Could you have voted for Trump if he were a manlet?
Could you have voted for Trump if he were a manlet?
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No. Thats the reason we dont vote Rand.
Tfw 6'0
>Say I'm 6'1
>height is political
>sons and daughters of satan literally giant, psychopathic, cannibals
>still preferable to manlets
This is death
Flawed question, Trump would be a very different person were he a manlet. Manlets have very different behavior from normal people.
I'd say 5'8 would be the cut off for me
Rand Paul isn't 5'8 btw
>implying the bible isn't fiction
Yes because I'm not autistic
Putin is the only based manlet
>tfw you faggots think you have the option of excluding people based on how tall they are
manlet posting is a Jewish psyop
>Yeah, height is what matters when electing a president. Not integrity, propositions and awareness.
This is merely a tactic to alienate short or average height people from our cause. don't fall for this, unsure young man
Could Trump be Trump if he was a manlet?
Trump would have been even more extreme if he were 5'4. The whole napoleon/mussolini/hitler/stalin complex.
So yeah, I would have definitely voted for a more extreme Trump.
Manlet Trump probably would have socked Clinton right in her crooked fucking jew nose in the second debate.
I dunno if it's just being short or being short and skinny that makes certain politicians seem like little manlet faggots.
As an example, Little Marco is 5'8...but apparently Lyin' Ted is also 5'8, never viewed Lyin' Ted as a manlet, maybe cause he's a typical burger american in his proportions.
Jeb Bush was the tallest one there, but also the biggest fucking cuck, wouldn't have voted for him.
This! Trump is 6'2" Master race. I'm going to bed now but could you guys start to tell everyone that Trump isn't overweight anymore. He isn't fat. Thanks guys. Goodnight.
>Believing the Jewish divide and conquer tactic of Manlets vs. Lanklets
he's 6 foot
t. manlet. Just kidding, threads like these are fucking retarded and Jewish.
6 foot 2 inches, can't be any smaller than that.
Manlet Trump probably wouldn't have given out amnesty, if you're shorter you're more likely to be redpilled.
He is a manlet
He's a handlet