I just got my DNA results and I'm 13% Ashkenazi Jew, should i kill myself?
I just got my DNA results and I'm 13% Ashkenazi Jew, should i kill myself?
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yes but kill your whole family first
One of us, one of us...
Even if you were 100% pure White (Finn), you should kys.
It's not necessarily your heritage, it's what you do with it.
>100% pure white
Like Herman Guerring said: "I decide who is jewish here"!
Not unless you're stupid. That 13% probably means you're more likely to have a higher IQ than you might otherwise.
Can we get a source on this semen demon?
If you're asking Sup Forums if you should kill yourself, it's probably for the best.
you know what i order a ancestry DNA thing a few day ago and i was wondering what i would do if i was some jewish...hahaha im supposed to be German and Armenian
I dunno I found her when I was out picking rhubarbs
You just paid to donate your DNA to a multinational corporation that is assembling a database. No need to kill yourself, but don't be so stupid in the future
wait wat, database for what?
The people who have your DNA now are probably a bit more than 13%
>'Ask a nazi' Jew
What did he mean by this
Where did you get tested user? I'm interested in doing it
No you should embrace it.
Also, only amerilards can be so insecure about their identities to need dna tests in the attempt to understand what the hell they are.
You will never know what having millennary heritage feels like.
LMAOing at your lives right now.
fuck off donjon
>No new posts
We're the ones laughing
congrats on being an inbred retard
Yes, because you asked that question, and you are using Sup Forums as some sort of moral authority.
Gunsmith Cats.
25% here.
At least I am 75% anglo to make up for it.
Not all jews are bad. You have a 1/12 chance to be one of the good tribes
Yes, but use Zyklon B.
>tfw 15% Jew and i never knew it
Now I understand why I'm so selfish and greedy compared to my goyim friends
thanks, my friend of the sun
as quick as flies around a turd, here come the triggered burgers
>literal mongrel products of multiple interracial breeding
>accusing someone else of being an inbred retard
Stay mad, niggers.
Been seeing a number of articles about how inaccurate these DNA tests are and how the results of from one company can be wildly different from the results from another company. I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of the companies add a little plausible diversity with every set of results.
They will use it to create ancestor simulations. Don't do it, you'll be trapped in the materiel plane forever.
typical of a literally retarded nigger not to know what inbred means. stay mad you subhuman brainlet
Behind that memeflag you're an American, aren't you?
lol i still don't get it whats a ancestor simulation?
No ↑
Embrace you inner jew and trick the goyim for your own benefit.
Huh. That's genuinely a surprise.
Out Jew the Jew, it is your only option, also be proud of yourself
Whats wrong with this for you?
You'll probably be free from the purges and sex-farms once the kikes take over
The fact that my ancestors have high % of possibility of originating from the same soil (italy or at least nearby countries) doesn't mean that I am inbred, fuckface.
You, instead, are almost certainly a mongrel to some degree because USA's population is completely made up of a fuckton of differend ethnicities since its foundation.
The joke's on you, as always.
you fucking idiot monoethnic Europeans are then most outbred groups. Doesn't help to mix with INBRED SUBHUMAN nonwhites
go an' adopt a niglet, christcuck coon!
52% """"white""""(25-35% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homo
>in the process of normalizing trans
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
USA is a mongrel minority-White semite-run nation. Not 60%, or even 50% White. More like 20-35% White? Let me help you. Anywhere between 28-32% of the US """Whites""" has negro or amerindian admixture. USA is like BEST CASE SCENARIO 35% White country.
It was specially non-Hispanic Whites who got studied. Beware of purity
wrong. You have no freedom, shart. You can't
>not send you kids to school
>not have insurance
>not pay for Obamacare
>refuse to buy/sell from people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>refuse to pay taxes
>refuse to hire people based on race/religion/sexual
>no autos
srsly fuck off from Lithuania to USA or Poland subhuman desert mutant
Of course you are partly Jewish, that's Lithuania.
Be happy.
>he doesn't realize Ashkenazi Jews are white
No problem user. That 13% Jew makes you a better anti-Jew because it allows you to better understand the Jew-mind.
what does this mean?
based russian telling it as it is
USA mongrels forever BTFO
I am 3% African, but skinny af
I am living the negro life.
>3% African
>pale af
okay boys I'm a negro now
Use your jewness to your advantage and destroy the jews from the inside.
Oy vey. Don't kill yourself. Remember the 600 gablagillion!
Aren't Ashkenazi the Niggers of Jewdom?
I always thought Jews looked down on them the way lighter skinned poos look down on dark pajeets
>yet I still have blue eyes and blond hair
shitalians btfo
Someone triggered Boris again.
you are confusing them with semitic jews, that are basically like sandniggers (olive-coloured skin, brown eyes, brown and often curly hair, big nose).
Ashkenazi are the ones like in pic related here and are the ones who pretend to be white to blend in and mock the goyim into white guilt.
All Jews are desert mulattos with their MENA 30-70% and nigger up to 7%. Part kike = dindu
Shart, you can meme about Europe all you alike, but even the most open borders-favouring Germans are racist in private. Those refugee welcome cucks still feel deeply superior to be German and happen to wrongly imagine Germany as "humanitarian superpower". "Your" country is literally run almost ENTIRELY by jews.
apart from that, it is entirely centrally planned around the automobiled creating a monotonous strip mall wasteland from sea to shining sea.
almost everyone is forced to drive unreasonably large distances to get from place to place, sealed off from their fellow man in their cars. all the walking you people do is from your car, across a parking lot, and around some fucking stores in a strip mall. everyone suffers from severe cognitive dissonance because the polished version of america shown on TV simply doesnt exist. beauty is rare, and almost always found in nature. hardly anyone even knows what a culture is, and those that do, are usually surrounded by beauty in very concentrated pockets of wealth fucking the rest of the country, and the world.
the """"""food""""" is almost entirely toxic, and agricultural procedures and ingredients banned even in developing countries are still practiced in america because "MUH GROWTH"
if you look at the average american suburb from space, it literally looks like one of those human farms from the matrix, because that's what america is: a human farm.
everything is geared towards juicing shekelz from the destruction of nature, man, and culture.
Meanwhile Iceland is less inbred than USA
No hate for New England WASP but they don't post here methinks
They are not starting anymore
Behold the new Brazil
Bring back bullying
gooble gooble, we accept him we accept him
No, use it to your advantage. You just got a free pass to talk about Jews. You can red pill people about Frankism (the origin of Cultural Marxism) and stuff and when people call you anti-Semitic you can tell them you're ethnically Jewish. Start out gently.
We don't want allies like that inside of our nations in Europe danke
Basically they can go from 50/50 chance of you being a jew to you being scandanavian with 90% certainty. I find this all bullshit that people buy into for some reason.
nah man it ain't the Jewish DNA that is the problem it is the culture and the judaism and the zionism. The worst jews are the ones born and raised as 'we are God's chosen' jews.
anything over 88% is fine
i was afraid of being part aboriginal but it turns out I WUZ POCOHONTAS AND SHIEEET
Become an hero
this lol
Just another non-Australian mongrel. Mongrels like you is the White Genocide
Punctuation inside quotes nig.
>add a little plausible diversity with every set of results.
a little
it's obviously kiked as fuck
Thats less than 1/4th, so, according to the old fuhrer, no. Just resist your subhuman jew urges and you will be fine. If you fake being insane long enough, you may become insane, i think with acting not like a jew, it may be the same, and your levels of jewish heredity make me think it might be possible,