I miss this show

i miss this show...


you know? So do I.

jesus fuck Aoi was so damn hot.

Just look at the art books.

she deserved a real operator, like Vestbro

show was comf af


Who /vestbro/ here?

>A show about trains
>People only watch for the caboose

Best boy. No wonder he's the one doing the fucking in doujins.


Great campy fun.
It is very bad, but quite fun to watch.

This is what you call a beautiful trainwreck.


Was the fig ever released

Man, this show was complete shit. The animation problems were down right embarrassing.

Something something trains


>only show worse than Glass Lips that season
Who do you do that?

man Id like to couple with the red one

I miss her ;_;

Lots and lots of trains.

Underrated show tbqh

Call me a faggot,but I dropped this show. I actually thought thus was going to be an interesting anime about trains and have a bit of drama in it. But I was severely disappointed when it turned into another harem Moe bullshit

It's the opposite for me - I knew it was shit, given that I discovered it because of the QUALITY threads. But I still managed to finish and even enjoy the show.


>Tits and butts

It was fun to watch with Sup Forums and the redhead was insanely hot.
That must've been an intentional nod to Patlabor, right?