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Will Shun really die in the next duel? I'm scared...
Let's talk more about this amazing series.
Will Shun really die in the next duel? I'm scared...
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Will he get carded? Probably. But even as a Shunfag I can handle that as long as he at least does something badass. Now that I think of it, he could probably just beat the shit out of the Jobelisks with his bear hands.
He's getting carded. That or they pull some bullshit again to stop him
Aww how cute, you got over it!
Good night sweet prince
Isn't the title literally "The Falcon Perishes on the Battlefield"
I was never bothered by it. As chance would have it, there are multiple Shunfags around here.
What a garbage OP. You should feel bad.
Apparently, some Shunfags are still butthurt
Name a deeper, more thematically rich and well-written scene in all of Yu-Gi-Oh. That's right you can't. This is the pinnacle of Yu-Gi-Oh and ARC-V is objectively the best.
Let this be a lesson to all you nostalgiafags who like DM, GX, 5DS and ZEXAL. They are all shit series in comparison to ARC-V with poorly written narrative, characters, and duels. The new movie is complete Naruto-tier trash that stole our budget. This is budget that could've been used to improve animation and pay expensive voice actors like Hosoya so we could be blessed with more ZA PERFECT. ARC-V is so close to being NGE level of perfection and it would have surpassed it if it wasn't for nostalgia. If you want to talk about your shit series go do it in another thread because this is an ARC-V thread and you can't talk about anything else other than ARC-V.
Will they makes us happy by having Crow appear only to be carded too?
>actually calling it a fucking general in the OP
Are Shunfags really this retarded? Now the thread probably WILL be deleted. Good.
Holy shitpost, Batman! Could you be any more obvious?
Wow yuzus so puffy
>general thread
Kill yourself.
>General thread
Being irrelevant is fair enough.
No one cares about Crow.
Episode 109: 戦場に果てる隼 (The Falcon Perishes on the Battlefield)
After Yuya and Kurosaki defeat the Tyler Sisters, the Obelisk Force had appeared before them, causing another Tag Duel. Surrounded by enemies, Kurosaki makes a decision...
Episode 110: 落ちたの灰 (Ashes of the Fallen)
As Yuya and Yuto preserve Kurosaki's memory, Academia's commander appears. Meanwhile, Kaito arrives but Yuya and Yuto's rage engulf the battlefield...
Episode 111: 帝国要塞:アカデミア (The Imperial Fortress: Academia)
After the chaos of Edo and Kaito's confrontation, Yuya and his comrades arrive in Academia, the Fusion Dimension! Nearby, Kaito's assault on Academia soldiers brings trouble to a disoriented Yuya...
Episode 112: 毒と輝き (Venom and Shine)
As Yuzu returns to Yusho Duel School, Yugo advises Yuzu to stay with Asuka and rides away. As she fears, Yugo is met with opposition by Academia's top hunter: Yuri...
sync-crow is a mistake
[citation needed]
>in the fusion dimension already.
Holy shit, synchro really was a mistake.
RIP Shun but don't worry, Kaito will card every Academia Soldier in your memory.
This summary makes no sense. Yugo just met Asuka and Yuzu, no way they're seperating, and there's no way Yugo would be smart enough to tell her to stay in the duel school
>Episode 109: 戦場に果てる隼 (The Falcon Perishes on the Battlefield)
>After Yuya and Kurosaki defeat the Tyler Sisters, the Obelisk Force had appeared before them, causing another Tag Duel. Surrounded by enemies, Kurosaki makes a decision...
>Episode 110: 落ちたの灰 (Ashes of the Fallen)
>As Yuya and Yuto preserve Kurosaki's memory, Academia's commander appears. Meanwhile, Kaito arrives but Yuya and Yuto's rage engulf the battlefield...
hes ded
>Xyz arc is already over
Oh come on
Are these even legit
So, Kaito vs Edo and Yugo vs Yuri at last?
I'm cool with that.
My sugerdaddy works at konami, can confirm
fuck off
Fake and gay
Latest spoilers are fake btw
Only "The Falcon Perishes on the Battlefield" is legit
You silly niggers. In the future if you see a bunch of spoilers check Maxut's blog
Hey atleast he is honest about it.
Really what is the difference between Sup Forumsrc-v and a normal general except for the name and pastebin?
They probably just meant that Shun stops seeing battlefields everywhere he goes and converts to EGAOism
He literally did that against Kaito and got
That was NAKAMAism
Because actually calling it a general can get the thread deleted you fucking idiot. You're probably the OP trying to damage control, anyway.
This is fake this gotta be fake shun cant die h-h-he cant die
It makes total sense. There's literally nothing to do in Xyz and this show is ending before Spring 2017.
Probably nailed it. Goddamn, Sup Forums is shitty today. I don't think I've seen a single decent thread in the last four hours.
OP, leave the making of threads for airing series to people who aren't newfags It is your duty to lurk the fuck more.
Looks shady for me. Will wait for the actual ones. But
>Nearby, Kaito's assault on Academia soldiers brings trouble to a disoriented Yuya...
So more suffering
I don't know if you can see it but that was my first post in this thread.
But seriously I am really curious why Sup Forumsrc-v is allowed, because everyone here knows this is basically a general.
I am not trying to hate or anything, because I got in to arc-v because of the threads, but I am really curious about why it is allowed.
The same goes for jojo which is even more blatant about it.
>still being this delusional
Shun's death flag episode is real.
You can have one thread lead to another if it overflows. There's no real way to stop that. However, if it has a pastebin/thread links/general title it's going to be pruned.
Oh okay cool.
Yes he will be carded. And you will accept it.
Wow so Shun really died? Well fuck. I don't know how to feel about this. In a way im happy Shun is finally dead but in the other its way too soon for him to die. I mean he didn't even got to see Ruri and he appears a fucking lot in the OP. Also, Kaito Vs Edo sounds hype as fuck but by the other spoilers it seems like he didn't died so that means it probably ended on a tie. They can't have Academia's General lose to Kaito. It would make Academia look weak as fuck except for Yuri. And Yuya and Co going to academia already is weird as fuck too. Does Konami wants to end Arc-V this year or what? I thought it would last till April next year
It's going to last till Feb-March 2017. Then in April the next generation will start.
6 months from now we'll get the first look at the new protagonist.
>Tie again
Academia confirmed worse than the Shadow Riders.
He just needs to smile harder
>Yuya and Yuto's rage engulf the battlefield
good shiiiit
Edo is shit in every incarnation.
>Tyler sisters relevant for only 2 episodes
Arc-V at it again with its brilliant handling of characters!
>Kaito about to card Shun, then decided not to, only for Shun to be carded 4 episodes later
Yuri will job in his next duel, too.
Academia is a fucking joke.
>Yuri will job in his next duel, too
>People actually believe Yugo won't lose to Yuri
Every last one of you anons are fucking idiots.
What does that make Shun then?
With how things are going the writters have to make Yuri the only decent threat of Academia if they don't want it to be treated like a joke. Your banana is dead and it doesn't matter if he appears alot in the OP. Shun does too and now he is dead
>Yuri jobs
>Obelisk Force orgy on Yugo
>Yugo dies and gets absorbed by Yuri
Yuri better live up to being a good Academia duelist.
Its probably fake spoilers but Arc-V seems to be going full retard after Synchro
A lot of it does make sense if we assume the show is indeed ending in the next 7-8 months.
It sounds logical but I'll wait for official confirmation.
Uh thats why theres a 'waiting part'
>Yuri absorbing Yugo
Yugo and Yuya synchronized up, if it wasn't obvious already by Yuya having a different Berzerk mode/being the center of the Yuus, not to mention being the main body in the manga, Yuya is going to be the one to nom the banana. Putting Yugo with Yuri would have no effect and would only be useful for Fujo bait.
Yuri can't even make Clear Wing, inb4 he put's glow-up bulb/spore
Despite these looking fake, I won't be surprised if Yuya and Co go to fusion this early. I mean there is literally nothing left for them in XYZ at this point. We met Kaito, Edo, Allen, Sayaka and Twins(whom are getting BTFO'd). XYZ 'arc' is pretty much like the astral world mini arc.
Yuri only has one purpose: Job. He's barely a character.
Yugo will get his revenge and that's all.
Yugo is even worse at making Starve Venom, they won't nom each other
>Yugo is met with opposition by Academia's top hunter: Yuri...
This sounds like Yuri found Yugo and not the other way around, it sounds wrong since Yugo is the one always chasing
From the spoiler,like the sisters lost the duel.
I think they going to go to the "the men that defeat us can have our body and take us as mates" warrior women trope
But since shun is probably not going to take interest in any girls from acedamic, Yuya is going to have great time with both sisters.
Shun's ded
>fucking Geh gets a card
>still no Zorc or Diabound
Anyone have that picture of Judai with the middle finger ?
Maybe it will be in the legacy theme for INOV
Shun's been dead since Crow duel
>Twins lose
>Jobelisks surround them
>Acknowledging their weakness, the girls submit and help Yuya + Jobbers escape while Shun goes into a final stand against the Jobelisks
>Grace and Gloria follow Yuya around for the rest of the series
Pretty much.
Kaito pls
syn-crow is a mistake
so they are bandwagoners?
>Episode 112: 毒と輝き (Venom and Shine)
>As Yuzu returns to Yusho Duel School, Yugo advises Yuzu to stay with Asuka and rides away. As she fears, Yugo is met with opposition by Academia's top hunter: Yuri...
That yurifags desperate attempt.
>yfw Shun replaces Yuto for EGAO.wav
That means yuya is going to have even more chance to have both sister himself. Just imagine how erotic it will be to see yuya and the twins have threesome
>yfw Shun joins Yuto inside Yuya
>Yuya and Yuto presence Shun's memories
It honestly sounds lewd.
Yuya only cares about Yuzu, if Shun dies, Yuto would never forgive Academia and kill both sisters off
What if Yuzu got carded?
Yuya kills himself
He summons her card every duel, so he can feel close to her.
the end of arc-v
check it
Not anymore no. The new notmoot chink admin said he doesn't understand why generals are not welcome and they should be encouraged more.
Okay anons you where wisked away to YGO dimensions depending on the last two number you roll is where you end up
Standard 10-20s
Synchro 30-50s
Fusion 60-80s
Xyz 90s+
Good luck faggots
I don't want be a common reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
U ded
Xyz here i come
I guess you're in the RITUAL DIMENSION