Millenials and Gen Z on here are the biggest whiners. They whine about baby boomers being too "cuckservative" while not even being conservative themselves. We baby boomers have taken the best aspects of the conservatives and the best aspects where we admit the liberals were right and combine them. We baby boomers are just grown up conservatives. For example on the right-wing we support
>more military intervention >lower taxes on the wealthy >enforce federal drug laws >free trade with everyone >low corporate tax >militarized police
But we also support many left-wing ideas like
>abolishing racism >seatbelt laws >hate speech laws >helmet laws (my friends grandson got hurt not wearing a helmet so it's personally why i'd support a federal helmet law) >immigration because we need more taxes to pay for social security >social security
Millenials are just whiners who whine whine whine and don't want to work
>wahhhh the economy isn't good
Grow a pair, start a business, and make some money
You're lucky you won't live to see your grandchildren displaced, hope you enjoy your social security while you can, it's cost is the blood of your descendents
Luis Jones
Kys boomer. Literally all of your ideas are shit.
Asher Morales
Race is the most important things. You pathetic cuck faggots invite niggers into your rooms to fuck your wives which humiliates all white men and especially young white boys who have to grow up seeing your pathetic degeneracy and faggotry. You eat the cum of a nigger out of your wives vaginas and you expect us to respect you?
Jayden Gutierrez
Sage all LARP threads
Brayden Mitchell
Nice Boomer posting
James Cooper
i agree with you my man
but for fuck's sake, you left us marxist and nigger filled countries for our youth