Tanaka-kun wa itsumo kedaruge

New episode today


I really want to call this anime AOTS, but the lack of character development is very jarring.


I'm starting to find Tanaka boring. Reckon any romance or stuff like that will happen soon, or is it just going to be more of the same tired comedy.



>Character Development

>Reckon any romance or stuff like that will happen soon
No. Nothing's going to happen.

Even Lucky Star had way more character development than this.


I like to watch it but it really gay.

>who is
And Tanaka had character development last week


gonna watch this boring shitty anime

The fuck, I wrote Shiraishi in there

Very extremely gay. Do not watch if you hate yaoi and yuri.

How long until Ohta starts chewing the food for Tanaka?


for most SoL that isn't the focus and/or the point though









If I didn't see the skirt I honestly would have thought it was a boy.


>ohta's cute otouto


Is this considered a "healing" anime?



Slow-paced comedy SoL.




Why does his sister lust after him?


So should I watch it if I want to relax? Like Flying Witch for example.


It's not as good as Flying Witch imho, but you'll enjoy it for similar reasons.


I will probably give it a try then, thanks!

Thought they're both slow, they have a different kind of feel from each other. Now whether or not that makes them better than the other is debatable but yeah. Sure. You can watch this to relax.










>[HorribleSubs] Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge - 09 [720p].mkv

I want to bully her while she works!!


*sigh* not more of Tanaka's annoying imouto....

Fuck off summer




>It's not as good as Flying Witch imho

I don't want this show to end. How can there only be a few episodes left?

I was thinking of watching either Tanaka-kun or something like Tamayura. Do you have any suggestions?

is there goign to be an OVA?

So what exactly do you want? Lowkey humor or iyashikei?

The wac girl is cute, will the anime get to the pool episode?

Next week.

>preview of the ending of Tanaka
He really did become too lazy to breathe.

he must have heard of how you can live for the rest of your life without breathing


Can you make it so it's just the girls?


Brother and Sister Swapping when

4 way when?

Wac girl and Ohta's sister are also best girls holy shit how they do it.

I bet enjou kousai is another one of her side jobs because she's poor!


doujin when?

>not doing a reverse loop so it loops perfectly


Iyashikei: Aria, Tamayura, Flying Witch, Amanchu (next summer)

Tanaka is more like NNB I think, a slow paced comedy show

both are comfy, it's just your preference

I think NNB is more of a split between iyashikei and slow-paced comedy. Pretty much the same as Flying Witch.

well yeah kind of agree with you, I can't really place NNB into one of the category actually


Requesting Ohta's sister head pat screencap


Thanks! I think I will give Tanaka-kun a try since a enjoyed NNB and Flying Witch a lot. Especially Flying Witch.

looks like there's an OVA ep on each of the first two BD/DVD releases

Girl of the century.

Flying Witch is shit. Tanaka is by far superior.

No Shiraishi today?

Chill the fuck Ohta. Both are okay.

Nonsense. You can't beat all those butt shots.

It's better than Flying Witch, closer to Nozaki-kun.

It is AOTS after all, but Flying Witch is okay too.


Is Ohta Tanaka's girlfriend?