User, poar the tea

user, poar the tea.

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y-you too


But I want cowfee.

>that clustered as fuck table
Why can women never do anything right?

So much worst girl in one room. Same VA?

>mfw I though poar was some moe Engrish word
>I can't recognize my own language


>the fattest girls all in one room

There is not enough tea and cake in the country for that party


It should be pour, OP is an illiterate nigger.

Holy shit

I thought it was intended as a pun but he's actually just an idiot.

Darjeeling is the best tea

>mfw I thought poar was actually an English word
>I'm so fucking detached

That doesn't make you detached it just makes you equally as stupid.

>You live in a world where nobody remembers "Jum poar the tea"
I am disappointed and feel old at the same time.


Is this the High Test Club's tea party?


Those poor men

I remember user. He'll never poar the damn tea tho.

You mean that shitty Rozen Maiden joke? It wasn't funny.

Would you drink Darjeeling's tea ?

Make me.

>no darjeeling

The proper way to enjoy a nice cup of tea.

The smell in that room from all of those THICC girls must be amazing. THICC girl B.O. and sweets and tea. The girl from Strike Witches seems out of place, though.

I see Mami, Nozomi, the sniper at SW.
Who are the other 2?

>doesn't recognize Kanako and Rihoko

