Ban the Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event of Oktoberfest

Dear City council of Munich,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention something that I and many Muslims believe is unfair and requires attention.
I would like to inform you that the Oktoberfest is an Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event.
We tried to ignore the event, but there too many Un-Islamic acts done at the Oktoberfest.
Such as alcohol consumption, public nudity etc.

We understand that the Oktoberfest is a yearly German tradition, but we, Muslims, can not tolerate this Un-Islamic event, because it offends us and all Muslims on the earth.
We are requesting the immediate cancellation of the upcoming Oktoberfest event.
We also believe that the Oktoberfest might also offend all the Muslim refugees coming from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan.

The cancellation of the Oktoberfest event will help refugees not to forget their Islamic history.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Morad Almuradi

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Kek. Bump

I was actually wondering how come it still isnt banned the other day.
Honestly cant wait till it happens. Tell your friends to write more letters and do protests desu

You think this is a joke.
With the EU being overly P.C.
I'm sure we can get teh European Court of Human Rights to side with us and ban Oktoberfest!

>When you try to push Sharia on yoir host nation but end up providing free campaign material for the AFD

Hahahaha, did you sent this as a letter to the council? You really should, would like to see their response and how cucked 1 to sweden they are.

You think this is a joke.
The European Court of Human Rights to side with us and ban Oktoberfest!

The AFD are racist Nazi scum
The BBC says so.

I sent a letter, and made a change petition.

Actually send that to wherever its supposed to go to. I dare you.

I did! I sent a letter and made a petition.

I received a response, and the council is considering my request.

>You think this is a joke.
Yes. But I still want it to happen. Im on your side here Mehmet

I wonder how inbred this muslim is. Seeing all those pretty German girls but knowing only the anus of a goat. What a fucking loser. Not even Buddhists can put up with you.

whats ur end goal ahmed?

I want to go to reddit and promote your petition. I'm not sure where to start.


Noice, post the response here when you get it.

You just single handedly possibly just destroyed a German holiday. Let alone a holiday with beer. Stinky brown scum you are.

>because it offends us and all Muslims on the earth
Then fuck off back to your shitty desert countries

I love this. Let's push it so the normos realize the error they've commited by accepting in their lands the shitskin menace.

>Ban Oktoberfest

Would this be enough to trigger the infamous "Reich-mode" button.

nice suicide mission anyways ahmed

You are literally having religious holidays involving animal sacrifice in the fucking 21th century and germans drinking beer and eating sausage is what offends you?

I agree, let's stop them mohammad.

If oktoberfest can't be banned, they should at least pay Jizya for being non Muslim in the Muslim country of Germany.

>reword the letter a bit, make it seem more proffesional
>sent this as a petition to imams in germanystan
>once you receive the signatures back, send this to the council
>maybe even post some flyers around the city (at night ofc)

Please for the lulz

Get all your friends to write in a mixture of English and Arabic to the state and federal members to ban it under the pretense, intolerant to other cultures.

I would fucking laugh if it gets banned by the tanned


>464 supporters
> 2 years ago

Implement Shar'ia and Islamic Law.

Will you put our women in their rightful place once your kind inevitably takeover

They have been out of place for the best part of the last 40 years, they need some punishment

I'm not a muslim but would advocate for stonings and roof tossing when the time comes

It will get banned.
You forget the EU being overly P.C.
The European Court of Human Rights will side with us and ban Oktoberfest!

lol i dont really mind weak countries have whats coming for them, so if you want that ahmed and the country is stupid enough to agree, then i have nothing against you ahmed

Yes. Women will be lockd up in their homes. They have no right to be in the open. They have not right to freely mix. They may only be accompanied outside by a family member.

Laught whilst you can! The EU will drag you infront of the European Court of Human rights and you will be forced to accpt refugees. the "we only accpt christian" refugees is discrimination.

ahmed for your information im not even in europe , lmao


Islam will rule the world
you will be stoned to death

Hitler would have approved actually

he's probably a white dude trolling germany, that being said my sides would be in orbit if Munich actually bans oktoberfest

Not sure. But almost all of good old Europe would have agreed on banning alcohol and public nudity and looked down on the Octobrefest as a decadent event for the brain rotten plebs.

Which is also why this "Oh no! Islam is threatening our fag rights and decadence!" is the weakest argument against mass immigration.

dear niggerautist;
im already stoned out of my mind

No. We are inclusive here.

it is the most likely one to succeed tho

This petition has so much potential.

Maybe. I am not a fan of kosher, civic nationalism, especially when it embraces decadence, is post-modernist in itself and embraces leftism and goes the "WE are the real antifascists" rout. Like Sellcuck for example.

It conserves nothing, restores nothing, it is nothing that I could love, embrace, cherish or fight, let alone die for.

>Petition started 2 years ago
>can not reach 500


>burka, beer, pork and dirndl
One thing is not like the other.



You are a fucking hero Ahmed

Nice larp using a two-year-old failed petition.

The dirndl is a Bavarian thing.

Burka, beer, and pork are German.