please say something nice about this frog
Please say something nice about this frog
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She's super sniffable.
I want to fuck that frog
best girl
best frog
what else is there to say
She's cute. Also she gives fantastic head.
Isn't it Gero
Reverse image search yields no results, but I must know where this comes from
You are the cancer of any bnha thread
The character itself isn't at fault though
>liking cute girls is cancer
>cancer is something that disrupts discussion of SUPER SERIOUS SHONEN MANGA
Neo-Sup Forums, everyone.
gero gero :----------D
That frog...
o shit
what up
I want to stuff my fass into her crotch
is that something nice?
She's adorable.
Why does she always have that thousand-yard stare?
It's unnerving
Does she ever show any emotion?
She cute in fanart, but she is absolutely hideous when the artist draws her.
It's not Touhou or Kancolle, you can easily find it on sad panda
Make me.
Are you a gay?
How do you get past the sad panda
Now post a picture of the actual manga, she's hideous in it.
Nigga, you realize that this is from the mangaka?
I'd ribbit
so you are actually gay then
Inferior frog
Hey that's mine.
>hurr look how kyut she is with her tongue out and a blank stare
She looks like a retard
Is that a thing?
Do nips just sniff?
This thread is for saying nice things, hooker.
because frogs stare like that
page 13
that artist did a great job of staying true to the design. Hope there'll be more doujinshi like it across all series.
Does she have frogs as pets or would she consider that a no no?
she doesnt age well. Her mom is ugly as sin
I NEED to fuck this frog
She's not for fucking
She's the emotional pillar
She can hold up my pillar if you know what I mean.
I like how her dad is a literal frog
> Her mom is ugly as sin
What does it take to make her secrete?
No, Satsuki is going to end up an uggo. Tsuyu won the genetic lottery based on looks.
I want her to lick me
What does her tounge feel like?
Slimy like a lube.
>most likely
Not the best frog, but a close second
You don't have to lead her too hard if you know what I mean.
ya gotta lick her
then you'll trip balls
she need pats on the head
Wow, that picture is cute as hell.
Her brother looks rad
satsuki reminds me of louise belcher
Nvm, i'm retarded
She's best girl
She has boobs I guess?
I want to pat Tsuyu!
I want to rape her
What's wrong with grape dude?
Her blue eyes are cute.
I was disappointed that whenever she is onscreen in the anime it would always be in the QUALITY parts of the episode. I'm hoping that'll change in the next few episodes.
Well, USJ was the first time she really did anything in the manga. Hopefully she'll get some good screentime in the next couple of episodes.
Her voice in the anime is pure sex
I hope they cut her screen time just to make you autists mad
>It Ain't Me starts playing
Needs a unicycle
Funny enough, even though BnHA manga gets right to the point in fight scenes there are only 3 episodes left for this season and the USJ 'arc' is a lot of back and forth between the groups.
Stuff will get cut.
4, there 4 left.
dubs reminded me
She seems nice and sweet.
get out
She's a cutie
Kill yourself my dude.
I love her.
Kill yourself.
he's jealous of the frog pat
>>voiced by Monica Rial
good taste user
glad i'm not the only one who likes her
FROGE has feels too! Don't you bully her
>Frog being angry
Literally impossible
give me literally 2 reasons why nhentai is bad
dumb frogposter
>Her mom is ugly as sin
That's mean user. She is a beautiful lady.
I want to drink her saliva
Are her hands and feet drawn slightly larger than the normal characters' to emphasize her frog-like nature, or is it just the art-style?
Shit's been bothering me for weeks now.
woah buddy il fucking kill you if you touch her