luluco confirmed for best show of the season
bullying so savage she fucking [spoiled]died[/spoiler]
luluco confirmed for best show of the season
bullying so savage she fucking [spoiled]died[/spoiler]
Told you guys the NTR was gonna happen
So how will he be redeemed?
nothing to him to be redeemed
Hopefully he remains a mindless puppet of the antagonist and dies in a more hilarious manner than luluco.
Pretty sure that Luluco's empty love will turn out to have affected him, being an emptylien and all.
Sasuga Trigger niggers. All normalfags and newfags. I really don't expect any better.
What's the moral of this? If you love a shallow pretty boy hard enough he'll eventually develop a personality and love you back? Somehow I don't see that happening.
>spoiled spoiler
First time that I've been legitimately entertained by Luluco, instead of just ironically entertained.
1) Luluco isn't dead
2) Luluco is dead. Midori is the new main character
3) Lucuco is dead, but comes back as a skeleton. It's an Inferno Cop origins story.
Pick your poison, Sup Forums.
>the cutouts of luluco and nova in the ED represent how flat and 2 dimensional the characters are, and, as an extension, demonstrate how conforming and being 'normal' turns you into a person without any depth. It is both a commentary on the state of Japanese society and the flatness of characterisation in contemporary moe anime.
How do you feel about TRIGGER saved anime again?
Is there any way she could get rekt even harder?
>flatness of characterisation in contemporary moe anime.
One meme too far. Characters are more likely to be well developed and not cutouts if you don't spend half of every episode on MANLY FIGHT SCENES YEAH!
It's not really difficult to make a child feel like shit.
So when is trigger going to make characters with an iota of depth, because neither kiznaiver or luluco have it.
Kek anime is so stagnated that a good majority of characters in your standard series are just variations of a tried-and-true archetype.
True true
But what will she do now?
Finally rape Nova?
Wait for the ending of luluco, where they'll make a thematic reveal of how lack of depth is a unique character trait in itself, and that even though luluco's love is considered worthless, it still has tremendous value due to the infinite depth of human emotion. The black hole guy has already foreshadowed it
Revive Luluco by replacing her flutter with a colorful pure yuri love.
>Japanese think if you love a cup or umbrella hard enough it will eventually develop a soul and begin to protect you
the real question is
how hard is Mom gonna rek b-holeians
>Only just not noticed her side pigtail is the same shooting star shape as the one on her heart
Why is this show so great?
because it's everything we wanted + cute
Great fun and likable characters
Can't believe i've watched 4 seasons of this. Time sure does fly by.
was this shit on purpose
>While in Hell, she's gonna meet Inferno Cop
>Pirate Mom is gonna wreck shit
Luluco: It's a Show about nothing
Just realized she's holding the LWA staff
I think this kid has autism.
She isn't dead, but I did wish Midori would become the main character.
>that rape imagery
Unacceptable, trigger just triggered 1-4 female animers, we can't stand for this!
So we can all agree that this is AOTS right?
That image makes me want to give Luluco her first love, if you know what I mean.
> Frontorback.jpg
I don't think he has anything.
Luluco = user
Nova = Waifu
This episode is hilarious.
>frozen heart
>now broken
>gave to put the pieces back together
>frozen heart will melt
i want to bet internet money on this.
>best show
>factually not
>***,*80位/***,*79位 (**4,624 pt) [*,*33予約] 2016/06/22 Kabaneri
>***,110位/***,103位 (**1,803 pt) [*,*16予約] 2016/06/24 Re:zero
>***,114位/***,109位 (***,398 pt) [*,*17予約] 2016/09/14 Luluco
>deciding show's worth with sales or popularity
Get out of my Sup Forums summerfag.
That's Unhappy, but Luluco is a good second.
>deciding show's worth with your shit taste
Ooh, give me a cold tall glass of number 3 please.
>deciding show's worth with your shit taste
Local girl blown the fuck out.
Jesus Christ this episode. 8 solid minutes of bullying.
Rape Luluco back into life.
Also ED is deliberately the most boring and derivative pop song ever. And the shallow anons praise it as some sort of masterpiece.
This is meta on so many levels.
That was the best part, felt validated for skipping it all along.
Are Mom and Dad gonna multi-gun morphing soon?
She lost her heart but her ass is still full of magic mushrooms.
Luluco will reborn as ass raper.
The moral is even worthless feelings can save someone worthless. That is to say, nobody is outside the realm of human connection and empathy. Or something like that, Trigger seems to gravitate towards that.
>friend of mine fell in love with Nova just because she looked like her other husbando who she incessantly references to an annoying degree
>mfw this episode's about to wreck her
Anything studio Trigger make you guys act like it best thing ever.
truth is studio Trigger not saving anime in a way it killing anime it only 2 thing that can save right now watamote or one punch man.
I still love him because I know he will be redeemed.
Right? ;_;
>he will be redeemed.
He literally did nothing wrong. You are the problem here.
Let us know if she loses it. Have a camera ready in case she starts really freaking out.
110% chance this Nothingling slut will feel before this show's over.
Bondage Midori is 150% hotter than regular Midori.
Every anime studio in Japan need to help guys at Silver Link make a season 2 and 3 of watamote to save anime.
>only 2 thing that can save right now watamote or one punch man.
holy fucking shit
this might be the deepest show I've ever seen
> It took me 10 episodes to notice that midori has an extra eye on top of her head
What the fuck.... and it's so damn obvious
This is some mandela effect shit
Lear english before posting.
150% of 0 is still 0
What is the best episode of Luluco so far?
I say episode 3.
One episode cut up into 4 minutes so call episodes.
This is the Trigger equivalent of Lucky Star.
I mean because she's also right in Luluco's place. So she gets rekt by her own husbando.
She's on the other side of the planet but I'll see what I can do.
Fucking faggot Nova-kun I knew this kid was up to no good. I hate him SO MUCH
>Hell episode
Inferno cop or riot
>Heaven Episode
Panty and Stocking???
He doesn't mind either way.
Marry, fuck, kill
Which ones, anons?
Kill, fuck, marry
Over Justice, Secretary-chan, Midori
Marry Over justice
Fuck Green
Kill secretary but not for lack of liking. It's not my fault Over Justice was single; who doesn't marry OJ
Marry Gurren Rider
Fuck Green Naruco
Kill background character
I love it when villains return to rescue their children.
Pleas deliver.
I hope you mean return to rape
Marry/Fuck, Kill, Kill
from the thumbnail it looked like her legs were spread and the big black hole was her asshole
Man I hope the finale of this show will contain many drills and libera me from hell
TRIGGER goes through all of their shows and then talks about how shallow Luluco's love was.
Is this them addressing with the fact that they only make shallow fun things? Is the ending going to be about how shallow fun things are fine too?
The art style of this show is really off-putting to me. But Sup Forums seems to love it so I might give it a watch. Why is it so good, anons?
why cant it just be a joke about teenagers?
fuck off we are full
Don't watch it then, I don't want to hear another shitstain complain about things they don't like as if their opinion mattered
But that would be shallow.
Also, making fun of teenagers is pretty low hanging fruit.
I want blumenkranz to play when lala shows up, but if libera me from hell drops at any time I'd probably die.
really normal people watch this show
and trigger in general