New episode airing this Sunday.
Preview is out here:
>that sakuga
>that crazy Rem
>that Puck
>that Subaru with sword
It's gonna be a fun episode.
New episode airing this Sunday.
Preview is out here:
>that sakuga
>that crazy Rem
>that Puck
>that Subaru with sword
It's gonna be a fun episode.
Other urls found in this thread:
new Q&A translation
So this episode's not gonna be animated by a bunch of amateurs like the last one was?
Subaru Subaru Subaru!
Nee-Sama Nee-Sama!
Barusu Barusu Barusu!
fuck off to reddit
this is shit
i miss konosuba
wait konosuba was shit too
i miss slayers
why isn't all anime slayers
CG dogs aside, last week's episode looked okay. Anyway, the latest episode has a good director/animator at the helm. He's the director of Hataraku Maou-sama.
so its directed by Naoto Hosoda? best thing ever hopefully hes doing the other ep too
There will be a special pre screening event for episode 12 (arc 3) in Tokyo
maybe we get more information about the VA new OP and ED
>finally past the manga spoilers
Finally I can enjoy the show again
left or right ?
Rem a cute.
Left always.
I'd take both
>subaru hand is not fucked up
why did the censor the dog bites but not the part whre subaru leg cut off
REM > silver witch
Rem thread
>Emilia and Satella are two separate options
You fucked up.
Did you really add Subaru's mother to the list?
>100% Emilia
>100% Rem
We have to go back
Yes I did.
Fucking come at me.
It's because I fucked up and added 2 Rams to the list instead of Rem and Ram.
What's the name of Subaru's mother?
The voters suddenly gained taste. No need to go back
I can already tell what going to happen so I won't say.
is the release still going to be delayed?
Also I started reading the manga and they call him Balls? They also call him Nakki though so I assume misread the katakana and cant be that reliable. I thought the Barusu was like the spell from Laputa but what is it supposed to be?
Hate to break it to you, user, but the spell used to destroy Laputa WAS Balls
>That pic
Then vote for it.
She's got a pretty small head dick.
The wiki says the general consensus by Subaru and his dad is that Subaru's mother is retarded. How much should I trust the wiki? And most importantly, would Subaru's children get the retard genes?
Rem a shit.
No because oni genes are dominant
Nope, Rigel is pretty smart. I don't know about Spica as she is still a toddler.
Rem is winning by a landslide, everything is right in the world.
The wiki also says they really love mayonnaise, even to the point of collecting the caps of mayonnaise bottles. Is this related to that Q&A answer about Rem never allowing Subaru to put mayonnaise on anyone's plate ever again? Did he just dump a shit ton on everyone's plates, because that's how his family always did it?
Referring to Subaru's parents here. Forgot to say that.
I love it when stuff like this is made.
I can't wait to see what we'll get with the third arc.
Proxy is not something to be proud of.
Subaru did something really stupid involving mayonnaise. Which left Rem forever disliking the taste of them.
So this is the final episode of this arc?
Subaru fucked up and is never allowed to make, look, taste, or think mayonnaise ever again.
obsession is the true moral of this story
don't get obsessed with women kids
or else you lose everything and get stuck in an infinite time loop
Episode 11 is the end of the second arc.
in the anime did too the sign of the horns ?
Sure buddy.
She does it whenever she is happy, like when Subaru complimented her cooking.
>Episode 11
What the fuck happens in this weeks episode then?
Did the MC die again?
Are we going to see what happened with this?
It wasn't sour enough for Subaru.
Even after her whole development with Subaru, I still don't like Rem that much.
She's lost like, all of her personality. She's just a generic deredere girl who's madly head over heels with the MC. She's really boring now.
Rem is the most hated girl and her fanbase got super butthurt yesterday, enough to make revenge thread and troll Emilia. Proxy is not beneath them.
>She does it whenever she is happy, like when Subaru complimented her cooking.
and it showed in the anime? screenshot ?
Emiliafags are this deluded
Maybe, in an OVA or something.
She still kept most of her personality intact you know, she still berates him. Its just now she likes him and is a bit more straightforward with her affection.
As if her being a serious maid wasn't boring before....
Also fyi autist when girls like a guy they become really bubbly and happy to be around the guy. Get out of your room and get some fresh air.
That's Remfags.
Go back to getting rekt'd, Remfag.
You can look for it around episode 4, I'm too lazy to take a screenshot and I don't wanna post one that involves streaming. But here is a break time episode covering that, just take my word for it I guess.
Beako a best reminder.
Isn't that only around her sister?
next ep is about Rem and ram past about the witch cult
nice projection but rem was always in the top in the popularity polls in japan stay mad
Especially around her sister.
I don't think I can enjoy seeing the rest of the adaptation after reading arc 3 spoilers.
Fuck that was heartbreaking.
>thinks it's the same here
Remfags are this deluded.
>next ep is about Rem and ram past about the witch cult
Oh good stuff!
That means Subaru didn't die, right?
Vote here, fags.
Felt > *
Can't wait for Felt's arc.
when does Felt become relevant again?
inb4 Remfag proxy.
Not for a while but you will see her with boo.
When you read the LN.
rem is crushing the competition
subs when ?
She only acts bubbly when they are alone user. That or during headpats, she really likes headpats.
Not for a long while, but we'll see her in the next arc at least.
>People actually voted for Subaru's mother
Why the fuck did you even put Naoko there in the first place?
Emilia is such a cunt this arc it is unbelievable. Subaru chose the right girl, fuck that bitch.
The last episode had a couple good scenes, it just had a few not so good shots.
Didn't Subaru choose wrong in the end?
Good, I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms
Vote here. We have to settle this.
Forget Felt, I want more Reinhardt-sama.
Reminder that Rem is just a vastly inferior version of Elsa
I don't think they're really anything alike, except in that they're both violent and crazy.
Elsa has artistic kills.
Rem only goes for savage, gory kills in comparison.
Did you actually add Subaru's daughter into the poll?
Why? He is an overpowered gary stu that can't do no wrong. He is boring to the core and not needed.
Like I said, fucking come at me.
Translator dropped it because it wasn't getting enough views.
>not needed
I'm pretty sure this kind of story needs a hero.
Satella best girl.