This series may be the most disheartening thing I have ever watched.
How could you not consider this entire subculture completely pathetic after viewing it from this point of view.
This series may be the most disheartening thing I have ever watched
Other urls found in this thread:
Protip: Most people are pathetic in one way or another. Get over it.
because its somewhat normal in all the world these days...
for me its better to see a bunch failures rather than degenerates.
You can't consider the subculture pathetic when you are already apart of the subculture, that or you've come to realize that you're pathetic and didn't need an anime to tell you this.
I actually cried during parts of it, I also had to watch it in parts because watching it straight through was too much for me to handle.
Because I'm a part of it.
The whole point of your life is to make yourself less pathetic until you're satisfied with yourself.
And to make something of it along the way.
wow you reacted emotionally to art ?!?!?!? What's up with that ?!!??!
She can save you Sup Forums
Just let her save you...
And yet people call me a faggot for crying to Welcome to the NHK.
Then again Sup Forums is full of a bunch of pretentious people.
I fap to 2D and no one says a thing. Especially since I keep that to myself.
I don't cry watching an anime, i cry minutes after the final, when I realize that I'm a pathetic person even without anime, so I can feel you
I don't understand why people hate this show in this way so much. It made me almost cry in many parts but overall I loved it because I felt like I identified with it in some way. Also very little of the entire show focused on anime and otaku stuff anyway so I don't understand many people's feeling about that either.
Toradora is more disheartening. Everything in NHK was within the mcs control. He was just being a faggot that wouldn't go live his life.
Toradora focuses way more on romance and relationships, I don't consider NHK and Toradora to be of any comparison. I also thought Toradora was way cuter and heart-warming compared to NHK.
You're comparing apples and oranges at that point.
Nice bait post. Not even remotely the same kind of show
It's NEET pandering garbage, of course it's pathetic
Wrong. The whole point of your life is to have as fun a time as possible before you return to the void.
>Make something of it
Check out this absolute raijuu.
Ehh sure it's targeting NEETs, but it's not really pandering. If it was pandering it would portray NEETdom in a positive light
>this user literally postulating he knows the meaning of life
we've reached it
I don't get it. Am I the only one who found this motivating and mood lifting? Even though I was depressed the whole day watching this actually lifted my mood.
More "deep" moeshit. Even if it is a "deconstruction" of otaku pandering garbage it is still otaku pandering garbage.
I was watching it during a period where I ended up being NEET.
I stopped watching after episode 14. I found a new job and I decided I should stop watching it since it was starting to make me feel like shit.
>a single anime is accurately indicative of an entire subculture
this is bait
Not only was it disheartening, but it made me the person I am today.
To make yourself less pathetic is to have fun, user.
I'm not sure pandering is the right word to use here.
>LOGH is my favourite anime
>To make yourself less pathetic is to have fun, user.
Well that's demonstrably wrong in about a million different cases
No here's your (You). I don't see why you think Toradora and NHK are even comparable, they handle and focus on entirely different subject matters
looking at some comments here. It seems like a dour or depressing series that kind of has an uplifting morale to it. I like that and I'll see about buying it.
It's pretty much required viewing
Everything in moderation,user.
Everything will turn out fine if you follow that golden rule.
I know that Haibane Renmei had that theme of depression and uplifting at the end for it. How are the characters?
That was meant for the user you quoted. I agree, there are in no way comparable.
Maybe so. But what defines fun? It's not the same for everyone.
Redundant, sato kills himself at the end, lurk more fagget
Yamazaki is best girl.
the funny this is Satou isn't even an otaku
I don't think lurk more applies when you haven't seen the show m8
It can be uplifiting if you take it a certain way, but I can see how this can make some people even more depressed.
The characters are decent, most of them are broken/sad people and because of that they can get a bit annoying at times.
>The whole point of your life is to have as fun a time as possible
That's the excuse invoked by drug-addicts.
Just a fake spoiler.
Good show though, go watch it.
I just finished it yesterday
Holy fuck
Can Irabu fix Satou?
>It seems like a dour or depressing series that kind of has an uplifting morale to it.
The afterword of the novel is pretty soul crushing when you learn that in the end, the author went back to his hikki ways.
Everything in this life is fleeting and consumes too much will power.
I just wanted to hug misaki and tell her everything would be alright.
>you will never console a Misaki
It hurts, man.
The bad thing about drugs is that, while they give you massive happiness points at the beginning, they give diminishing returns for happiness points to the point of ruining your life.
Life isn't a 100 m sprint, its a marathon that only you are running. So, it's best to save your energy and find your happiness points somewhere else.
What is happiness without sadness?
>ywn have a qt yandere girl save you from your hikikimori ways.
few other lines in anime got me like this one. how alien it feels for everything to be positive and having this lingering thought that's all gonna come crashing down.
>Misaki saving anyone
she was the craziest one out of all the characters
It took me a really, really long time to realize that nobody was ever just going to appear, push me in the right direction and 'save' me.
I waited years for it. I almost ruined my life waiting for it. Even now, with things being so much better then they used to be, I think I know that deep down I'm still waiting for it.
A negative plus a negative equals a positive, user.
I've had that sort of thought process for over 7 years. It just took me 5 of those 7 to give it a name.
>This series may be the most disheartening thing I have ever watched.
I thought it was pretty fun. The private island suicide pact was hilarious.
I pretty long ago stopped caring about if I'm judged as pathetic by others
compared to the ln it is. It's actually pretty funny and it mixes the drama in well
when will Misaki come and save me?
After I read Welcome to the NHK I got a job the next day, my lifestyle really disturbed me.
Who /watchedtheshowandwasdisturbedbytheirlifestylebutdidnothingtoimprovetheirsituationandisstillheredeludingthemselvesthatthingswillchangeandwe'llgetupandfixeverythingwrongwithourlivesforalmostadecadenow/ here?
There is no possible way that you will ever get me to read the entirety of that shit.
>The whole point of your life is
Fuck off. Don't tell other people how to live their lives.
>implying that working on yourself to become a better person isn't more fun and satisfying than sitting in your room and watching anime all day
This anime was so good
Misaki needs penis the most
Misaki is perfect the way she is.
It's been more than a decade Sup Forumsnon.
If you are waiting for someone else to give you love, prepare to be dissapointed. You're the only one that can save yourself.
No one has the potential to really love except you.
Those posts are always funny.
The point of the anime is that nobody will come and save you.
Save you from what?
Read the Novel
i actually understand that people's opinion about my stuff isn't important but i can't overcome the fact that they look at me like if i was trash.
Except the plot starts with Misaki triggering a bunch of unexpected changes in Satou's life, ending in his resolution to stop being a NEET.
You forgot the story of Misaki. That and Sato stopped being a NEET when he had nothing to eat iirc.
>i actually understand
>but i can't overcome
seems like you don't actually believe that shit.
i guess you're right that shit comes out from my mouth but not from my mind.
I'm just a frustrated bitch that can't overcome the dificulties of life.
Why would they consider you trash though?
I'm pretty sure you are you are overestimating how much people care when it comes to classifying others.
When you go and save yourself.
>tfw over the past year moved out, lost a bunch of weight, got into lifting (my lifts are still shit but I'm improving), got a shitty part time job that pays for rent and food while I get a little extra to pay for stuff I want
>still much better than I was doing a little over a year ago
Doesn't matter whether you believe me or not, what's important is what you do. You either keep sitting around being a NEET, or you try to stop it. It's your life man.
>the dificulties of life
You should at least try Hume, Schoppie and Nietzsche.
This has to be the stupidest post I've read this entire week.
That show scarred me for life man. Every time I hear the "Youkoso! Hitori Bocchi" guitar kick in my eyes start welling up with tears.
And it started playing in my head as soon as I saw this thread
I literally just finished this series about an hour ago, it was pretty good, although the ending could've given more closure. It certainly made me want to stop being a piece of shit.
Purupuru pururin pururin
Purupuru pururin purupururin
Purupuru pururin pururin
what if i told you nothing in life exists that interests me and only anime fills that void of wanting a bizarre and extreme life traveling through different universe
Fuck off. Pururin OP is somehow more depressing than the Hitori Bocchi. I wonder how they managed that.
I'm just being angsty user.
This is the reality.
Anyway i want to draw awesome shit for fun, but i grab the pencil i all that i pull out is pure shit, and i don't feel that "desire" of drawing, i find drawing fucking amazing but i don't enjoy drawing.
This pic is way too hot fpr 2D. Too bad the feet are misshaped.
I work with tards and will translate this
> who /watched the show and was disturbed by their lifestyle but did nothing to improve their situation and is still here deluding themselves that things will change and we'll get up and fix everything wrong with out lives for almost a decade/ here?
god fucking damnit you son of a bitch
I would have said read the manga, but that works too. The manga is depressing as all fuck.
If that's the case, i absolutely understand your situation as i'm pretty much the same.
When i do manage to produce results it looks great, it's just that i don't find any joy in it.
Here, to feel better
when i feel bad i watch this.
I won't say that sort of thing is out there in the 3D world because that's not true. However, that doesn't mean it can't exist. Even moving through this cursed place can take on meaning if you hold those ideals in your heart. It's not about killing the 2D you that is your true self; it's about finding a way to live that is true to your 2D self.
I'm pulling myself up by my bootstraps as a writer. Everyone tells me my work is great. Published professionals say they'd be hooked by my stuff, and senile tenurehogs give me feedback such as, "I've never known a brighter student." My peers are terrified at the prospect of being compared against me.
I can't finish anything; it's all trash. I don't even understand how people who admit to reading the same classics as I do can even stand to look at what I write. Every damn word of praise just feels so impossible.
i didn't expect that user.
I should be drawing instead of posting in Sup Forums, but i just don't want.
Misaki is not the lovely angel she appears and Sato only changed because he would have starved otherwise.
You are pretty dense if you don't think that NHK's message is against escapism.
I didn't expect the manga to be much different, and on a whim I went to like the last two chapters, and like... What the fuck?
Well, shitposting is my drug, so i can't say i'm superior in any sense.
The novel is worse.