What do you think of Charlotte?
What do you think of Charlotte?
Neat idea having a bunch of half baked super powers that didn't really work. But the story was a total clusterfuck.
>Hey lads what if we took Kara no Kyokai and made it family-friendly?
It ended horribly.
Utter shit. A parody of Maeda anime made by Maeda.
Best girl.
Show was good at some points, terrible at most. At least the ending wasn't absolutely horrible.
I want to fuck Nao.
I want to hold hands with her.
Literally used goods.
>people buy used panties and treasure them almost like family heirlooms
>people won't touch used girls
Why are people more forgiving of panties than of girls?
panties can be used without the girl being used.
Best girl disappeared too soon.
He is a Big Guy.
If you don't know then you're too new to post
An absolutely terrible experience. There was some potential but it was wasted completely.
It was worse than I expected. And I didn't expect much.
The girl on the right, Charlotte, was pretty cute.
I excpected tearjerker like other Meada works, but got tears from how horrible this was instead.
Rushed ending. Seriously the part where MC is collecting all the powers at the end could be a movie or another season. More interesting than this.
>wasted potential
>predictable, formulaic Jun Maeda writing (I don't know if he did write it but it feels exactly like something he did)
>cringey shit like becoming a psychopath at an arcade
>story had no real weight or substance
Charlotte the character was pretty good
Maybe if they made it longer and tried to actually do something original with the plot it would have been good but I literally can't even remember what it was about, it was so forgettable
The Shitposting and Memes were phenomenal.
Jun Maeda's wild ride
It made me remember how bad mgs 5 is
It's shit.
Maeda took everything bad about everything he wrote before and put it together, and it became Charlotte.
>Charlotte the character
Yeah the comet was a pretty cool dude
Overall it wasn't good, MC had potential to be fun but switched up extremely quickly
Pretty nuclear
a gay verision of chinese batman
Well, fuck, it's the supreme writer squad! Since your tastes and knowledge in the field is so superior to Jun Maeda that you are critizising him, tell us about the popular hit series YOU wrote so we can see how much BETTER YOU are. While we're at it we might figure why Jun Maeda HAS a JOB in the industry and YOU DON'T.
This is always a stupid argument, there are bound to be several things that contribute simply to getting the platform in which to be able to properly gain popularity through writing.
If that doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't take a chef to know when something tastes bad faggot.
>see Charlotte OVA on nyaa
>expect an epilogue
>lol nope it's another monster of the week
Also Nao was raped.
Never forget.
Best OTP.
What is this "potential" people are talking about? Did you read a different premise than me?
I greatly enjoyed the MGSV parallels to the final episodes, but the show was pretty lacklustre.
What was the point of blonde medium idol again? What did she contribute to the main plot?
Teenagers running around with superpowers as a starting point has a lot of potential. It just shit the bed really hard, I'm talking a full mattress soak.
First few episodes were honestly ok, add it a good twist this time and a non shitty ending and it coulda been something.
Just like angel beats, wasted potential that needed more episodes
>What was the point of blonde medium idol again?
that fucking ending holy shit
I didn't think they'd do it but hot damn he actually did it
the absolute madman
It was shit. They did some really absurd shit at the end that made it even worse.
>the final power... was COURAGE
I laughed for at least 20 minutes. 10/10 ending so bad it's good.
Would've been far better in Maeda didn't fucking direct it. "I learned from my mistakes in adapting VNs into anime" my fucking ass.
>Y-you can't say it's bad guys! Maeda worked really hard on it so-so you can't say it's bad! You just can't! Let's...Let's see you do better, m-make a better anime than Maeda if you tried!
Not as good as Angel Beats but still a fantastic show, Outsold a ton of shit the season it aired so naturally Sup Forums fedora-tippers got buttblasted to oblivions.
The show was shit but i'll definitely remember those threads.
Bad. Ending was certainly amusing though.
Decent show. Had some issues, but still better than 80% of the shit that aired that season.
Many people got upset that it sold well so they're trying to force the
>it's worse than Glasslip