Why are East Asians so conservative and nationalist in their own countries but left/liberal in white/Western countries...

Why are East Asians so conservative and nationalist in their own countries but left/liberal in white/Western countries, or at least in America?

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They are playing the long game

name should be BangBangFin instead

because the left is about breaking up the white demographic which currently controls the country. Every group always votes racially over their own political beliefs, this has been known for a while and other countries have experienced it as well. Every group is trying to gain more power, except some whites which are controlled by jews and are trying to give up their power.

They didn't study politics hard enough (:

Asian immigrants tend to be among the most educated from their countries (over 50% of Chinese immigrants to America arrive with college degrees whereas only 9% of Chinese back home do) and higher education is correlated with liberalism.

it's almost as if your political orientation is affected mostly by the environment you grow up in

There was a study of this with bilingual Japanese women.

they acted submissive when they were speaking Japanese, and then liberal when speaking English.

They pick up on the culture change; or language actually changes how they think.

>Why are East Asians so conservative and nationalist in their own countries but left/liberal in white/Western countries, or at least in America?

no/low wellfare system !

=> no parasitism => good ppl succeed and preplicate, parasites fail and disappear.

yes, it IS that simple

> language actually changes how they think.

I think this is true. It has to be.
Language is how you think about every interaction you ever have.
I'm learning Japanese now and it is very... "polite."

Ameriburger Chang here, Leaf Chang there is right. Asians are the most confromist race there is. Now Asians in america and Canada will conform and emulate what they perceive as the dominant white culture, and since they are mostly situated on the west coast and mostly see and interact with liberal numales in and out of ther college bubbles they will instinctively emulate those progressive whites.

such smooth FEET!

white people in japan are 99% liberal.

Because they get here and find poor white republicans hate them .

At the breaking point, when the country racially polarizes completely, and whites votes 70%+ Republican, and blacks/browns vote 70%+ for Democrats, I don't think the East Asians are going to side with the black/browns. At that point, I think you'll see them overwhelmingly align with white voting patterns. it will come after blacks and hispanics burn several Asian neighborhoods.

Already happened in LA. They're still democrats.

Leftists tend to be less nationalistic and are therefore more likely to leave their countries than conservatives.

Higher "education" yet lower actual income.

Really makes you think. Lmao

why do we need to replace a good thing with a shit one

Japan is not conservative.


>In Texas, the very conservative Senator John Cornyn and candidate for governor Greg Abbott did well with Hispanics without ever calling for amnesty or open borders.

>while Latinos form a strong Democratic bloc in California, in most states they don’t automatically punch the “D.” In Texas, Senator John Cornyn bested his Democratic opponent among Latinos in 2014 by a small margin, and Senator Richard Burr won 49 percent of the Latino vote in North Carolina last year over a strong liberal challenger. In Florida, Marco Rubio almost won the Latino vote in 2016. Those are not the kinds of numbers on which you can build a lasting majority.



Japan is conservative at politics.

Because in white countries they are minorities, so they advocate for minority interests.

Classical liberalism and individualism (Enlightenment era Western values that spawned our current politics) are poison and turn people into degenerates. This is why Dugin rightfully wants to destroy America. Marxism didn't create trannies and junkies -- they didn't exist in the Soviet Union and they don't exist in the DPRK. It was you faggots. Blue hair and fucking strangers is freedom and individual expression.

No, the cultural shift has not happened yet. It's about cultural conformity. You'll see white voting patterns SLOWLY shift, as a larger and larger % have to vote one way to exert the same amount of power that they have now. It won't be a sudden realization, but after losing a few election cycles due purely to demographic shift, more and more white will switch parties simply to avoid getting drowned out. Whites are still going to be a plurality for a long time if not indefinitely, even after they lose majority status.

White and white-ish hispanics will mostly acculturate similarly to how non-Anglo, non-Germanic European immigrants did. Very few people WANT to be pigeonholed with the permanent underclass if they can avoid it. Racial underclass like Amerindian-heavy mestizos and blacks have no choice so they develop an identity based on that status from which to drawn a sense of perverse pride. White hispanics are going to want in on the good life like other white immigrant waves in the past. The Amerindians calling them uncle toms because they have Spanish surnames will only make them reject underclass culture more strongly.

Because in western nations they are minorities. It's as simple as that.

The nationalist ones stay in their nation dumbass

lmao you can't win a majority or even 40% of Hispanics in Texas without winning a good number of mestizos as well. Not all mestizos are low class and there are of white-looking Hispanics who embrace ghetto culture like Pitbull.

Because they're freed from eyes and gossip. They act pure and innocent after they go back. Pretend all the coal burning in liberal shitholes never happened.

True. However, if whites begin to vote as a bloc like other races, it would maintain the relative racial balance of power for much long, if not indefinitely. You have to think longer term. As Lee Kwan Yew said, multicultural countries' politics eventually become purely racial. Sooner or later, that will even push whites into a more monolithic voting bloc. When that happens, the Dems will have to make it all up with non-white votes, and as long as whites are a plurality, and hispanics don't vote 99% Dem like blacks, and then there is a 5--7% Asian population that isn't 99% monolithic either, elections will still be about as close as they are today.

The white vote is going to racialize sooner or later.

>china or north korea
>they are literal communists, you uneducated numb nuts!

They just don't give a fuck about human rights or have any empathy, unlike the western white man.

Trump is going to kill Mexican support for Republicans for a long long time.

Is it not obvious? It's the government/societal influence. Asians are NOT inherently submissive, conservative, or nationalist.

Like what this guy said:
Liberalism is a result of too much individualism. Guess which country is all about individualism? America. Only in America can you simultaneously have a gay parade and a neo-N@zi parade battle it out over who can shout the loudest. In China, those things rarely happen because the government actually cares about the sanity of its people.

That explains China's attempts to monitor the interwebs too.

If you're free to think whatever you'd like, with virtually no limit on the bat-shit crazy ideas that exists out there, then you bet your ass you'll have more and more liberals with crazy new ideas.

Jewish brainwashing. Western countries with pro-immigration policies tend to be leftist.

Amerimutt mongrelization and brainwashing ruins every race unfortunate enough to fall into its grasp

Yeah I know what you mean, i worked with Japanese and everyone speaks like a passive aggressive cuck

Most asians I know have gone through some racism. "Chink" "little dick" "asians are all nerdy" "asians cant play sports"

And most of it at the hands of white people. So no surprise that they vote for the party that is more or less anti-white at this point.

It's the same with Jews and Israel. They want to preserve thier own countries and destroy ours.

Because, much like Jews, they don't have a stake in the future of America/The West and can fuck off to their ethnostates when the going gets tough. Racial minorities in The West are one big fifth column

Cause they live in homogenenous countries with unity and order. Meanwhile here in burgerstan I cant go anywhere without risking my life or realizing what a shithole i am in.
>drive on highway
have to watch out for crazy nigs speeding on roads
>go to stores
see mixed race couples
>go to cities
gotta be careful around hobos jacked up on chinese bathtub heroin drugs
>go to malls
gotta avoid getting shot if some dindu robs a store and security starts shooting
>go to park
gotta watch out for random antifa/nazi brawls where aids poo is thrown

>language actually changes how they think.

Yes, it does.
The structure of a language alters the way words (and thus thoughts) get put together.

Why do you think marx-tards are always trying to police language? Because language control is through control. Orwell summed it up best in his book. The nightmare scenario having only one language that doesn't even properly contain means of expressing discontent.

Cultural tendency toward obedience. They take in whatever authority figures tell them.

But then they come for ((((Western education)))), which is cultural Marxism. So they suck up what the Jew is putting out, and believe it as though it came from Lao Tzu, Confucius, or the Emperor of Japan in the pre-cuck days.

But their women stay thin and are still sluts for White cock. Plus I like the food.

I was going to rebut you but realized it's a bit too bad to defend. I think you're exaggerating a tiny bit though. IMO the worst issue is our degeneracy/minorities rather than any individual aspect. I certainly don't feel unsafe where I am and where I go.

Nigga wut? Conservative?

Commie china
Commie n Korea
Commie Vietnam
Commie Cambodia
Commie Laos
Dengenerate Thailand
Degenerate Philippines

China and North Korea are infinitely more socially conservative, ethnically nationalist, etc. than any Western European country.

Cambodia has a monarchy now.