No amount of shilling...

no amount of shilling, lefty agenda or """"black excellence"""" is going to stop the nationalist resurgence winning in Britain. There is simply no way the English, Welsh or Scottish men are silently going to become minorities or allow the madness to continue indefinitely.

Other urls found in this thread:

Make him proud you bongs, don't let those sand niggers destroy your country

Why are so many Brits on this board BUF larpers? Do you think Mosley's gonna come back from the dead and solve all your problems?

we don't get taught about him in school
hes /ourguy/

the more people who hear his message the scope of creating new mosleys widens

You don't? I'd never heard of him until I came to Sup Forums but I assumed that that was because I was a burger.

no we dont, strange isnt it?

not a single word mate.
im in my early twenties and didn't know who he was till after Brexit.

offical thread theme


Nope they are just like the USA is going to sit on ass and allow it.

Face it we are fucking pussies now.

>Face it we are fucking pussies now.

Domesticated is the right term.

God speed British user!!!

Corrected, domesticated is the right term..


pfff wrong
America is going to wade through an absolute shitshow of anti-white rhetoric to enable european identity politics fully

all we have to do is remember, and we are - Brexit proved that.



Thread Theme

Don't sleep with mad dogs.
You've got at least one welsh man with you.

also digits confirm

you're deluded, sadly.

He will be rehabilitated in the collective memory of the British just as Enoch is being rehabilitated as we speak. Once the great pendulum begins its journey back to sanity there is no stopping it.

Get onboard or be demolished by it.

sorry m8

>executes for defeatism

We need the Scots out of the union. those guys are fucking cucks voting to remain in the EU, the propaganda is strong there.

I suppose we will see in the end, I like your optimism. Everyone should remember that it starts with the individual; talk to people and network, get out there and spread your message, improve yourself and be an ambassador for national rejuvination and the spiritual cultivation of Europeans everywhere.

Things will get a lot worse in this country and the west in general before it gets better, that is a given. If magically we had the 'clash' today, meaning the right economic circumstances gave way to a civil conflict, then perhaps we could win, but the longer it is left the harder it will be, our demographics are only waning, our population only aging and it is only a matter of time before non-Europeans are the majority in Europe and I don't like my odds of peaceful balkanisation (If it somehow came to that). It will end in conflict sooner or later if drastic change doesn't take effect

Don't waste your time trying to convince people who aren't worth it though, convince the undecided and build networks, don't waste your time on pathologically altruistic city dwellers who insist on repeating the mantra that diversity is our strength, them being European isn't enough to save them, if after everything they still insist everything is fine, then fuck them, when the shit hits the fan they will be the first go, they've made their bed so let them rot in it, focus on the people that matter.

There is no going back.

Economic AND social circumstances.*


Heil Mosley, he should of united all the Anglos are one fascist rule

The most based man

Tears in my eyes

The act of onion my fellow Anglos, the act of onion.

What's up with the level of anti-Britain posts over the last day or two? Why are people shiling so hard against England? What's going on over there to cause this much fear for the globalists?

i have no idea m8 but ive noticed it. it started about a month ago.... a topic worthy of discussion actually.....

>Why are people shiling so hard against England?

The whole system works on people placing their own material wealth over the desire to live in a homogeneous and high trust country. England said no and, they said with their actions that they would prefer to be their own country even at the cost of economic prosperity.

It's been going on for months like this, though it's getting worse as time goes on. It's because the English are waking up to the reality of all that is going on, and that's a terrifying prospect to those who wish to rule over us. So they attack us here, they think Sup Forums is the tip of the spear when all we are is the tip of the iceberg.

I'm a burger, so I don't pay attention to many bantz threads about other countries. But, over the past two hours or so of browsing Sup Forums I've seen at least five shill threads bashing England in some way. They've mostly 404'd, but something is really up if a retarded burger is noticing them.

Because Brexit is getting close, the cabinet is being shuffled to create one that will complete it as best as possible. Its looking like it will actually happen for real, without significant compromise or 2nd referendum or other bullshit measures.

Must terrify the globalists to see decades of work and planning being undone.

That is why, plus some people just find the eternal anglo thing funny.

bump to combat slide threads

neither had I desu, our education is a joke.

too bad his son turned out to be a degenerate


yeah, true - its probably damage control for Brexit getting closer

England, according to conspiracy, is owned by the Rothschilds. So what did they really say 'no' to?

I've not noticed, honestly. I feel bad for you guys. I have a good friend who is a bong. She's a slut to end all sluts, but I still care about her. I want your country to succeed as much as I want ours to succeed. I don't want her living under Diarrhea Law. Yet, same question for you - if the Rothschilds own your can you get out from under? I know the US is in the same boat with the Federal Reserve.

m8 you wouldnt fuck a load of naughty german girls in Nazi uniforms? ....

Hard times create strong men, user.
One day, we will thank the jew for sacrificing themselves in order to give us direction.

yeah they are probably to combat my thread
thats why theyre not in here but the threads are still popping up

>inb4 they read this and begin posting

fuck off antifa

The globalists know.
We're over the edge now.
Over the top.
We've gone full "Mad Mack" mode now.

Its economic oblivion or glory, at this point I no-longer care.
Truly this is the best timeline.

>England, according to conspiracy, is owned by the Rothschilds. So what did they really say 'no' to?

The people voted to leave, they voted to control their own boarders and immigration. They said no to a single European state that the UK would only be a small member with littler control over itself. The people grow more awake every day and are rejecting the plans of their masters.

It's just

I completely understand Brexit and what it means. I'm hopeful it will move forward in all of its glory. Yet, even if it does, that still leaves the fact that your financial system is owned by a globalist. The same for us and the Federal Reserve. How do we combat this seemingly checkmate?

Literally the entire establishment was against Brexit, every "expert" they could wheel out they did, every washed up politician that once had authority over the UK was brought out to tell us just how terrible it would be to leave. Yet we still managed to win.

>Its economic oblivion or glory
We can both, Hitler proved it.
They despise us because they are not suited to enjoy honest labor, they cannot do it without cursing the ground they stand on, such is their vileness.

>born in Hong Kong
>mfw a Chink was one of Britain's most bad-ass heroes.

It's now or never for us in the USA, as well.

>the eternal anglo does not care for you lack of need to have thrilling sexual experiences

without the Aryan blood how else was he supposed to get his kicks

And that's fucking amazing. What are the odds that what you guys voted for will actually pass as intended, though? Meaning, not some water-down globalist version of Brexit.

That's why I am still white pilled about the future of Europeans overall, I believe when push actually comes to shove the strongest among us are going to emerge and lead the way forward. We're not quite there yet though and it is going to be an uphill struggle for the future of Europeans everywhere to recapture our collective spirit unapologetically.

also one of his Grandsons overdosed and died

if Brexit passes and isnt up to Ol' Niges' standard

there will be hell to pay
Expect Primeminister Farage

Great news if true. Just know that the majority of burgers stand with our bongbros.

The most important thing is not to return to the status quo. Regardless of who the candidates are next time, you must vote for whoever is the non-globalist. Even if a fucking retard is a candidate, better that then a reversal that you will never be allowed to revert from again.

Mosley lived into his late 70s. This means he didnt want the action he championed enough.
He simply didnt want it enough, otherwise he'd have died for it..


o fuc that came out small

Do you relaise BUF was banned by the kings hand?

He was effectively exiled, a paraiah.

I suggest you listen to his last radio interview or TV interviews, all of which are on youtube. When you are done with that, listen to the interview his wife gave Sue Lawley on Radio4, I think you can find it online. She was of the same mind.


Yeah, and I don't understand why UKIP gets called far-right. If the British party system were transplanted here, UKIP would get at least 20% of the vote in every election.

lol user... didn't you know ???

everyone who isn't leftwing is a literal racist bigot nazi scum

And what did he do then? He respected that ban and the kings wishes.
Do you know what we do in America when a king wishes to ban us?
Do you see what hitler did and why he died?
Do you see what mussolini did and why he died?
Would you die for your nation or would you allow the onslaught of bureaucracy and invading hoardes overwhelm you fellow countrymen?

He litteraly couldn't, he was fucking exiled you idiot.

That is a really cool flag.
Does it have any baggage I should know before i buy one?

These are not words the American settlers used when building a great nation.
These should not be words used when attempting to hold on to your nation and your beliefs.

Amen, brother. We're witnessing the birth of one of our greatest generations to date.
It will not come easy, nor should it.



yeah, a lot.
mostly over shadowed by the swastika though
so no worries

The circle-flash (in center) is the symbol of the British Union of Fascists, a short-lived British political party. No one knows that here in Burgerland, though.

I honestly believe there is another force and man power behind Brexit to ensure that any backsliding would cause major uproar in the political spectrum over here. UKIP or maybe another more nationalistic party would no doubt start to rise up the polls.

You're funny

Bumping, fucking Mohammed slide threads.

Fascism is shit and Mosley was no exception

>no one in burgerland knows
Sure we do. We also know that mosleys efforts were half-assed.
And its too bad because he managed to creat a substantial amout of momentum.
But end the end he didnt want it enough.

The UK has first past the post, though, so a rise in UKIP could cause the Lib Dems or Labour to make gains.

>sure we do
Not many, though. Not even my fellow history buff friends have heard of Mosley.

>He will be rehabilitated in the collective memory of the British just as Enoch is being rehabilitated as we speak
You've got a better chance of Hitler going back to being lived in Germany

Thats amazing. What state do you live in?


>Wanting a Bong flag
Get the hell out of my country

I'm sorry to sound like a complete faggot but it's only low iq, high testosterone idiots who are protesting in the streets.

The rest can't be bothered because a multicultural society will not affect them in the same way it will affect unintelligent mongrels.

Or maybe they're just completely addicted to some form of degeneracy.I'm sorry to bust your bubble but how many of you are not addicted to pornography?How many of you do not have deviant fetishes?Right.

If you wanna save the world from ''muh degeneracy'' and ''muh multiculturalism'' it's time step away from the computer for a while...maybee...set up a schedule, go have a run, read a book.

You know you hate yourself but it's much more comfortable to externalize all of this hatred rather than look inwards.

You're wasting your time and your neurons are withering away for no purpose whatsoever.You're using internet politics as a form of escapism.

go read Jung.

>if the Rothschilds own your can you get out from under?
Orania. Check it out, read up on what they did. I believe this country must devolve in to a series of "Oranias" in order to oust Jewish financial control.


I would estimate 60-70% of white British adults are at the very least red pilled on Islam. This a marked improvement from even a few years ago.

It's not reached the point where more than a fringe element are seriously considering doing something about it yet. That may take a while longer.

That force is the collective will of the people user.
Pushback should be met with total removal of the police, politicians and royal family that have all turned their back on their holy duty.
God will apoint a successor.

>You're wasting your time
Hello there, Schlahmed.

>The rest can't be bothered because a multicultural society will not affect them in the same way it will affect unintelligent mongrels.

Not really. They're not protesting because they don't want to associate the the aforementioned low IQ morons. They'll have to a pick a side sooner or later.

I haven't watched porn in months now, btw.

Wew lad.
You think us totally ignorant of Berlin? Women will worship at the feet of strong men that can deliver their children an honest future. The deeper the degeneracy, the more thankful of a secure environment where they are respected for their role.

The Jews will provide the catalyst, Thanks to their short term thinking and excess of greed they will crash the economy again and this time it will be worse then before. They think that they will be able to control enough people with modern propaganda to use this crash to their advantage but they are wrong. The counter culture is now located on the right and it is the right that will bring people out of disaster and into a new generation of peace and prosperity. Bowden saw all of this. He said the right would use the Internet to bypass the censors and to amplify the message and he was right.

Agreed. Most I've spoken to won't outright say stuff unless you say something first. If there's some kind of terror attack I'll quietly say to someone I work with, "Oh, and I wonder what the name and religion of the terrorist will be this time?"

Most will completely agree. Best reply I've ever had is, "I know you shouldn't judge people, and I never used to, but lately I worry if I walk past a brown person, or.if there's one on the train."

I think the redpill is slowly having an effect on the masses.

Maybe the south is more focused on local history?