An user on another chan recently showed me a link to all the members of antifa. Here is the link: (we are using hastebin because pastebin has been deleting some of our stuff). Remember, this is not supposed to be a dox. Rather, we will use this list to contact their employers or if they don't have any, make them famous online for being part of a terrorist organization . Godspeed anons.
Full list of ANTIFA leaked
>members of antifa
You realize antifa isnt like, an official organization that you sign up for, right? Anybody who wears a bandana and smashes stuff is "in" antifa.
Y-You must be a N-Nazi! B-Bash the Fash!
keep thinking that
Screenshots or gtfo
The link is literally given. It has thousands of name on it.
There are some people of interest that always seem to be out and about leading the pack. They recruit all the junkie meth head useful idiots
fucking shills
old news faggot
They have a command structure.
Do I need to repeat myself?
most of the leafs are fuckin flag hiders. The day of the rake will not spare any of those leafs.
False. They hold meetings. They kick out anyone ideologically impure and assign questionably loyal scum to minor jobs that are unlikely to get them arrested until they have proven their dedication to terrorism.
Antifa scum detected. Turn yourself in, if you actually believe you are a decent person.
Link doesn't work, and OP is still a faggot.
Are you sure about that? There was a leaked recording the other day revealing they hold meetings to discuss police evasion tactics.
Link works perfectly fine for me. Did you type pastebin by accident?
Seem awfully organized, websites, facebook pages, planned meetings and protest/riots.
What would make them officially organized? Do they have to register with the federal government?
They're already declared a terrorist organization in New Jersey
I've been keeping backups of all the names that have been coming out, already got a few fired, God Bless America
>New Jersey
Try FBI, homeland security and the federal government.
This is why the media turned on them
day of the dyke fingering fuckers soon
Woah, people who hate the police and love rioting hold meetings on how to avoid the police? Truely shocking.
THats not true at all
Oh look another fucking canadian cancer leaf
haha, fooled you jan
>this is not supposed to be a dox, we just want to do the definition of doxing.
Who else handed out the freshly unfolded nazi flags in Charlottesville?
You are a faggot
>claims a list of a terrorist organization with no private information but names is a dox
Get fuckin antifag shill
kenker boer
randstadt marokaan
I also follow the local Antifa groups on my facebook to keep up with what they are doing.
They are literally that retarded. All of their personal info, all of their locations/check-ins, and all of their meetings are just thrown up on the website.
The important thing to do is to get pictures/videos of them in the act and screen shot them when they make plans and admit to commiting violence. Again, they will basically just tell you when they have meetings.
If you are any sort of LGBT at all they atoumatically trust you, which is great because it helps me blend right in and they tell me everything because they assume I am on their side. I have reported them three different times to the cops when they planned to 'protest' in the middle of the street during rush hour traffic.
fucking retards
>attempting to out people to their employers
>attempting to spread their identity online
>not doxing
I dislike antifa, but if you are willing to dox people don't pretend you aren't.
This, you fucking retards. You sound like misguided news stations trying to track down "members" of Anonymous a decade ago.
Keep saying that Antifag shill. Where did the OP leak personal info? Their identities are already online faggot
Right, so a highly organized group with meetings and shit isn't "organized." Keep trying shills
>see posts
yea I am sure Redneck Rebellion is a figment of my imagination and have no leaders and it just a coincidence they were all hanging around the accident scene playing doctor and bossing everyone around
This is a fucking shill and here's why. Antifa in Europe have told Antifa in America not to make chapter but guess what American antifa did they made organizations and now we can identify them and destroy their pAthetic red lives.
hahahahahahaha stay scared faggot
So are antifa anarchists or communists, or just a loose association of butthurt liberals?
You do realize you guys are escalating something you might not like?
Sure you dox them but what will they do to retaliate?
Neither side is really thiking anymore than one or two steps ahead.unless they are underestimating the enemy.
Remember what ever access to resources you have they have as well.
Except antifa have sluts on their side and we only have cock teases.
It all just horsing around no leaders. Just palling around with pals. Just some horsing around
and you get two cents from shareblue shill
>contact their employers and cry like a little bitch
You do realize anonymous never posted proud proof of their activities on their personal Facebook right? Or join relevant Facebook groups... Conveniently making a list of yourselves for anyone who cares to save it. It's not very smart.
You commies are so proud of assaulting conservatives you publicly announce your crimes and loyalty to a terrorist organization. No doubt The FBI already knows each and every one of you quite thoroughly. Power to ya, you glorious fucking retards.
Antifags are the ones getting punched and fired now. Everyone sees them as terrorists faggot.
Surprisingly people who own businesses don't like employing people who openly hate capitalism
Might have been more of a decentralized situation before but since this shit is mainstream in the states and it's cool for normies to get in on the LARPing, it's very much the opposite now. The shit heads don't know the first thing about security culture, hence the idiots doxxing themselves in groups of FB.
Some might be a bit uninformed, but you two are fucking blind. KYS.
The university bookstore on campus was bought by barns and noble last year from the university, so now it's a private company instead of being a part of the campus.
Some of the student on campus started boycotting the store because of it. We had a couple of kids who worked at the store and were still calling for people to protest and not shop at the store.
Since this is a right-to-work state, they can fire you without notice and not even give you a reason. Surprise Surprise, once they were reported by coworkers for actively planning protests against their employer, they came in on Monday afternoon and no longer had a job.