Come on in my brothers. The revolution won't fight itself. Free yourself from the (((bourgeoisie)))!!!!

>we Nat(((bol))) now.
Fuck outta here (((Marxist))) cunt.

Fuck off back to /leftypol/

nigga do you even strasser?

never was a lefty... 4th political theory is the future!!

Hello Latvianon

Salutations to you too. The lack of usual shill thread spam today feels strage.

Give me 3 books to read on national bolshevism.
Preferably 1 that is on tito and another on the economic and social policies. The third book can be whatever you feel is good.

Read Strasser's Germany tomorrow instead, or "the national bolshevik manifesto". Anything associated with the Russian strain of Nazbol is trash.

Niekisch, Georges Sorel and Strasser are essential reading material for one to understand the basic tenets and ideals of national Bolshevism and the third positionist sphere at large.

Strasserists are literally just National Socialists who missed the point.

>who missed the point.

4th political theory Vol 1 and 2 by Dugin, Germany Tomorrow by Otto Strasser, and any credible source on Juche..

not a fan of tito

Please, anything but Dugin..




You're never going to reach the individualists. They're spiritual liberals, and will cling to anti-collectivism until their dying breath--and they will die, and not by our hand, but by the Islamo-Globalist collective. If they're LUCKY, they'll get to live as 2nd class non-citizens in a protectorate dominated the Chinese collective. Even after seeing the complete destruction brought on by late-stage liberalism, having experience near starvation, and the brink of genocide by the brown horde, they'll STILL bitch and moan about how the Chink overlords don't let them have democracy and free speech, nor treat whites as equals.

German Nazbols were essentially proto-Strasserites. German national Bolshevism has nothing to do whatsoever with its Russian counterpart, and is expressed solely through the works of Niekisch and his circle.

Strasserism falls into the category of German Nazbol, or at the very least an evolution of German Nazbol.

its all about the 4th position not the 3rd. I love the fuck out of the 3rd but 4th is the future.

I am rooting for the chinese above the west atm

where is janka when we need him

Yeah sucks ish. Its anti individualism. 4th pt is supposed to be molded to different groups like any other political theory albeit liberalism, communism, fascism..

don't blame you

Thanks lads.

Also, what is the nazbol position on anarchists and antifa groups? Cancer, allies, useful idiots, or other?

Threadly reminder that the creator of these shit threads is autistic and Nazbol thoroughly rejects all antisemitism.

Night of the long knife pt 2 can't come soon enough.

Strasser was a retard who would have just gotten Germany conquered by Russia. This is what happens when your political theory centers around economics. It makes you a retard.

They are the absolute enemy.

Utter cancer that needs to be eradicated by all means necessary.

Nazbols align with the far right more than the left. 4th pt is at the basis ethnocentric and culturally conservative.

But again, it depends on which strain of national Bolshevism you want to learn about. Russian Nazbol has nothing to do with German nazbol, it is an entirely separate ideology.

For German Nazbol, read Niekisch, Strasser and Georges Sorel. For Russian Nazbol, read Dugin.

that was strasser. not nazbol this is a new era.. also under strasserism jews wouldn't be able to be kikes.

That pic describes every nu-male in existence.

>Nazbols align with the far right more than the left. 4th pt is at the basis ethnocentric and culturally conservative.

If you unironically believe in class conflict you aren't right wing.
>w-we actually hate kikes
Your meme flag says otherwise.

>fighting side by side with a traitor
Go ask the muslim, they look desperately for allies

"right wing" is an arbitary categorization. I means nothing to me as a concept.

Strasser despised Kikes about as much as Hitler, though his means of dealing with them was slightly different. It is all stated clearly in Germany tomorrow.

Nigger there is a class element to our struggle. Everyone aside from the white working class are egalitarian fucks.

God you people fucking suck at meming. Everything you meme is cringeworthy. Please just do the world a favor and kill yourself.

it has nothing to do with bolshevism, why would you call it bolshevism then? It's not NazBol or any retarded Duginist shit, it's the left-lening branch of National Socialism

There is one sure way to summon him, but I really don't want "that" to come back.

Its a hyperbole

Who is Janka?
Strasserism stems from Niekisch and his circle, who called themselves National Bolshevists. It is an evolution of German Nazbol.

Right wing classically refers to monarchists who saw a social hierarchy based on resources, be them material or immaterial, which secured the prosperity of the territory and people, as a way of organizing a society. You stupid cultural marxist drones just are so uninformed and without knowledge that you actually believe the anti historic lies spouted by your teachers and the "public". Stop posting, more lurking or go back to normie space

>we want to steal from rich people because we should be like them
>everyone else is egalitarian

As a white working class person, kys

>Right wing classically refers to monarchists who saw a social hierarchy based on resources, be them material or immaterial, which secured the prosperity of the territory and people, as a way of organizing a society.

Why should that concern me in a modern political context? The categorization is arbitary given the contemporary historical circumstances, and has nothing to do with the origin of the term.

4PT is really a call for the next iteration of the Third Position. My entire conception of politics is becoming narrowly focused on order vs. chaos. Resisting entropy is beginning to seem like the ultimate distillation of all social, economic, and political concern. Peace, safety, economic growth, demographic stability--all of these things are only possible with order. Anything unsustainable leads inevitably to collapse into entropic chaos. I am starting to care about nothing else, and view every political question in the context of order and chaos. Maybe this is more religion than politics, but pettier issues no longer interest me. I don't care what the system is anymore as long as its sustainable, orderly, and peaceful.

The most autistic of all Balts, his wrath and poor grammar are unmatched here.
And "bolshevik" just means "majority/of the majority"

I am not arguing the validity of the term, but it is a matter of fact that early Strasserites called themselves National Bolsheviks, whether rightfully or wrongly, and even published "the National Bolshevik manifesto" as a means to establish an ideological foundation for their movement.

>has nothing to do with the origin of the term.
unironical cultural marxist confirmed. Congratulation, you are a useful idiot whoes historical understanding seems to start with 1945 and everything before was just racist, wasn't it? People like you are the cancer of society, Faustian bastards who deny anything outside their small eurocentrist bubble and still clame universalistic knowledge. Do everyone a favour, including your pets from abroad, and end your life leech. btw, pay back denbts

The terms are inextricably linked to the internal discourse of revolutionary Liberalism. Any system of through that falls outside of liberalism should use it own terminology rather than try to appropriate and arbitrarily redefine terms that already have other meanings. It guarantees people won't understand what each other are talking about--or maybe that's the point.

>The terms are inextricably linked to the internal discourse of revolutionary Liberalism. Any system of through that falls outside of liberalism should use it own terminology rather than try to appropriate and arbitrarily redefine terms that already have other meanings.

That's precisely my point. See

To all of you who are arguing about the "4th pol. ideology: have you even read it yourselves? There IS NO IDEOLOGY but a conflicting mish-mash of fascism, communism and mad ramblings that get redacted all the time. Dugin calls his indecisiveness "constantly evolving"

Stop assuming my position. How does anything I've said imply that I support immigration?

I am in agreement, but they can be useful allies regardless.

So you are a admitting being some principle less faggot who only takes half a scoop of everything, as it fits him. Even completely denying that the basic paradigm of any left wing ideology in the classical AND modern sense implies universalistic equality among humans and a rejection of fixed social hierarchies based on attributes which benefit a most homogenetic set of people along cultural, linguistic and genetic factors.

WTF, I'm Nazbol now

you are a fucking retard, kys
>actually caring about what dugin says

Third positionism does not claim to be left wing. It rejects the distinction between left the right altogether, and merges aspects of both conventionally "right" and "left" wing thought into a new system of political organization.

That's what volume 2 is for

>it merges two non compatible ideologies
pic related
Stay poor and watch how your people commute to Austria to help depress the wages and destroy the economy of Austria and Hungary

>If you unironically believe in class conflict you aren't right wing.
I guarantee you that monarchists, clericalists, and aristocrats believed in class, and they believed that THEIR class was right to rule over the mass that was unfit to rule itself. That certainly sound like a conflict between classes, or class-conflict.

The notion of class blindness is part of liberalism, particularly the American strand. It's of the liberal revolution, ie. the left. Liberals seek to eliminate class. Marxists seek to elevate the proletarian class to power. They BOTH opposed a ruling elite class.

Which branch of socialism do you support? Market socialism, sydicalism, state socialism, etc?

It doesn't merge two non compatible ideologies, it selects aspects from two radically different systems of political thought and merges them into a new, entirely different system.

I support an economy reminiscent of Syndicalism.

forced memes don't reproduce

Explain what you are trying to prove. What is this supposed to mean?

>Free yourself from the (((bourgeoisie)))!!!!
Stop trying to make it sound romantic, dipshit.

Communism and Nazism tend not to mix

>Muh muslims
>No mention of the Jews
>Associating with the NSM retards

Controlled OP.

Third positionism is not about mixing Communism and Nazism and never claimed to be so.

I respect Nazbols only because they are not afraid of naming (((them))) and the power they hold. Mark my words, if one leftist group is going to be targeted and shut down it's going to be Nazbols.

I am totally with that but the -bol made me sick, bolchevik are a fucking jewish revolution against the russian goy.

He's saying communist stuff and fascist stuff, it's close enough

Fascism is not Nazism.
Communism is an end goal that necessitates the eradication of state. Third positionism is statist, and therefore not Communist.

Only Russian Nazbol takes the "Bol" part seriously. German nazbol was just an unfortunate naming accident, and it eventually evolved into Strasserism, thus ridding itself from the "bol" part.

>It is not right or left RRRREEEEEE completely different
>Lets mix certain aspects of those ideologies which are ontologically incompatible and expect something that works because it gives both parties a worse outcome
Same fallacy as the proponents of race mixers. And in addition a misunderstanding regarding the development of ideas by expecting that a fit it all mentality can get the whole social cake.
Memetic evolution isn't equal to mimicking.

Just watch some mlp and save all your jizz in varying jars for several months. That pretty much sums it up.

>ontologically incompatible
Explain how they are ontologically incompatible.

Nazbol is the most crack cocaine binger ideology in existence. The only person you'll ever get to say some crackhead shit like "we nazbol now" unironically is like maybe Tila Tequila and that's all you need to know about nazbols.

What do you know about Nazbols? I may take you seriously if you demonstrate that you actually know what Nazbol is.

Lefty faggot.

We need to have a strong social vision, i have nothing against the S in NS but communist is just....fucking no.

Or you need to redefine communism, and good luck.

We are not Communist.

How is there not a class element to this? All of /our guys/ are white working class and blue collar af. Our enemies are upper middle class college cunts and (((elites)))

I'm ok with Nazbol's and I even see them as allies.But if you admit that different races and cultures have different capacities and behave in different ways why it would be different for individuals in the same state?

>right wing, classical as modern
Social and genetic hierarchy is natural and determines the epistemological boundaries of an individual and the methods applied by the individual
>Left wing, classic and modern
Social hierarchy is non natural but structural, and every human is equal only limited by structure, which assumes that every human has the same epistemological boundaries and can apply all methods and is only hold back by structure


Fuck off

Third positionism: Social hierarchy is natural, but every human is equal by virtue of being part of a greater national whole.

Ontologically an oxymoron. You can't have both or will end up with an ideology that isn't eve coherent in itself


third positionism accepts that not everyone is equally capable, intellectually, morally or physically, but should be treated as POLITICALLY equal by virtue of bearing within them the essence of a greater whole, to which they surrender their individuality and selflessly sacrifice themselves for. Equality is not determined by ability, but rather by national essence.

>Free yourself from the (((bourgeoisie)))
I already did. I quit being a jew like you.


If you're actually from Greece and that isn't where your VPN it makes a bit more sense that you would be nazbol because nazbols basically only have a function in a post-apocalyptic or near-apocalyptic scenario or in a society that wants to plunge head first into that scenario and I guess that's what Greece has gone through. rip

national bolshevism takes the ardent furor and sense of destiny from nationalism and combines it with the abject degeneracy of bolshevism. That Limonov is a gigantic faggot with a preference for young boys and unashamed of this tells you all you need to know about nazbols.

Russian Nazbols have nothing to do with Niekisch or Strasser. Try again. Also pic related. Listening to Sup Forums memes about Greece unironically only makes you embarrass yourself, because they have no bearing in reality. Our unemployment is not higher than Spain's, and our wages are as high as Portugal's.

Are there any US or UK NazBol groups, or is it just mostly Russia and Germany?

Over 90% of Nazbols are located in Russia. The rest are fringe online groups.

Nazbol is 100% anti liberal. Its creation is for the sole purpose of destroying liberalism

Is Putin NazBol?

There's racial segregation,

should there be class segregation?

No, most Russian Nazbols hate him.