So, is tokyo ghoul hated because is bad manga in plot terms or it's hated because the fanbase is pure shit...

So, is tokyo ghoul hated because is bad manga in plot terms or it's hated because the fanbase is pure shit, or why no both?

I can't deny that the art in the Ending Cards and Manga is actually really good.

The anime attracted a cancerous fanbase. Really. That's it.

take your cirlcejerk back to /reddit/

so basically it is like every other anime it attracts cancer?

It's pretty good, but the fanbase is awful

just look at this cover user, this is bait for Angsty edgy underages.

both manga and readers are utter shit.

plot is retarded as fuck, it could work if ghouls were new shit like parasytes, but it's a fucking old problem, i doesn't make fucking sense that the humans didn't purge their own society.

>purge their own society
this here is the most stupid and senseless thing i have read... you dont even have an idea how hard that is

>He did not know that the manga was canned and a new one continued.

Except this doesn't make sense. Ghouls are like humans but stronger, faster and more resilient, with heightened senses.
Whilst we have found a way to minimise the gap, it's still hard to detect them.

Both. Though the fanbase alone would not be enough of a reason to hate Tokyo Ghoul itself. That's just stupid.
Though seriously TG has less going for it than Naruto.

I wouldn't mind the art if it had a competent writer. This is just on the same level as SAO, completely devoid of any soul, it's just a money machine.


>So, is tokyo ghoul hated
It's not. Passive indifference isn't the same as hatred.

I don't think you and I read the same sales because it's on the top popular shit in japan and also in the west

Every german I know has an odd obsession with this show.

>edgelord forced drama
Normies eat this shit up.

>there's people with indifference I swear
you can't not hate this or you're a falseflagging tokyo ghoul general poster

that's not surprising, l always thought tokyo ghoul would be the favorite manga of the nihilists from the big lebowski

Fanbase. Look at this boards literal tumblr/reddit tokyo ghoul general and you can pretty much tell how bad it is.


Did Kaneki's memories come back? I stopped reading when they turned him into police faggot

>trying to sound epic while posting a 2hu
>implying this manga is a masterpiece
>implying this manga is any good
>implying you are not delusional

Shit manga and get good with reading manga

And read more manga