>trigger warning: complicated

Most people will not bother to follow the following.
In fact, I bet I would probably skim over it unless it had a pile of replies, in which case I might stop to take a look.

You should stop and take a look, because all of what I am about to say is important.
It is important because of what we are taught "the situation" is versus what "the situation actually."

There is no basic gestalt.
We have been taught to demand the basic gestalt and skip over everything else.
This is because complicated ideas have power that simple ideas do not.
Not incidentally, this is why the study of history has largely been driven out of the public school:
Even though history is complicated, only its close analysis can reveal anything important about the future.


Yeah, but yer wrong.

= 0

The gestalt is simple though. It's consciousness of the whole rather than consciousness of the parts. It simplifies objects under one paradigm.

Principles of history according to Ted Kaczynski

...indeed, the close study of history is the only thing that can give you any idea about the present.
Those who have been stripped of their heritage have no notion of the past and no hope for the future.
They are wanderers and social butterflies, always stopping and tasting but never staying anywhere very long.
They build their own story according to a preselected set of options sold through esoterically-charged advertising.
>or "hypnosis"
>or "magic"
All their hope is wrapped up in their net worth, whether in fiat or crypto or the ever-illusive status, which can adhere to all sorts of admirable and not so admirable traits.

The future has been obliterated by the pace of the present.
The past has been obscured by a present that is arriving in ever-greater quantities.
That present is a project, a collection of products spun to preoccupy the richest people in the world with children's games and fantastic (and irrelevant) stories so they don't check themselves and realize the power they really possess.

1984 has been happening for a while.
This is a place that knows that's true, for sure.
We realize that every extra day we spend doing this, we are risking being falsely accused of some wild thoughtcrimes and sent into the loving arms of FEMA.
The problem is that most people don't understand that they are even more vulnerable, with their encyclopedic social media making images of themselves on the machine learner with likely-horrifying fidelity.
People who maybe came up a little unconventionally in one way or another always carried enough suspicion that it made them weary of the machine from the get-go.
Other people might read Hillary Clinton's take on 1984 in her latest memoir and nod in sage agreement.
Those people make me very concerned with where we might be going as a people.

How many people know that the reason we are so hot to trot about N. Korea is (pic related)?
How many realize this is the same reason we are still in Afghanistan.

How many people realize that the reason why Mexicans began flooding into the southern part of these United States in the 1990s was because of NAFTA forcing their formerly logical local markets to compete with the most heavily-subsidized agricultural industry in the world.
This destroyed Mexican family farms, and consolidated them into the hands of foreign owners who drove the former residents either into the cities, or up North to work as subhuman laborers for an emerging Big Agra that was simultaneously driving out indigenous small farmers in the USA and importing even cheaper labor to replace the displaced Americans who were forced into the cities.

But of course, these are just tiny bits of an incredibly intricate set of changes that can be explored readily with analogy to things that have happened before.
Indeed, if we are living through anything we are living through the Second Reformation (analogically speaking) and/or the Second Enlightenment.
The analogies are easy and ready:
Printing Press | Internet
Destruction of the Catholic Church/Scholasticism | Collapse of Neoplatonism as a plausible explanation for the Universe ("post-Modernisms")
Massive political unrest including various peasants' rebellions and religious insurrections.
New confederations and even states, with allegiances falling along the lines of Catholic versus Protestant Kingdoms | New confederations and even states, quickly gathered into the United States/Europe or BRATS fold for use as bargaining chips
Massive new frontiers of discovery in science, geography, and thought generally | Massive new frontiers of discovery in science, geography, and thought generally
It is important to note that the only people who came out of this conflict without over the next 500 years steadily marching into degeneracy were the splinter groups and radicals who continue will life much less changed than the Magisterial Reformers have been, and much better for it.


whats our game plan user? feels like theres a piece of the puzzle that we're missing in all of this..

Yeah bump great stuff

The idea that we are unique humans in the history of the world is false.
We have the most unique entertainments, us fantastically rich-on-the-world-scale people, and the most unique takes on what a human is
or should be.
We have excelled wonderfully in novelty, never once questioning the basic logic that more is better, bigger is better, and newest is better.
But who can blame the Americans, really?
These people are poked, prodded, injected, pierced, and cut on from the the day they are born.
Their families are encouraged to dissolve, or better yet never form at all.
Instead of teaching them knowledge, they are fed simplified meme history and convoluted Common Core math and the different genders and how it's okay to blame one group of people for all your problems and then browbeat them whenever you want because of things that happened between people you all never met.
Once they are out of school, they are confronted with the cognitive dissonance of living in a society catering to the upper ten percent of people in society where all the images of people in the media live in enormous houses and have great professional jobs and families and living obviously middle-class lifestyles, even though in real life, even with a functional degree, this is a real feat.
This both confirms those peoples suspicions that they are the virtuous leaders of culture and also drives everyone else into a simmering insanity as they feel inadequate for merely existing, with the only relief being more entertainment, more stories about people living more interesting, successful lives than they are, more anesthetic experiences.

This is where the West is heading more broadly.
Yes, Idiocracy has turned out to be oddly prophetic.
Yes, there are people right now on the verge of cracking machine learning to a startling new

fake and gay

ill give u a (you) for the effort and aesthetic of this post, but I have no desire to keep reading

>scratch that last thing

The practicable part is this:
We can learn and teach the lessons of history, and we by so doing we can get past the memes and the flood of ideologies that all demand our allegiance.

We are standing on the edge of something either very great or very, very not great.
We have to look back at the other moments of great change and learn from them, because this last one will be THE great change, at least for this era.
At the same time it is important not to become Pollyannaish and fret because the future could be frightful.
Fretting is the entire point of the program.
Worrying, kvetching, or retreating into fantasy or dogmatism all make you inattentive to your town, your people, the place you live.

The great secret of history is that the little people really were important in many different ways.
They were the reason why the overlords had their luxuries, and when they realized this fact starting in the 16th century and largely based on the success of mass-printed tracts, they never forgot.
We have been living out the consequences of that ever since, and it's hard to justify what has happened since as objectively better than what was happening, when it comes to the common people.
In some ways our lives are demonstrable less rich, less stable, and more stressful than those of our forebears.
In other ways, we have changed positively in the basic ways people tend to treat one another in the developed world.
But the changes have been tectonic since.
The earth never did stop shaking.

The practicable part is HYPER-LOCALISM.
You can almost always survive hyperlocally, if you have to.
Moreover, you can make culture where you are.
You can get off social media and get on human contact.
You can quit your job and start a business with a friend.
You can teach yourself history and science and philosophy and teach these things to your children and your friends.
You can remember how things used to be such a short time ago, when people were complex.

Was he the first Neoreactionary? This all sounds like Nick Lands description of accelerationism.

What is necessary is that we create value for ourselves and do not live on the value others appraise us with. The same applies to values but to a lesser extent. Every day the parasite is throwing billions at developing and adapting new ways to take from it's host. The parasite cannot be reasoned with, fed by any other means and must be removed by force. If we create our own value we can weaken it's grip. The wealthy elite are not the most intelligent, skilled or strong among us. They are without scruples or compassion. They are a group of people once required to do tasteless horrible things, make difficult decisions and gamble with the lives of some for the sake of the many. Globalism is a paradigm shift of mankind's shepherds and leaders to it's wardens and butchers. Every story about a rogue AI that misunderstood it's programming to "protect and preserve" and started killing everyone is a story about them. You never fix that robot, you destroy it and vow never to create another one.

>user who gets it


traps are gay, gas the jews, got it.

>1984 has been happening for a while.

Dropped there. 1984 is a perpetual jackboot on the face of humanity. We live in a quasi-brave new world/amusing ourselves to death dystopia.

Learn the difference you illiterate faggot.

Try comparing how good things are with how good they easily could be if all available technology was being used to better humanity as a whole. We could end hunger and homelessness pretty easily but instead we live in a world where the rich guilt us into giving our own money to them so that they can pretend to fight the problem. It's a fucking jackboot, even if it's wrapped in Brave New World package. An unsustainable amount of human potential is wasted so that the a few of us can have more control and wealth. We are locked in a system based on barely surviving through ruthless competition in a world where those things are no longer a requirement. But these people make them a requirement so that nothing ever changes and their necessity is never challenged.

That just looks like a bunch of physics and engineering doodles. Also, you don't understand complexities fundamental role in this reality, and it's not about complex ideas. It's about patterns and fractals which is part of the power behind metaphysics (universal mathematical patterns) in the structure of god. Complex ideas as you speak of is not so much the essence of complexity as it is the essence of infinity, ie infinite iterations of a complexity pattern.

>This is because complicated ideas have power that simple ideas do not.

Haha, nuclear weapons 100% based on math.

Simplicity and complexity can be infinite, though. Why does one show us more about the just infinite than the other?


Reality takes all levels of information and patterns. God, existence, and reality all are contained in an infinite string of information springing from paradoxical force.

I'm not against globalism on principle, as I recognize the need for some rules to pacify the interactions between States. I oppose only the pace and the scope of contemporary globalism, which I think should be mitigated by the recognition that some problems can be solved more efficiently at the national level. The same applies to immigration, I think it has to respect the limits, including moral limits, of the host country.

This is to say that tribalism should be avoided on the ideological level as well. It's not enough to minimize the clash of racial identities and religions.

What do you think can be done to promote civic nationalism among people who never voted right-wing while at the same time avoiding a radicalization that may increase the risk of war during an economic collapse?

I don't think your reply has anything to do with what I was trying to get at.
Simplicity and complexity as a property of an object have no direct correlation to another thing's 'infinite-ness.' An infinite set of all possible coffee mugs contains no more information than a set of zero coffee mugs when it comes to identifying a specific coffee mug. It would allow you to determine if something is or is not a coffee mug very well. To be absolutely certain, something also has to be absolutely nonspecific.

Complex ideas are better because they can be more specific. When in groups we value certainty over specificity but that is only due to the limitations of communication and language. As we develop our ability to communicate we can be increasingly more specific leading to more complex achievements and ideas.

Listen, you write well and I enjoyed reading it, but youre just reiterating things Heidegger said nearly 80 years ago. It was Authentic dasein versus inauthentic. Where you pulled yourself via the call of conscience from the theyself to the authentic self. Many of us have read this or similar philosophy so youre basically preaching to the choir.
Maybe hack an NFL broadcast and read this same post and youll do some good.

I think a key element is the inflation of the human population in both the developing and developed world. It took the death of a massive portion of european peasants/serfs, thus increasing the value of the labor produced by the survivors for a middle class to develope in europe. The individual Has to have inherent value to be treated as something other than a serf.

This takes on different forms depending on how developed the country is. In the developing world, they are litterally breeding like rats, trashing their enviroment, thier own quality of living, and placing great strain on their nations....

In order to have those things you have to give up your privacy and agency. In order for the government to accurately study and evaluate the impact of immigration, to use your example, on the heart and soul of a nation they will have to collect more data on its people.

This is what purpose a national identity serves. The national identity is the gossip, word on the street or the unfiltered thoughts of the people interpreted as fairly and realistically as possible.

When the words and wishes of the people are of less interest to the government than the data they can 'collect' on you, then you have no national identity. Civic nationalism is only feasible for a government that has good reason to listen to it's citizens. To achieve this we either need to demonetize and dismantle analytics and big data markets, or prove that satisfying base urges instead of complex thought is a net loss of profit.

Currently we live in a world where educated guesses and habits are more profitable than anyone's feelings or opinions. Many people are bad at communicating these things already and no longer have the positive reinforcement to learn how. Children, lacking the ability to articulate their wants are much more violent than adults. This age of nonsensical violence despite such advancement is representative of a regression in our ability to understand ourselves and communicate yourself to others + a constant desire to be listened to but to never find reward in listening.

To restore the state you must restore yourself, then your perception of your neighbor and then be strengthened in the unity created through mutual understanding. It has to be a concerted effort of people who are interested in and invested in one another, but not so much so that it will lead them all to ruin.

Basically, don't go full commie but also don't go full AnCap. A government without representatives with a localized reach. Syndicalism is close.

Speaking on the comment about common core. What the system is doing us actually erasing the roots of math history (arguably the most boring history) from number association. Its a central pillar of our roots. From alchemists to Newton. Pythagoras and Plato. Numbers and Letters bound together in time. Sigma lost Alpha in a seemingly zero sum game of error. Its 5D chess goy and common core keeps our children in square one.

fpbp. occam's razor. OP is a fag.

what remains unsaid: the inner monologue of a rational decision-maker who thinks deeply and intelligently about the news and various developments.

In Post-developed nations (the west) we see that this expansion in population is nowhere near as ridiculous, but when combined with our increased access to personalized technology and geographic mobility, has a more insidious effect: we have completely overburdened our institutions and structures that allow us to come together as communities in a meaningful way and experience true fulfillment in that regard.

This is outside the issue of whites vs niggers, we are all, in the west, experiencing the same social dissociation and its ill effects. The United States is most effected by this issue as we have a far less deep rooted history and culture than what is found in europe or elsewhere....

Thanks for your input.

Thus both types or population burden have ill effects, be it the anxieties of the first world last-man and his mental suffering or the physical suffering of the third world nigger. And both want what the other has, we in the first world desire a sense of community and identity that is the only thing keeping the third worlder from killing himself as he struggles for some degree of his counterparts sedentary comfort.

But either way both men are of little value to their respective societies, be it the first-world man who can never seem to outpace his peers in qualification and experience that is required by potential employers, who can always cut him loose for someone equally qualified and desperate, or be it the nigger who is litterally nothing but a unskilled worker to be ground down and replaced when his body gives out.

>says trigger warning
>sjw cuck
>safely ignores entire thread and keeps on scrolling

I was going to take a picture of my copy of Being and Time but I think I left it somewhere.

Personally, I think Heidegger solved philosophy for the most part and everything afterwards will be man thinking with the assistance of machines and the understanding the relationship between the two. We got to the heart of knowing our individuality with Heidegger and I think that is the key to widespread reform.

As that knowledge spreads it becomes increasingly difficult to dehumanize the average person. As technology spreads government becomes less necessary as a provider. During times of prosperity, the government decays and rots.

Over time, as the rot spreads, the skeleton is revealed and we see that only the worst of the State remains. At that time we go to war, spent every cent we have, the economy crashes and our agency is violated to respond to such "trying times". Then miraculously the State is a human need once more, regenerated.

Each iteration of this is more severe than the last, I believe. So I just try to believe that through mastery and technological growth we can realistically achieve individual freedom.

>Each iteration of this is more severe than the last, I believe. So I just try to believe that through mastery and technological growth we can realistically achieve individual freedom.
My concern and my hope as well.

Do you have a throwaway email account?

i wanna know where da gold at

Uh yeah try this one philmaylauren at aol dot com

>>trigger warning: complicated
No shit

May take a while, but I'll send you a message.

I love you guys, really only a few people get it, but nobody can deny the facts stated.