Sansha sanyou

>top tier animation/OP/ED
>genuinely multi faceted characters
>bests everywhere
welcome to the new gold standard Sup Forums

Was genuinely surprised at the animation quality.

Is this series this unpopular?

And the manga is getting scanlated too.Quite a change from the anime.

>soft subs have shit quality
>I still don't know nip

Yeah I'm waiting for the BD

>soft subs have shit quality
orz release looks pretty decent to me. There even two versions, with and without honorifics.

How much difference is there?

Its a 4 koma, you can read it in 5 minutes. But there was bird shit involved. 2 chapters released for now.

I'm liking it a lot but I prefer Mikakunin de Shinkoukei a bit more.

No but it's not as popular as it should be.

I still ship Youko-sama with Yamaji in my dreams

I'd wear it

Oh man give me 5

It's too popular.

Remove the graphic sticker/ press and it looks nice. Would wear.

It's not too bad. It seems to be getting eclipsed by anne happy a bit which is fucked seeing as it's objectively better in every single way

Anne Happy does have more "unique" characters though.

>>genuinely multi faceted characters
Fucking please.

Don't bring Unhappy into this. Both those shows are getting eclipsed by Flying Witch and Kuma Miko.

And that's perfectly fine.

As far as this genre goes they're about as multi faceted as you're ever going to get. They all have personalities that go beyond their initial meme.

I too watched that Digibro video user

>As far as this genre goes they're about as multi faceted as you're ever going to get.

what's digibro

>genuinely multi faceted characters
I like this show but seriously what the fuck does it even mean?
Most of the CGDCT I watched had pretty distinct characters and there's nothing special about Sansha Sanyou ones

>youtubers shit
>other series fanbase faggotry
Abandon thread.

literally everyone but purple hair MC was unlikeable


Really? She was the most unlikeable of them all.

I want to make sweet, consensual sex to Youko-sama while she's wearing that dress from the ED.

I want to put my mayonnaise on Youko's pancakes.

As in their characters go farther than their individual gimmicks. I'm not saying it's fucking groundbreaking shit, but there's more to them than one likes food ones a bitch ones a rich girl.

>but there's more to them than one likes food ones a bitch ones a rich girl.
No there isn't.

I have to agree with that. I like how even Futaba manages to switch from being the food-oriented boke to being the tsukkomi, like in that bit with the candy trap.


There were a lot of "golden standarts" before, like K-on, NNB, Kinmoza

> like K-on, NNB, Kinmoza
And Sansha predated them all, except for Azumanga

I like today1s so much better

>I like this show but seriously what the fuck does it even mean?
I think what he was trying to say is the characters have depth, something this genre really doesn't do well outside of a few standouts. And i'm not talking about character traits, i'm talking about actual depth to the character, a character who's actually been fully conceptualized beyond their Tropes.

That said while this is praiseworthy, the fact we talk about this like it's unique in anime only proves how horribly written most anime/manga in this genre are (anne happy is a prime example of shallow trope characters).

That said, while this anime is better written and animate then the other cute girls doing cute things anime this season (except for maybe flying witch) that doesn't make it amazing or anything. This is just an average cute girls show. That said anyone likely a cute girls show airing other then flying witch more then this really has a low standard for their anime.

>Sup Forums has come to the point where they put Sansha Sanyou, Anne Happy, Flying Witch and Kumamiko in the same bag
They are literally all completely different. Not a single one should be compared to eachother.
Sansha is CGDCT comedy.
Flying Witch is iyashikei comedy.
Kumamiko is a comedy. It has a cute girl as the protagonist. That's it.
Anne Happy is shit.

CGDCT and iyashikei go hand in hand pretty damn often though.

But it's not 100% the case, and I did mention that all of them are different kinds of comedy.
I'm sure that if Sakamoto was a little girl people would somehow manage to add it to the same bag

Not really.

One way you know something is iyashikei is if there is an intense focus on landscapes and backgrounds in the show.

Sansha can be manic at times, so it doesn't quality as iyashikei in that sense

See: Yuru Yuri.

How can she be so absolutely wonderful?

Where did I say that sansha is iyashikei? Because it's not. I just wanted to say that CGDCT and iyashikei is not always separate. If we want to throw around examples, there's NNB (and, to me, Hanasaku Iroha also).

Anne Happy is so fucking mediocre, tho. Sansha Sanyou is streets ahead of it.

It's not KyoAni so no one is cirlejerking over it.

>One way you know something is iyashikei is if there is an intense focus on landscapes and backgrounds in the show.
That's not what iyashikei is.

Are you saying detailed backgrounds don't heal you? Have you never seen bincho-tan, good sir

Sadly, any thread that gets posted outside of a broadcast dies fast.

I don't think it got a lot of pre-season hype prior to it's airing, so a lot of people including myself missed it the first time around.

But I'm surprised it turned out to be my favorite show of the season.


however flying witch, sansha and happy all could be dismissed as cute girls doing cute things

either way happy is pure shit. the only people who could possibly like it are people with zero discernment ability or people so new to the medium they can't recognise what's shit and what's ok at a glance.

I'm probably the only person on Sup Forums who can't stumach CGDCG anime and even I can tell flying witch and Sansha are head and shoulders above most of the trash in this genre. (not that they're "great" per say, only lets just say they don't make me want to kill myself after sitting through 20 minutes of an episode, and occasionally I'll actually enjoy those 20 minutes as well)

it's definitely near the top of the pile.

Sansha Sanyou is every bit as shit as Anne Happy. People who say otherwise are deluding themselves.

There should be more yamaji.

I hope those quotes indicate sarcasm.

So it's about a poor girl with social anxiety attempting to keep her only two friends?

Yoko-sama does transcend the typical haughty ojousama stereotype by being genuinely curious about plebian life.
She seems to be gaining and practicing empathy with her friends and former employees.
Futaba is surprisingly deep for a gag character.
Teru is still pretty plastic, though.

Is the first episode what most of the show is like?
It really didn't click with me which is odd since dogakobo is my favorite studio for SOL all around.

the latter episodes are better since it adds more side characters

It gets better when they introduce Sonobe

Guess I'll watch a few more before passing judgement

Most of the good moe SoLs have this, again nothing special.

You seem to have used "moe" to mean cute anime or manga series, or just characters that act cute. Oops!

Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest that you should learn what it means, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example r/anime.

Thanks for reading!

Cute shit is moe to me so eat shit faggot.

But you'd be wrong, friend

>cute is not an aspect of a character

>moe isn't cute
>moe isn't CGDCT
But that's excatly what moe is

Why is Futaba so shit? she ruined the whole episode.

Teru a shit.


I honestly think if it weren't for the boy characters Sansha Sanyou could've been SOL of the season.

Only the shota is shit.

You're a shit.
Almost as big a shit as this meme

Pretty lady


>not very funny
>not particularly comfy
Despite the things it has going for it, it fails to do what it's actually supposed to do.

What does this mean?

What sort of pleb eats pancakes with mayo?

>hates yamajii
well we know you have shit taste. Yamajii is hilarious and awesome. Furthermore hearing yoko-sama screaming in exasperation "YA_MA_JIIII" makes me so fucking hard.

Please leave netorare lover


I'll go ahead and dump the whole 6 pages of ch2 of the manga.


>Please leave netorare lover
why the fuck are you bringing NTR into this for? are you damaged? retarded? a summerfag?




Those cat animations are so good.


Is this yuri?

When the fuck were these translated??

2 days ago.

Is the team committed to scanning it all?


Considering I have no work ethic, we'll see. I'll keep going at least until the end of the summer.

Don't use words you don't understand

The anime improved the designs a lot.

Males should not be in this show

YamaG is fine, he just wants to protect Yoko-sama.

The shota fucking sucks, true.
Yamaji, however, is great. As much as yuri goggles fused into my face, the show would be less without him and I would really like to see some romantic development between him ans Yozko-sama. Sadly, it'll never happen.

>Males should not be in this show
you sound like your masculinity is challenged by other men. have you been cucked before? small dick? personally I think men in a SOL/CGDCT anime only makes it better.


Unfortunately yes.