How do you calm a rampaging Myaano?
Keep in mind she's 5"1' and 85lbs.
How do you calm a rampaging Myaano?
Keep in mind she's 5"1' and 85lbs.
Put her into the tras can.
bodyslam her
Bully her about being genki
My foot is literally bigger than this midget
Pick her up and hold her in the air until she runs out of energy.
>85 lbs
wouldn't that be a on the verge of death tier skelly
>85 pounds
She is actually a pretty big girl.
put her in hentai doujin with drug,rape,mindbreak tags
That equates to a BMI of 16.06
Literally anorexia tier
Dammit man, can't you use centimeter and kilogram?
Who would draw that?
>that thing
Yea, maybe 4'1 at best.
thanks mr.skeletal
bmi only makes sense for 3dpd
I'm an American
Show her Shiraishi's shiraishis.
Put my hand to her forehead and laugh.
Wow she needs to calm down the desk is going to break
>big girl
She'd need to be around 100lb to be on the lowest end of healthy. I even found a site where you could enter in that she's Japanese. Get your shit together OP.
But if you were a burger, you'd know that a single quote stands for feet
What the fuck is this shit? Use Kg and cm like the rest of the world faggots
Go fuck yourself yuro
>implying only european countries use the SI
>not the entire world except the US and a pair of shitcountries.
>a pair of
This is how I know you're a yuropoor.
Geographically I live in Asia.
I think she's gotta be even shorter than that.
Tanaka's still a teenager and probably a little short on top of that so he's probably like 5'5
And even while holding her off the ground, he's still more than a whole head taller than her.
I doubt she even reaches 4'6
>not showing her Ecchan's Echizens
So she can give blowjobs standing? Perfect. Just what I needed to shut her up.
Mag dump of concentrated carfentanil and pray for the best.
Only God can keep the body count in the double digits before the drugs take her down.
But you were born in Europe.
Alright then, fuck off gook, shitskin, or any combination of the aforementioned.
I grab her by the neck and slam her through my dick and use her like a fleshlight
That would be very painful
It's truly terrifying.
Put her in my pocket and refuse to let her out
Alwayz headpatz
Dick her
Why are americucks so bad at guessing ?
I live in the asian part of Russia. Neither a shitskin, nor a gook.