevanposter)

British Flag - Degenerates
>Bomber Rimmer - Foot Fetishist Warmonger
>Meme Merchant - Autistic Underage Warmonger
>Rap Listening Russian Cuck
>Identified (Racemixer)

Foreign Flag - Subhumans
>Ukrainian kike (Russian Flag)
>JIDF kike (South African Flag)
>Civic (((Nationalist))) Half-Breed/Mongrel (Netherlands)
>chink (Australian Flag)

I'm strangely drawn to the suicide forest of Japan lads


south africa "is brexit happening" guy is a half nigger

that's true, but I'm reading regardless of the fact of his bloodline
i'm mostly opposed to such images as OP images because they spur non-whites like poles and americans to come into the thread and start shitting everywhere about how emblematic it is for an ethnic heading brit/pol/.
i've also not really seen many threads held in honour of no-name white centre-right conservative MPs.
i'm also still a little hung up about yesterday when a thread entirely degenerated into foreigners talking about syrian rebels due to the OP image


How will we deal with radical environmentalist terrorism

kek roasties gotta learn, damn chad 12 year olds

Friendly reminder that is is ILLEGAL not to pay your TV licence fee.

this woman is 35?

half jew half afrikaner

Norwich, what a surprise.

>Jess Phillips


so what you're saying is that this afrofeminism really makes you use your neurons for the purpose of speculation?

i know there was one south africa flag who said he was "cape coulured"(halfies who came from when the first mostly male dutch settlers fucked the native khosian women)


same person. he's a kike

Morning lads

Fucking workmen been making a racket since 10am

Why do they have to listen to such gay music on their shitty little radio too. And least these ones aren't bantsing and WAHEYing like they usually do

I'm pretty sure it's just some uppity she-boons making up big words to sound clever when at the end of the day they're smelly fucking niggers.

The fatties on the right side of the picture ruin it.

Firing squad during a execution (1876) (colourised)


You definitely sound more intellectual than them, without a doubt.



ngl pham but ur squad looks dead

The nose knows

This Yank girl I know said the way I speak reminds her of Brian Cox in Manhunter lads.

Not sure how to interpret that.

hey pubes

hapnin babes

it was code for her wanting your Cox in her Brain lad

Is this where your Greenpeace donation goes to?


*blocks your path*

that thicc one in the middle with the rope



nah that's the 12 year old pictured mate, just identifies as a male

Based black man is my MP

I hope so tbqh, but she basically said I sound like a cannibal psychopath.

>3 lefties and a senile man vs Black Tory Man

chakravarty is full of poop,

hardly call her lefty
It's basicly pajeet thatcher and niggger thatcher


>Neuro Speculative Afro Feminism
found a name for my new band

What town? Who's your MP.

> Foreign Sec suggests that young Brits on Brexit marches have "genuinely split allegiances" and questions "their pride in this country"

Oh good, another one of our "professional" politicians falling back to the you should be more patriotic argument. All they accomplish with this is confirmation they have no reasonable arguments left.

>"ignore objective opinions, always have blind faith in the government"

Is what I always hear when I see someone demand I be "patriotic" or "have pride" in our country. Pride or patriotism is earned, it's what you have for a country has done something to be proud of. For it to be demanded is sort of like demanding someone to laugh at your joke. If they didn't naturally, telling them to do it makes them want to do it even less.

is she? i must be remembering wrongly.
i have seen her on QT before and thought she was full of crap, so i must just be externalizing my inherent straight-white-man misogynistic-racism.

go to Aldi and pick up as many packets of bacon ham and salami you can and lay it around the perimeter of the building site. You have now made a impassable Muslim force field


even your general is cucked and run by shitskins

When it's spaced out like that I can't help but hear it being sang to the TMNT theme song.

>heroes that are half caste
>nigger power

Fuck off

so says the actual black man

don't want to get executed m8


if this was a guy he'd be locked up for atleast 12 years what the fuck

this was for you

He's fucking right though

This is the rhythm of the night

oh aye


Does he mean anti-Brexit marches?
In which case he's right, you twat.

KYS, obviously.

I only care about my European community and Argentinas imperial ambitions are none of my business. Your empire works for you so it seems

thanks for that

it wasnt clear enough before with the whole suicide forest and tree thing, not to mention me mentioning suicide for the past few months but now you really put it into perspective

my new microwave beeps 5 fucking times when its done

gonna have to take it back

good morning

good afternoon.

its the afternoon u fucking neet, get a job

Even when shooting black powder, you Britcucks only use blanks. No backstop. No target.
Those aren't guns, they are fireworks.
I'm going to clean my Glock and thank the Murdercube that OZ isn't as far gone as the mother country.

>tfw still haven;t slept

gonna crash in an hour or so lads

Why aren't you at work at 10am? If you haven't got a job you should be out there looking.

Don't tell me ur hand grenade is chambered in lmao9mm

might as well be a bb gun

we're allowed black powder weapons
There reanactors you mong offcourse they would use blanks


*fires my musket in your general direction*

same lad, been trying to fix the schedule all week

If she's a lefty that means she detests you but you make her panties wet.

btw did any of you mong actually join any of those retarded protest groups like national action

>my new microwave beeps 5 fucking times when its done
over what period of time? like an hour?

>all week
How? Staying up till 12pm/1pm when going to sleep around 4am/6am is literally the easiest part if you're going to do it in a couple of nights.

>Stormfront gets taken down
>suddenly nazi mongs shilling their honeypots on brit/pol/
causes one to meditate

Why? Things like upholding democracy, the rule of law, your safety, your education, your access to the NHS, clean running water, food standards, a social safety net, and so on. There are places in the world that are infinitely worse to live, we should consider ourselves lucky we hit the jackpot of being born in the UK or having been able to migrate to it. I think British culture and values are worth preserving for my children. The way we do that is by identifying as a group and working together to maintain and reinforce it. That is patriotism to me. Would I go as far as to say that those marching are not patriotic? It would depend on what they were marching about. If it's to stop Brexit because they care deeply about the country and think Brexit is the wrong course then sure, that is patriotic. If it's a proxy to protest against British values that isn't patriotic at all.

Patriotism is about pride of country, not of government. Any pride or hope I had for the government died in two steps. Brexit and the Snoopers Charter. They're the first steps to being an isolated nation, scared so much by terrorism that we turn our island into a prison for ourselves. The government is stepping towards trying to prevent crimes, a task that is ultimately impossible without thought detection or high grade psychoanalysis of every one in the country. Meanwhile they have no interest in shutting tax loopholes for the rich or corporations and aren't catering to actually support a generation of people that will have to sustain a growing dependent population. The problem with crying patriotism is that you assume that everyone who doesn't have the same vision for the country as you isn't patriotic.

Shut the fuck up and love your damn country you faggot

You seem like a pit of wet blanket.
Would avoid you at a party.

stormfront is down?

bout 7 seconds

You type like a slimy labour politician.

Yeah it's kill

What do you make of this lads?

Am I going to be arrested for hate speech?

>just had to pay £25 to Royal Mail

free trade agreement with Japan/America when?

>the world is shit but i hate this country for trying to isolate itself from it

just fuck off kike

Yup, this.

Ancap flag is what made it obvious.

I've lain on the ground with a broken back, no sensation below my waist and knew that I was either going to walk out of hospital or suck start my Glock the day I rolled out. I walked out, much to the surprise of the staff.

Today I found I have an anal fistula as a result of the lost sensation / nerve capability in the rectal area. This means surgery that is either experimental, or through our pathetic version of the NHS with the potential for an adult diaper. As adult diaper means suck starting my Glock. I'm going to work with a leaking wound until I can pay to get it done right.
I have no time for losers who decide they want to die because they can't make the effort to live.
I've seen the despair and loss of people who's family members committed suicide, I've nothing but contempt or the deceased.
I've nothing but contempt for you, larping for Yous about how you want to die. If you are a paraplegic I can understand it. If you are a no hoper, that comes from within you and you don't deserve any of the attention you crave.
Go make something of your life.

hey honk do you have physical stuff based on youf love slut?