Wtf I love Sweden now

Sup Forums BTFO!

Other urls found in this thread:

>We trust the state more than family
Kek Sweden yes

>we trust state more than family


>sweet jam together with meat

That has to break the record of the most autistic tweet ever to be sent out


>We trust state more than family.
That has to be one of the most sinister things I've ever read.


>1 womans opinion
no wonder reality feels a lot different than pol

>we trust state more than our own family
Nigger what

>we trust state more than family

>we trust state more than family

>we trust state more than family

>we trust state more than family

>we trust state more than family

>we trust state more than family

I don't know when but at some point recently this kind of shit stopped making me angry and started making me pic related

>>we trust state more than family
never heard anyone express this and i have no idea what the fuck she's talking about. i don't know anyone who doesn't despite the government on every level


take some mudslime cock up your ass sweden you love it all what the Jew gives you

We are, but we still used to, too

>we trust state more than family

tried it at an ikea restaurant
it's not bad, but i not that good either

I wonder what it would be like to meet a person like you afk
what do you look like? I'm picturing you like the people from the kekistan meetups

That's a Sup Forums account r-right?

>sweet jam on meat
We do that too, sort of. Apple sauce goes on pork chops, and cranberry salad goes on turkey.

>sweet jam with meat
Like cranberry sauce? Thats not too uncommon

>trust state more than family
1984 comparisons are babbys first literary analogy but all i can think of is the part where the neighbours kid tells the state about his dad saying 'i hate big brother' in his sleep.

>we trust state more than family
When did this become a good thing like wtf.

fuck its real

desu that statement is typical of leftists

the ABSOLUTE state of Sweden

That's Sweden's official twitter account. As in the country's account.

It's given to a random person every month to run. They're always SJWs

Säger han på svenska.

Sweden is an attention whore of a country.

literally communism

>Sweet jam with meat
What the fuck is Sweden's problem?

>trust state more then family

>we don't believe in God
Is the scariest

IKEA a shit.

Try making them at home instead. Simple meatball recipe with chunky carmelized onion chopped in is fucking amazing. You also get to fry them up with a crispier outside.

The IKEA meatballs are pretty disgusting. Also for some great Swede mashed potatoes, mix in a lot of carrot and parsnip and leave the mash chunky.

Best part is how easy and fast it is for a homemade meal.

Dont americans eat cranberry jam at thanksgiving

If that is real that is some scary shit.

I like it because it shows that countries that abandon God and blood are turned into ash by barbarian hordes.

Can't wait till I hit that point....

>too late Sweden is already in multucultural mode

Yes but that's not the part people are concerned with.

>we trust state more than family
thats much scarier

>it's not bad, but i not that good either

This is pretty much true of Sweden in general beyond all the memes.

Will Sweden still be a country in the next 20 years?

It's like Sweden can't even understand what they look like to the rest of the world.

That's what happens when you've femi-nazi lib-tards run a country; Quisling had nothing on these dipshits.

It's too late Sweden. Your national twigger account already declared it. Better go snitch on your father for calling a nigger a double nigger.

It'll be a Caliphate.

hahaaha what a shallow and vapid cunt

yeah sure i get it, it sounds nice and all but why add jam to it?
its already good as it is, what i meant is the jam doesnt make it taste that much better, just a bit weirder

>We trust the state more than family
Sometimes family ain't the ones to trust, but believing in the state more than them? Holy shit.

I've never met ANYONE who likes the fucking state here. And I've met like two people who don't believe in God.

i hate this socialist parrot shithole


Wtf I love swedish cuisine now?

There has to be a God. Somalis are the plague of locusts upon your house.


>we trust the state more than family

At this point I think /even pol/ could take over Sweden.

are there red-pilled swedes? maybe even ones that have read American thinkers and realize the value of system that respects individual rights over state power?

Somalis aren't even the worst

Seriously, though, fuck off with your superstition

>but why add jam to it

That's the part I can't really answer. To me it's natural and makes sense flavour wise. "Aquired taste" maybe?

I could mention that homemade lingonberry jam has a lot less sugar in it making it taste more tart which is better than mixing savoury with sugary sweet.

Sweden deserves its fate. You do not trust government, retards.

Somalis or Gypsies which is worse would you say? I'd honestly say Gypsies. I hate niggers but Gypsies are like niggers but even ruder.

>we trust state more than family
This is something we would say to make fun of lefties

Seriously lads, what the fuck happened to you?


>Europe is now in multicultural mode and Jews are being resented because of our leading role.

We not only trust the state, we are raised by it. this is why so few of us are redpilled. It's not only a matter of taking the pill in Cuckistan but defooing your own parents sossarna

Don't take it personally. It's hard to watch what's happening, that's all.

>we trust state more than family
Marxist indoctrination has wormed so deep inside her mind she thinks this is a good thing.

let it be known that i am swedish and i despise niggers

>To me it's natural and makes sense flavour wise.
fair enough
as i said its not bad, but i dont see myself putting jam into my meatballs next time i make em nahmean

It just keeps getting better

>independent women
she's quite optimistic about being a single mother

vi kan inte låta henne lära barn detta skit.


youre a fucking idiot. niggers are not even human. a gypsy can be trained to be human and poses the genetic potential to become productive member if taken out of their shitty culture. a nigger will always be a nigger no matter what you do.

she is gonna end up with a borderline alcoholic beta, I can feel it, prove me wrong

And this is the definition of a zombie, a sheep, a homo sapien that has lost all individual thought, freedom, and sense of humanity. Fucking sad as shit right there. Sup Forums isn't BTFO, this swede is just admitting to being nothing more than literal cattle being led to the slaughterhouse.

bitch removed tweet

Phone poster return to reddit pls

>independent women
>We trust the state more than family

This is why public schooling is a mistake

Independent yet she depends on daddy gov, Swedish girls are fucking retarded.

I'm not a religious person, but I trust God a lot more than I trust the Swedish at this point.

>we trust state more than family

In what fucking part of Sweden?
Stockholm I'd imagine.

This is not really special. We do the same

Absolutely degenerate.

Gas every single of those Swedish leftists cucks.

Quisling was Norwegian... probably saved us desu..

>according to Sup Forums these people are superior compared to other europeans

>literally statecucks
lmao, sweden yes

stop making white babies Sven

No it's not, because god is something you have to personify and realize yourself, because you cannot touch, taste or smell god.

Family on Thebes's other hand cared for you, loved you, protected you. The state brought in millions of Muslim rapists to kill you, called you racist for your heritage (which is ironic since Sweden didn't even partake in colonialism or slavery) and actively seeks to replace / exterminate it's population.

And they believe state > family.

National socialism never expect you to love a sovereign entity more than your own flesh and blood, but commies seem to believe that is a good thing.

same here desu. sweet and sour dishes are not fucking special.

Please, cuck.

Are you even fascist / natsoc? Or do you need more pain to realize hitler was right all along?

Russia invading Sweden would be a net improvement at this rate.

Many alt-right leaders are Swedes

Gas them all.

Every single socialist and communist gets the knife.

I never thought about it that way, but it's easy to get disowned if you aren't politically correct.
How can you type out "we trust state more than family" and not want to fucking kill yourself.

>trusting the state