Eat the flesh of the rich

Eat the flesh of the rich.

Drink the blood of the rich.

Other urls found in this thread:

Enjoy the prions

Eat the poor. There's more of them.

They lack the vital nutrients that are required to elevate yourself to God status.

tell that to the judge hippie

Which means we're hungrier. We won't be hungry once the rich are eaten.

The guarddogs of the rich will be eaten also. Plenty of meat.

No, no. Put the poor into wood chippers, spray the resultant muck on land and in the waters to help replenish the soil, feed the fishes. THEN plant, fish and eat.

>Suck the cock of the Jew

Ur a prion, faggot.

oh look a zombie...and you know what happens to zombies right?

You're next.

That's only if you eat the brains of infected assholes.

They take over the planet, cause an apocalypse and exterminate mankind?



Is this some marxist fantasy or?

Just the leftiszs.
Cuz there are poor from leftist parents, but in the process of becoming rich.

Yet roughly speaking your right

leave us out of this faggot,most of us do not believe that marxist shit

How is this supposed to help anything? Are you going to profitably run their companies in their place? What about the needs of their customers?

The deadly prions are only found in the brain and spine.



True comrade, the flesh of the rich should be distrubuted among the proletarian.


Come on baby eat the rich
Bite down on the son of a bitch