yeah yeah he isn't sure
Today's page was posted on Sup Forums from the shadow of Two Buttes, CO!
title: It's obviously just my imagination
T: We saw each other! He's gonna come talk to me! He's definitely going to come talk to me.
sfx: dohi~
What do I do... How am I going to explain this getup...?
T: Huh...?
sfx: pui-
T: He didn't notice?
T: I'm not sure what's going on but if he didn't notice it's me than that's excellent!
T: I'm gonna get my shopping done and get outta here asap.
J: There's no way...
J: There's no way...
>T: I'm not sure what's going on bu
every gol dern timr
Finally. a page that made me smile
I don't get it.
forgot the picture
I never thought I'd see that phrase outside a battle manga. What next? "I'll have to use that..!" and "Looks like it can't be helped."?
>no way
Yes way!
Ahh heck yeah he noticed
Carol will use the the phrase "I'll have to use that..!"
Misuzu will say "Looks like it can't be helped."
Is NOTHING going to happen?
nothing will ever happen because if it does that's the end of the series and no point of continuing to read.
Something is happening. This is the happening. What is going on now is the essence of the phrase "Tomo-chan wa Onna no Ko". Its function fulfilled, all we're waiting for now is someone to come by and declare that every Tomo-chan thread is the same.
This tbqh
Each Tomo-chan thread am unique.
Every Tomo-kun thread is the same
it's not like i want to bum the thread, faggots.
>bum the thread
Bongs/Kangaroos, pls go and stay go.
I don't know what I expected
Nothing will ever happen because if it did, the fourth Law of animedynamics would be broken and the gods themselves would have intervene and restore the status quo.
Jun cannot not be a faggot
it’s your move
I want to see that. I want to see a romantic comedy manga that starts off blandly, but somehow the MC is really driven and just cuts straight to the point, only to have literally gods turn back time.
So the MC will have to fight gods to get to the beloved.
Time is running out!
The Fourth law? The Law Of Constant Thrust?
>no point of continuing to read.
I wouldn't mind seeing cute tomboy having cute awkward deitos and dropping her spaghetti all over for another 300 pages.
No faggot I'm tired and my porn collection is huge
and I don't remember it well enough to tell at glance either. I'm not even sure I saved it.
Prediction time
>that guy, Juns friend enters store
>recognizes Tomo
>calls out to Jun
>Jun and Tomo forced to interact
>nothing happens
dont do this man
im not sure which is the meme anymore, the file name shenanigans, or quoting it ironically
Maybe that's how Mizu and Cotton knew Jun would be there. She tricked his friend to setting him up
whats the picture?
What part of "every tomo-chan thread is the same" did you not understand?
Here's a prediction. Someone starts hitting on Tomo next page. Jun has to step in. Spaghetti spilling ensues after the fact. Another week of baby steps to a relationship we already know should have happened.
first thing that came in my mind
Or, someone hits on Tomo next page, she suplexes him right there in the store, Jun shimmies over to the register and makes a purchase of dry goods.
Tomo you chicken, this was your chance.
this desu
Every fucking Tomo-chan thread is the same.
>making tomboy blush
>the manga is actually back to its roots
Can the mangaka actually move plot a bit?
I swear, his hentai works have better plot movement.
Why is she running? Don't she want to be recognized as a girl?
She just wants Jun's D. She's still a tomboy and not comfortable with girly things
So is it basically her own stupidness that leads to this situation?
The wig is okay but it'd be nice if she had her long hair from when she first tried growing it out.
So, how are we going to get forced interaction?
It was too great of a step.
By what name the mangaka goes with it's hentai mangas?
Why are the chapters with Jun the most boring?
He's using the same name.
Because any hope of progress has been crushed forever.